
"Angry Scalper" reached the top of the box office on the first day of the online screening: Wu Fan hukou saved Dong Xuan, and now the iron bone tenderness 1.Batu (Wu Fan) 2. Nata (Dong Xuan) 3.Ka Fang (Gu Bin) 4.Lao Jiao (Yang Di) 5.Song Chai (Cui Zhijia) 6.Bin Ge (Yue Yang)

author:Uncle Chai will take you to a movie
"Angry Scalper" reached the top of the box office on the first day of the online screening: Wu Fan hukou saved Dong Xuan, and now the iron bone tenderness 1.Batu (Wu Fan) 2. Nata (Dong Xuan) 3.Ka Fang (Gu Bin) 4.Lao Jiao (Yang Di) 5.Song Chai (Cui Zhijia) 6.Bin Ge (Yue Yang)

On August 8, 2021, the entertainment industry broke out of the big melon, and the singer Huo Zun, who has always appeared in front of the world with a calm and elegant public image, carried out cold violence against his girlfriend who had been in love with him for nine years and forced her to break up.

In the news, there are also stories that make women sad and even angry.

In 2020, there was a terrifying case of meat grinder killing his wife in Hangzhou: Xu Mou, dissatisfied with his wife, killed her while she was asleep, and crushed her with a meat grinder and threw her into a septic tank.

How tragic is a marriage that begins with profit and ends with life.

"Angry Scalper" reached the top of the box office on the first day of the online screening: Wu Fan hukou saved Dong Xuan, and now the iron bone tenderness 1.Batu (Wu Fan) 2. Nata (Dong Xuan) 3.Ka Fang (Gu Bin) 4.Lao Jiao (Yang Di) 5.Song Chai (Cui Zhijia) 6.Bin Ge (Yue Yang)

The heroine of these events is either hurt for love or killed because of love. However, there are sad stories, and there are still beautiful loves.

The online action movie "Angry Scalper", released on August 6, 2021, tells a moving love story, in which the hero critically attacks the gangsters, is not tempted by money, and disregards his own safety, just to rescue his kidnapped wife.

"Angry Scalper" reached the top of the box office on the first day of the online screening: Wu Fan hukou saved Dong Xuan, and now the iron bone tenderness 1.Batu (Wu Fan) 2. Nata (Dong Xuan) 3.Ka Fang (Gu Bin) 4.Lao Jiao (Yang Di) 5.Song Chai (Cui Zhijia) 6.Bin Ge (Yue Yang)

Under the wonderful interpretation of the actors, this film is a story and a beautiful reflection of reality.

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When he was 5 years old, Wu Fan was thin and sickly, in order to make his son grow up healthier, Wu Fan's parents sent him to learn martial arts, and since then Wu Fan has formed an indissoluble relationship with martial arts.

In junior high school, the family's economy deteriorated due to the layoff of his parents, and his mother suffered from diabetes, and his father ran long distances dangerously and competed with his peers, making the family even more stretched.

When Wu Fan, who had graduated from middle school, heard that the martial arts athletes of Ningxia Sports and Engineering University not only did not want tuition but also paid salaries, he resolutely decided to give up further education and became a professional athlete.

Knowing the difficulties and expectations of his parents from an early age, Wu Fan did not give up his studies. In addition to practicing Kung Fu seriously, he spends most of his time teaching himself culture classes.

In 1997, Wu Fan was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama with the first place in professional courses. After graduation, he was admitted to the National Drama Theatre with the first place. And every expense he spends on school is earned by himself.

In the film, Batuu, played by Wu Fan, is a fishmonger who nods his head to others for his livelihood, and he is honest and bullying.

"Angry Scalper" reached the top of the box office on the first day of the online screening: Wu Fan hukou saved Dong Xuan, and now the iron bone tenderness 1.Batu (Wu Fan) 2. Nata (Dong Xuan) 3.Ka Fang (Gu Bin) 4.Lao Jiao (Yang Di) 5.Song Chai (Cui Zhijia) 6.Bin Ge (Yue Yang)

But when his beautiful wife is snatched away by human traffickers, Batuu reveals his other identity, a former CFU fighting champion, known as the "scalper".

"Angry Scalper" reached the top of the box office on the first day of the online screening: Wu Fan hukou saved Dong Xuan, and now the iron bone tenderness 1.Batu (Wu Fan) 2. Nata (Dong Xuan) 3.Ka Fang (Gu Bin) 4.Lao Jiao (Yang Di) 5.Song Chai (Cui Zhijia) 6.Bin Ge (Yue Yang)

The reason why he hid his identity was because he promised his wife to live a simple life. The disappearance of his wife made him exhausted, and when he actively searched for clues, a huge amount of money was placed in front of him to buy his wife.

How to choose between abandoning the lover who is in love with each other, or exchanging her for the rest of his life?

In the film, there is a man who has lost money in the business, he chooses to take money and leave; and Batuu, who is also facing the pressure of 600,000 yuan will have to float the funds, chooses his wife.

And this choice is to be fought for with life.

"Angry Scalper" reached the top of the box office on the first day of the online screening: Wu Fan hukou saved Dong Xuan, and now the iron bone tenderness 1.Batu (Wu Fan) 2. Nata (Dong Xuan) 3.Ka Fang (Gu Bin) 4.Lao Jiao (Yang Di) 5.Song Chai (Cui Zhijia) 6.Bin Ge (Yue Yang)

In the play, Batuu has a total of five fight scenes, from the beginning to the final killing of the evil man, the ring is progressive, and each one is more exciting than the other.

Wu Fan is a master of true kung fu, known as the "first person of the Eight Pole Quan", he can knock down thirty or forty people with his bare hands.

In the film, his crisp and sharp actions show his strength, strength and speed in parallel, passion and beauty coexist, fist to flesh pain makes people's blood boil when watching the movie.

"Angry Scalper" reached the top of the box office on the first day of the online screening: Wu Fan hukou saved Dong Xuan, and now the iron bone tenderness 1.Batu (Wu Fan) 2. Nata (Dong Xuan) 3.Ka Fang (Gu Bin) 4.Lao Jiao (Yang Di) 5.Song Chai (Cui Zhijia) 6.Bin Ge (Yue Yang)

But the fierceness of his fists and feet has never been aimed only at the evil people on the screen, and in life, he is pure and docile.

In order to honor his parents, he waited until he was 36 years old to find a girl who could live with his parents and be as filial as he was.

Now he has a sweet little cotton jacket-like daughter in his life, so that whenever this iron-blooded tough guy mentions the baby, his eyes are full of gentle happiness.

"Angry Scalper" reached the top of the box office on the first day of the online screening: Wu Fan hukou saved Dong Xuan, and now the iron bone tenderness 1.Batu (Wu Fan) 2. Nata (Dong Xuan) 3.Ka Fang (Gu Bin) 4.Lao Jiao (Yang Di) 5.Song Chai (Cui Zhijia) 6.Bin Ge (Yue Yang)

If Wu Fan is an iron man and tenderness, then Dong Xuan is a strong heart wrapped in weakness.

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Dong Xuan's beauty has never been in doubt. In the play, she plays Nata, the wife of a human who makes the trafficker look at it.

Nata's love is selfless, she has been frugal with Batuu, and she is reluctant to buy even a decent dress, but she also has unsatisfactory things. The 600,000 yuan saved to buy a house was secretly used by Batuu to do the king crab business.

Angry, she took a taxi home alone, but was kidnapped by bad people at home.

"Angry Scalper" reached the top of the box office on the first day of the online screening: Wu Fan hukou saved Dong Xuan, and now the iron bone tenderness 1.Batu (Wu Fan) 2. Nata (Dong Xuan) 3.Ka Fang (Gu Bin) 4.Lao Jiao (Yang Di) 5.Song Chai (Cui Zhijia) 6.Bin Ge (Yue Yang)

Although she was afraid and panicked, in prison, she still took strong care of the same kidnapped girls, facing the opportunity to escape, and clutched the other party's hand tightly. How can such a woman not be loved?

"Angry Scalper" reached the top of the box office on the first day of the online screening: Wu Fan hukou saved Dong Xuan, and now the iron bone tenderness 1.Batu (Wu Fan) 2. Nata (Dong Xuan) 3.Ka Fang (Gu Bin) 4.Lao Jiao (Yang Di) 5.Song Chai (Cui Zhijia) 6.Bin Ge (Yue Yang)

And dong Xuan in reality is also so strong and kind.

When she was a child, she was smooth sailing, beautiful and hardworking, like a princess.

When her fairytale marriage with Gao Yunxiang was washed away by a suspected sexual assault, she did not hide, did not escape, but bravely stood up.

At that time, she was busy working during the day, taking care of the family and children, and flying to Australia at night to deal with her husband's disgraceful events.

When everyone is ridiculing her as "forgiving the Master", she uses her actions to show that she is not cowardly, but cannot give up her responsibility.

After the case was over, she decisively left the scumbag. Bring your own children, calm and beautiful!

"Angry Scalper" reached the top of the box office on the first day of the online screening: Wu Fan hukou saved Dong Xuan, and now the iron bone tenderness 1.Batu (Wu Fan) 2. Nata (Dong Xuan) 3.Ka Fang (Gu Bin) 4.Lao Jiao (Yang Di) 5.Song Chai (Cui Zhijia) 6.Bin Ge (Yue Yang)

Just like Nata in the film, people are impressed by her beauty and impressed by her strong sanity.

Where there is beauty, there is ugliness. The demon who touched the touchstone of the ordinary couple's relationship between Batu and Nata was played by Gu Bin.

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Gu Bin has a model-like figure, a handsome and gentle face, from the first "Hot Blood Youth" to Wu Yingxiong in "Deer Ding", Gu Bin has always been a warm man in the romance drama, clear eyes, affectionate gaze.

"Angry Scalper" reached the top of the box office on the first day of the online screening: Wu Fan hukou saved Dong Xuan, and now the iron bone tenderness 1.Batu (Wu Fan) 2. Nata (Dong Xuan) 3.Ka Fang (Gu Bin) 4.Lao Jiao (Yang Di) 5.Song Chai (Cui Zhijia) 6.Bin Ge (Yue Yang)

However, a casual attempt, playing a neurotic little bastard with white hair in "Role 2: The King Rises Again", was insulted with his superb acting skills, and the path of the villain was gone forever.

"Angry Scalper" reached the top of the box office on the first day of the online screening: Wu Fan hukou saved Dong Xuan, and now the iron bone tenderness 1.Batu (Wu Fan) 2. Nata (Dong Xuan) 3.Ka Fang (Gu Bin) 4.Lao Jiao (Yang Di) 5.Song Chai (Cui Zhijia) 6.Bin Ge (Yue Yang)

Gu Bin subverted the traditional sense of bad guys, and the bad guys he played had exaggerated but unpretentious expressions.

That neurotic style, through the deep black eyes, makes you creepy at the same time, but also grit your teeth in anger.

"Angry Scalper" reached the top of the box office on the first day of the online screening: Wu Fan hukou saved Dong Xuan, and now the iron bone tenderness 1.Batu (Wu Fan) 2. Nata (Dong Xuan) 3.Ka Fang (Gu Bin) 4.Lao Jiao (Yang Di) 5.Song Chai (Cui Zhijia) 6.Bin Ge (Yue Yang)

In "Angry Scalper", if Wu Fan's Batuu is the embodiment of justice, strength and speed are tigers and tigers in fists and feet, then Gu Bin's criminal group leader Ka fang is the real body of evil, nerves and shamelessness in the eye action of the critical hit blood vein, people can not move their eyes, driving your emotions.

"Angry Scalper" reached the top of the box office on the first day of the online screening: Wu Fan hukou saved Dong Xuan, and now the iron bone tenderness 1.Batu (Wu Fan) 2. Nata (Dong Xuan) 3.Ka Fang (Gu Bin) 4.Lao Jiao (Yang Di) 5.Song Chai (Cui Zhijia) 6.Bin Ge (Yue Yang)

In addition to the beauty of love in the film, the sincerity of friendship is also touching.

The old Jiao Who was with Batuu was not proud, but it made people rejoice. He is played by an actor who will surprise you, Yang Di.

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As a variety comedy coffee, Yang Di has always been loved.

Born in a happy family, he has a cute and funny mother, and has developed an optimistic and humorous personality since he was a child. And his diligent efforts, with his talent to conquer the audience, to today's position.

"Angry Scalper" reached the top of the box office on the first day of the online screening: Wu Fan hukou saved Dong Xuan, and now the iron bone tenderness 1.Batu (Wu Fan) 2. Nata (Dong Xuan) 3.Ka Fang (Gu Bin) 4.Lao Jiao (Yang Di) 5.Song Chai (Cui Zhijia) 6.Bin Ge (Yue Yang)

In the play, as Batuu's good friend, he is a partner who invests in business together, and a close friend who can live and die.

In the face of true friendship, money is just a pile of white paper, and the wife Ben does not hesitate to take it out.

There is no exaggerated action, no deliberate funny, such a small person, just like the friends around us, may be ourselves, to the most affectionate, let people warm.

"Angry Scalper" reached the top of the box office on the first day of the online screening: Wu Fan hukou saved Dong Xuan, and now the iron bone tenderness 1.Batu (Wu Fan) 2. Nata (Dong Xuan) 3.Ka Fang (Gu Bin) 4.Lao Jiao (Yang Di) 5.Song Chai (Cui Zhijia) 6.Bin Ge (Yue Yang)

If Yang Di hides behind the role and hides the comedic characteristics, then Cui Zhijia shows his own sense of comedy to the fullest.

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As a new generation of comedians, Cui Zhijia has good popular works. The appearance is sunny and handsome, the personality is cute and simple, and his appearance is always unbearable.

"Angry Scalper" reached the top of the box office on the first day of the online screening: Wu Fan hukou saved Dong Xuan, and now the iron bone tenderness 1.Batu (Wu Fan) 2. Nata (Dong Xuan) 3.Ka Fang (Gu Bin) 4.Lao Jiao (Yang Di) 5.Song Chai (Cui Zhijia) 6.Bin Ge (Yue Yang)

In the play, the detective Song Chai, played by him, from the beginning of the mercenary intention, see the money eyes open, to the later two ribs for friends to insert knives, in the process of hilarity, but also let people feel warm. Kindness can always be spread.

"Angry Scalper" reached the top of the box office on the first day of the online screening: Wu Fan hukou saved Dong Xuan, and now the iron bone tenderness 1.Batu (Wu Fan) 2. Nata (Dong Xuan) 3.Ka Fang (Gu Bin) 4.Lao Jiao (Yang Di) 5.Song Chai (Cui Zhijia) 6.Bin Ge (Yue Yang)

Cui Zhijia is the smile fruit, and Yue Yang's Bin brother is the best green leaf.

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Yue Yang can be said to be a big coffee. He is the deputy secretary-general of the Shandong Young Performing Artists Association and the secretary of the Youth League Committee of the Shandong Provincial Drama Theatre.

But in the play, he prefers to play a supporting role, not to look at the status, only to see the performance strength.

In the performance, he can put the emotions at ease, infiltrate the infectious power in the action, language, expression, and he has excellent performances in TV series such as "Breaking into the Kanto", "Peking No War", "The Pretender" and so on.

Yue Yang has played a variety of roles, such as bullies, poor peasants, bad section chiefs, confidant brothers, etc., these characters with different personalities, he came to hand, and was praised by his peers as "the golden green leaf that plays what it is like".

"Angry Scalper" reached the top of the box office on the first day of the online screening: Wu Fan hukou saved Dong Xuan, and now the iron bone tenderness 1.Batu (Wu Fan) 2. Nata (Dong Xuan) 3.Ka Fang (Gu Bin) 4.Lao Jiao (Yang Di) 5.Song Chai (Cui Zhijia) 6.Bin Ge (Yue Yang)

In the film, Bin Ge, played by Yue Yang, is a bully of the marketing department, from the beginning of the eyes of no one, wanton behavior, to the cowardly concession in the face of Batu's iron fist later, the reversal of the character's personality, let people pat their thighs and shout that they deserve it.

"Angry Scalper" reached the top of the box office on the first day of the online screening: Wu Fan hukou saved Dong Xuan, and now the iron bone tenderness 1.Batu (Wu Fan) 2. Nata (Dong Xuan) 3.Ka Fang (Gu Bin) 4.Lao Jiao (Yang Di) 5.Song Chai (Cui Zhijia) 6.Bin Ge (Yue Yang)

The joining and superb performance of many powerful actors made this network movie authorized by the genuine IP of the Korean version of "Angry Scalper" explode the network when it premiered on August 6, with 730,000 people watching the movie, and 2.2 million on the 7th, and the box office reached the top.

"Angry Scalper" reached the top of the box office on the first day of the online screening: Wu Fan hukou saved Dong Xuan, and now the iron bone tenderness 1.Batu (Wu Fan) 2. Nata (Dong Xuan) 3.Ka Fang (Gu Bin) 4.Lao Jiao (Yang Di) 5.Song Chai (Cui Zhijia) 6.Bin Ge (Yue Yang)

This in-house action movie breaks the rumor that there is no successor to Hong Kong action movies.

Although it is a clichéd story and a remake of the movie, because the powerful actors dedicate superb acting skills, the dazzling and passionate action design makes people feel addicted at the same time, but also moved by the heart.

"Angry Scalper" reached the top of the box office on the first day of the online screening: Wu Fan hukou saved Dong Xuan, and now the iron bone tenderness 1.Batu (Wu Fan) 2. Nata (Dong Xuan) 3.Ka Fang (Gu Bin) 4.Lao Jiao (Yang Di) 5.Song Chai (Cui Zhijia) 6.Bin Ge (Yue Yang)

Love has always been the most beautiful thing in this world.

If we meet a real man who does not abandon his wife and children in danger, and who insists on getting rich and righteous in front of his interests, what reason do we have not to be brave?

There are thousands of stories in this world, there may be great difficulties coming to fly their own misfortunes, there may be hurts that have failed to live up to their hearts, but more is the true feelings of suffering and sharing.

When we manage our emotions with each other's sincerity and treat each other well, we will have good love and marriage, and have selfless friendship and affection, just like in the movie.


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