
The truth of Zhao Benshan's apprentice Zhang Xiaoguang's death was first revealed, at least in violation of the one-car,1-gun rule

author:Yantai high-speed traffic police Laizhou Brigade

Why did Zhang Xiaoguang's accident happen? What was the cause of the accident? What are the rules in it?

We don't care who he is. After passing away at the age of major years, there were no major negative words and deeds before, which always made people sympathize with and regret. Deceased people should not be used for consumption. But it is precisely because he is Zhang Xiaoguang, zhao Benshan's apprentice, that he is eye-catching. Celebrities profit from fame, so they must also pay for their names, especially because of their names, they are used by society as the object of comment and the benchmark for evaluation. It's a trade-off.

Shinobu pays attention to this matter because it involves the traffic safety of the highway, and it is necessary to use the effect of an accident to publicize safety knowledge.

Yesterday, Xiao Lai posted an article entitled "From Zhao Benshan's apprentice Zhang Xiaoguang died in a car accident and then talked about motorcycles on the highway" Some problems were not thoroughly explained.

The truth of Zhao Benshan's apprentice Zhang Xiaoguang's death was first revealed, at least in violation of the one-car,1-gun rule

Combined with the video, according to the relevant reports, the process of the entire incident was analyzed:

The motorcycle driven by Zhang Xiaoguang followed the Liao AJ78 ×× Toyota overlord car from the ETC entrance lane to the Highway at the Sujiatun Toll Station at 6:02 on September 21, and arrived at the Zhangwu Toll Station at 7:24 a.m., with a journey of 118 kilometers and a time of 1 hour and 22 minutes. After Zhang Xiaoguang arrived at the Zhangwu toll booth on a motorcycle, he had a brief exchange with a number of people on off-road vehicles that stopped and waited in the square inside the toll station. At 7:27, Zhang Xiaoguang drove a motorcycle to follow the Liao AG9R×× Toyota overbearing car through the ETC toll lane at high speed, hit the automatic falling toll railing and fell, and was sent to the hospital by the accompanying vehicle.

This picture is more able to show the situation at the moment of the accident

The truth of Zhao Benshan's apprentice Zhang Xiaoguang's death was first revealed, at least in violation of the one-car,1-gun rule

Immediately after the accident, various controversies arose on the Internet.

The first, of course, is to question whether a motorcycle can get on the highway. This content has been analyzed by Shinobu in the previous article.

Second, attack the barbarism of highway work

The truth of Zhao Benshan's apprentice Zhang Xiaoguang's death was first revealed, at least in violation of the one-car,1-gun rule

Third, criticize Zhang Xiaoguang for evading fees

According to the exposed surveillance video, the motorcycle driven by Zhang Xiaoguang followed the Liao AJ787S Toyota car from the ETC entrance lane to the Highway at the Sujiatun Toll Station at 6:02 on September 21, and arrived at the Zhangwu Toll Station in about 1 hour, it is reported that its travel distance is 118 kilometers, and the high-speed toll should be 55 yuan.

Looking at his Weibo pictures, Zhang Xiaoguang loves motorcycles very much, and his avatars are all taken with his motorcycles. Some people commented that Zhao Benshan's apprentices also had no money, riding a motorcycle on the highway violated the law, and also escaped the dozens of high-speed fees. But some knowledgeable netizens recognized that Zhang Xiaoguang rode a BMW Waterbird 800, with an online offer of 110,000 to 170,000. There are 350,000 said. In short, Zhang Xiaoguang from the perspective of net worth, should not be worse than 55 yuan. However, that's how the accident happened....

The truth of Zhao Benshan's apprentice Zhang Xiaoguang's death was first revealed, at least in violation of the one-car,1-gun rule

Although Zhang Xiaoguang is a celebrity, from the perspective of traffic safety, no matter from what aspect, this accident is a relatively simple accident, and the accident itself does not have much content to interpret. According to local media reports in Shenyang, Liaoning Provincial Expressway Operation and Management Co., Ltd. held a press conference to explain zhang Xiaoguang's death: Zhang Xiaoguang was driving a motorcycle to try to accelerate and follow the front off-road vehicle through the ETC channel, and was hit by the automatic falling toll lever and fell to death.

This description reveals the following information: the lane of the Zhangwu toll gate through which Zhang Xiaoguang passes is the ETC exit lane; the ETC lane, which belongs to the non-stop electronic toll collection system, is used by four-wheeled motor vehicles equipped with ETC vehicles; etc lanes follow the principle of one car and one pole pass. The one-car,1-bar rule, which is done automatically by electronic systems, is well known.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaoguang's death, whether intentional or unintentional, at least violated the basic principle of one car and one pole. In layman's terms, he rushed to the line, which is an important reason for the accident.

Therefore, the weibo speech of "Daguang" quoted above is completely based on personal assumptions and is an irresponsible performance.

We can't tell if Zhang Xiaoguang rushed to get away with 55 yuan, but the truth is that he really didn't pay the fee.

Shinorai has always stressed that rules protect everyone. Please comply.

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