
How many people start knitting sweaters when it's cold like me

author:He Hua hand-woven

Last year's clothes are no longer worthy of this year's you

It's not that you don't know how to plan ahead, it's just that clothes are different from others

Although out-of-season clothes sell cheaper than seasonal clothes, how many people don't buy clothes until the season!

It's time to wear a sweater again, open my son's closet, turn to the bottom and don't find a suitable sweater, only to find that the child has grown tall again.

Immediately go to various websites to collect sweater patterns, the child gradually grows up, and then it is not the age of what his parents wear for him, he begins to have his own ideas, the clothing should meet his appetite, otherwise, no matter how you say broken, he will insist on his own opinion.

Maybe he will like this trick, I only saw it this year, it is very special!

How many people start knitting sweaters when it's cold like me

Images from the Internet, if infringing please contact!

How many people start knitting sweaters when it's cold like me
How many people start knitting sweaters when it's cold like me
How many people start knitting sweaters when it's cold like me

First count the number of needles on scratch paper, calculate how to arrange flowers, mathematics is really difficult for me!

Weave a few inches to send a picture and see how many weavers like it! Follow-up according to the feedback of weavers to send a trick video! I'm going to hurry up and weave! [Teeth] [捂脸]不‬然‬会‬感冒‬的! [Cover your face] [Cover your face]

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