
My uncles are gone

author:Waste time reading

I have two uncles. My uncle never married, my uncle married a wife, and had 6 children in his lifetime. They have been busy all their lives, but they have passed away one after another when life is about to show hope.

The uncle has a stubborn personality, but he pulls a good erhu, and when he is fine, he tells us a bunch of children stories. He told more than half of the stories he made up, but we listened to them very intently. I asked my mother why my uncle didn't marry his daughter-in-law and lived with his uncle's family, and my aunt still hated him? My mother said helplessly, your uncle said that marrying a daughter-in-law will have one more idle meal, which is not cost-effective. In fact, the family is poor, and they can't afford the cost of two people marrying their uncles and uncles. But the uncle was quite optimistic in his life, and he also lived a very hard life. In addition to working in the fields every day, I help my uncle's family with 6 children, and the only thing I hope is to be able to eat a ready-made meal. But the aunt treated the uncle with courtesy at the beginning, but after more than 10 years of boredom, there was no good face for the uncle, and it was good that the uncle had a good attitude and was not right. In this way, we have lived peacefully for more than twenty years.

The uncle has a strange temper. In my mother's words, it is too serious, and the things that are not accustomed to it are not only said, but also managed. Causing her aunt and 6 children to annoy her. At first, he said that he would give his uncle's second daughter to him and help him retire to the end, but later the two daughters did not like to get along with the uncle, which was said to be related to his strange temper. When I was young, I also lived in my uncle's house for a few years, but I don't remember how strange my uncle's temper was. I only remember once, he went to the field at night to water the ground (in the past, the well in the field of his hometown was shared by several families, and when it was busy farming season, each family lined up to water the land, and when it was the turn of which family had to go to the field to see the water watering the ground at any time), I shouted that I wanted to go with him, there was no way, I had to take me there, I only remember that night was particularly dark, the uncle put me on a stone, let me not move, he went alone. I was 7 or 8 years old at that time, I was very scared, but I didn't dare to make a sound, so I waited for my uncle to finish my work, and then followed back. I seemed to be very happy at the time. If it is now, it is estimated that no adult dares to put the child alone.

The uncle's strange temper is also reflected in the fact that nothing never comes to my house. Because he has no children, my father once said, when you are old, we will raise you. My uncle snorted and said, you raise me, why don't I go and ask for food." My dad didn't speak. The uncle is a person with a very heavy family concept, he thinks that our family is always an outsider, how can we let outsiders retire?

The uncle has two major hobbies, one is smoking, and the other is pulling erhu. I remember coming to my house once to help with the work. Just sit down and smoke dry. The kind that you roll yourself with paper, such cigarettes save money. One after another, my mother advised him to smoke less, he did not squeak, but the smoke never stopped. When my uncle came to my house, my mother was sure to make him his favorite fried lantern. I drooled when he looked at it, but I didn't like to eat fried Lantern. There is also the fact that he pulls his broken erhu at night when he is fine, because he lives in the same house as his uncle, and the children are annoyed with him to pull the erhu, but he does not care, and often revels in it. I think that the uncle will only think about himself when he is pulling the erhu.

He lived all his life for home. Because he was the eldest in the family, he gave up the opportunity to go to school, let my mother and uncle go to school, he went out to work early, the uncle got married and had 6 children, he helped to take the eldest child, and went to work in the fields every day, until the old man could not move, that is, lying on the hospital bed. When he was very sick, my sister once sent me a picture of him lying on a hospital bed, and I couldn't help myself when I saw it. At that time, my mother was also in Beijing, and her health was not good, so I did not dare to tell her, I called my uncle, and my uncle said, you don't have to tell your mother, people are old, inherently dead. If you want to open it, there is nothing.

The uncle just left, with no savings. In this life, he has always lived for his family, he will not express his love for his family, he will not say it with his mouth, but he has been guarding his home with his strength all his life.

After the uncle left, less than a year later, the uncle also died because of heart problems, and he was only 62 years old the year he left. When I heard the news, the people were completely dumbfounded. Because it was too sudden to believe. I was still on my way to work, running directly to the train station, and when I arrived, my uncle was already lying in his family's spiritual hall, and my mother was sitting on the side crying. My uncle's family had been talking about the transfer of the property to her daughter's name next to my cousin (my uncle's eldest daughter). Just listen to my cousin coldly say to him: "My father promised to transfer the house when he was alive, yes, now it is not dead, it does not count" I probably heard something, I was very angry, people just left, my mother was sad on the side, and the uncle's relatives said that the property transfer was too inhumane.

Later, I learned that the uncle's mood has been bad after his uncle left, coupled with the fact that the daughter-in-law has been asking for the transfer of the property to her name, the mood has been depressed, at the end of the year, he had a heart attack, the hospital improved, and also set a date for the expert to do the operation. But the morning before the operation, I went to eat breakfast myself, accidentally fell, and never came to the rescue. That's it.

The uncle had 6 children, 3 daughters and 3 sons in this lifetime. Uncle's family has many children, the income is not high, but the uncle is very flexible, in that era, there are few jobs such as buying tractors to pull, the uncle with the help of relatives (my family) became the first person in the village to buy tractors, looking for him to pull more people, earn more, and life is getting better. But my aunt died of a heart attack around the age of 40, when the oldest child was 17 and the youngest had just started first grade. Since then, the uncle has taken on the responsibility of taking care of the whole family. The children are small and disobedient, and it can be imagined that what the uncle will become tired of for more than ten years can be imagined.

I remember once my mother was very worried and told me that your uncle often went to gamble, and my uncle couldn't stop him. Then my mother said, your uncle is upset, only in this way to vent. Later, the uncle stopped gambling and began to be busy day and night. My father said, your uncle, he has been busy all his life, and his life has not been good.

Yes, my uncles have been busy all their lives, but their own days have not. Now that they are gone, the cousins and cousins are crying into tears.

I have no uncle in this life.

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