
Russian media: The 70 years of New China can be called the most glorious era of China's five-thousand-year history

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On October 1, Russia's "Moscow Communist Youth League Member's Newspaper" published an article by Yuri Tavrovsky, director of the "Russian Dream and Chinese Dream" Analysis Center of the Russian Izbolsk Club, saying that the 70 years of New China can be called the most brilliant era in China's five-thousand-year history, after which China will also march forward with great vigor and march toward new goals. An excerpt from the article follows:

On October 1, 1.4 billion Chinese celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China with great pride. A large number of data and other materials show China's great achievements, and the past 70 years are arguably the most glorious era in China's five-thousand-year history. Every day thereafter, China will march forward to a new goal. As early as 2012, Xi Jinping put forward the Chinese Dream and drew a long-term strategy for China, and every Chinese has become familiar with it.

The next most recent "milestone" is 2020. At that time, China will build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.

The farther goal is to realize the dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation by 2049, that is, the 100th anniversary of the founding of New China, and to build a "prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious and beautiful socialist modern power" into a "prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious and beautiful socialist power"

Russian media: The 70 years of New China can be called the most glorious era of China's five-thousand-year history

On October 1, Fujian Province celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and held a national flag-raising ceremony in Fuzhou Wuyi Square. The picture shows the students participating in the flag-raising ceremony taking a group photo with the national flag. (Visual China)

The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to basically realize socialist modernization by 2035. How will China appear on the world stage at that time? We may wish to look to the future and outline some specific outlines of tomorrow's China. In the rare years of ancient times, I have been studying China for more than half a century. With my knowledge and experience, I would like to express my views on what China will look like in 2035.

Then China's economy will double! Financial appropriations prioritize education and science to ensure breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, the robotization of production, and the "smart" governance system. Xi Jinping said: "At that time, China's economic strength and scientific and technological strength will leap sharply and rank among the forefront of innovative countries." ”

The Communist Party of China will not only govern the great power and serve the well-being of the whole people, but will also shoulder the responsibility of "supercomputer" and formulate strategies and tactics for development. The CCP will continue to promote the harmonious integration of relations between different regions, eliminate the emergence of imbalances, and formulate priority and important development directions for science and production. The CCP can pool all its resources to solve the inevitable economic problems.

China's middle-income population has now exceeded 400 million, and by 2035, the number of this group will increase significantly, and the size of the domestic market is bound to continue to expand.

At that time, ecological problems will also be basically solved. In the future, China's anti-pollution war will adopt the most efficient means, and the state will strengthen scientific policies, pay close attention to supervision, and comprehensively promote the governance of polluting source enterprises. Beijing has taken a similar approach when dealing with food safety issues.

Beijing will continue to promote the "Belt and Road" initiative, build a global industrial trade chain through overseas infrastructure projects, ensure the supply of necessary commodities and raw materials, and open up sales markets for high-value-added commodities. China will transform from the world's factory into the world's largest market for raw materials and even consumer goods.

The high-speed rail and highway network will cover all parts of China's urban and rural areas, and will be connected to overseas transportation arteries in the most important directions. Driverless public transport will pick up passenger girders in big cities, and underground space will be fully utilized.

The renminbi will also become a recognized global settlement currency, and it will form the basis of a new settlement system among developing countries. The financial systems of the SCO, brics, APEC and other new organizations will also continue to expand.

The significance of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation to the current international order is also not difficult to understand. As China moves toward a strong and prosperous socialist country, the broad masses of the people advance according to the established plan, and the huge economic strength they have accumulated seems to have formed a certain inertia, and it is absolutely impossible for the outside world to block its progress.

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