
Does the Evergrande crisis reflect the complete end of the glorious era of real estate that has flourished for more than 20 years?

author:Single-mindedly every day

Since the housing reform in 2000, domestic housing prices have risen all the way, from tens of yuan, hundreds of yuan, up to thousands, tens of thousands, and even hundreds of thousands of individual lots, from county towns to small cities, from small cities to large cities, from provincial capitals to first-tier cities, north, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, all doubled, and even 10 to 20 times the price increase.

So, the question is, can house prices rise forever? The answer is no, any commodity can not increase the price forever, basically will follow, the early rise, the medium term stable, the late slight fall, liquidation of the process of sale.

At present, domestic real estate, after more than 20 years of development, is basically mature, there is no shortage of houses on the market, many families have 2 to 3 houses, or even more, small and medium-sized cities, county seats, has been seriously saturated, and first-tier cities, provincial capital cities housing prices are too high, and inhibit purchasing power.

What does Evergrande's recent crisis illustrate? Not to mention the difficult large-scale housing enterprises, not only Evergrande. Whether the situation in Japan in the 1990s and the situation in the United States in 2008 will not be predicted.

The Evergrande crisis and the exposure of the problem have sounded the alarm for young people who do not have a house - should they buy a house at the moment?

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