
Harmony between Man and Nature Manna Natural Soda Mineral Water comes from China to the world

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Northeast Broadcast Qiqihar News (reporter Wei Boqin) Water, the source of all things, has given birth to the world's living beings, promoted human navigation in the long river of life, so that life can multiply and live, so water has become the most precious scarce resource for mankind. With the development of social civilization and the continuous improvement of living standards, people's demand for a better life has gradually changed from basic needs to the pursuit of high-quality satisfaction.

Harmony between Man and Nature Manna Natural Soda Mineral Water comes from China to the world

It is in this context of the times that Water Source (China) Co., Ltd. actively responds to people's needs and discovers the world's rare natural soda water source in the booming Land of China, thus creating "Ma Na Natural Soda Mineral Water".

From China – the water source people are looking for the road of "Ma Na"

Adhering to the concept of "good water is the foundation of people", water source people have been searching for more than 20 years, searching for hundreds of water source exploration points, after countless sleepless days and nights, and finally found the world's most rare precious spring source, originating from the Erke landscape system in Heilongjiang, China, one of the world's three major cold springs, and The French Vichy and Russia's North Caucasus cold springs juxtaposed. Erkeshan - Wudalianchi water system, with the world's unique "natural sodium bicarbonate volcanic cold spring" geology, the other two cold springs are calcium bicarbonate rock formations, so it has become a precious water source that the world desires, and nature has given mankind the most precious natural drink.

Harmony between Man and Nature Manna Natural Soda Mineral Water comes from China to the world

The choice of water source to build a factory in situ, directly from the place of origin, and limit the annual mining of 300,000 tons, can not only protect the natural environment, but also ensure that the mineral content of the water source meets the standard, and share the good water with more people. "Manna Manna", in Hebrew has the meaning of "food given by Heaven", and thus the good Chinese water "Mana Natural Soda Mineral Water" was born!

Ultra-high quality – nature's gift of human health

The reason why natural soda water is different from artificial soda drinks is that its pH is naturally formed by the geographical conditions of the water source itself. Natural soda water source after thousands of years of underground rock layer filtration, release of natural sodium bicarbonate and more than 30 kinds of rare micro-elements, is the world's rare natural weak alkaline pH 8.4 small molecule water, round and sweet taste, more suitable for the needs of the human body. However, the formation of water sources is not overnight, and at present, only a few countries such as China, France, Russia, and Germany have the innate geographical conditions for producing natural soda water. Therefore, The water of Maa can be called the "golden water" that originated in China.

Harmony between Man and Nature Manna Natural Soda Mineral Water comes from China to the world

Small molecular mass water has the characteristics of high permeability and high solubility, and the molecular structure is neatly arranged without free charge, also known as active water. When small molecules of water into the human body, because of the small cluster can quickly enter the cell, stimulate cell acid resistance, at the same time, because the solubility is more than 30% higher than the general water, can carry more nutrients and minerals, and the existence of cells and blood vessel walls of waste out of the body, regulate metabolism, help

The human body eliminates acidic waste, thereby improving the sub-health of the human body. The harmony between man and nature is vividly displayed by a bottle of water. Ma ne water can not only be used for direct drinking, but also for skin care, morning and evening with its moisturizing skin, so that the skin to drink water, and then into the daily skin care process, can help soften the skin rough keratin, accelerate the metabolism of skin cells, easier to absorb nutrients, so that the skin becomes refreshing, smooth, is the gospel of beauty lovers.

Harmony between Man and Nature Manna Natural Soda Mineral Water comes from China to the world

Going global - "Ma Na Natural Soda Mineral Water" continues to stand on the world stage

"Ma Na Natural Soda Mineral Water" with natural and high-quality water sources and advanced and strict production and processing technology, was founded in 1961 in the world's oldest and most authoritative international food evaluation organization is highly recognized, won the 2020 World Quality Appraisal Conference's highest award "Special Gold Award". The producer of "Ma Na" water, Water Source (China) Co., Ltd., was awarded the "Designated Supplier of the China Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai" and is also the designated mineral water for the China Pavilion at Expo Dubai. Postponed due to the epidemic, the Expo will be held in Dubai in October 2021, when at least 192 countries will participate in the exhibition, which is expected to attract 25 million visitors, greatly increasing the exposure of "Ma Na" water and paving a brilliant road for it to go to the world!

Harmony between Man and Nature Manna Natural Soda Mineral Water comes from China to the world

"Marna Natural Soda Mineral Water" will also adhere to the concept of the community of human destiny at Expo Dubai, continue to cultivate deeply, and create natural drinking water with both taste and health to meet the world's demand for high-quality water.

Loud sounds, elephants invisible. Water, to the clear, to the beauty, from a spoonful, to a thousand miles, to benefit people and goods, when the time comes. The goodness of the world, the beauty of the universe, is all in "Mana"!

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