
Qingming Festival encountered a strange wind, two boys sweep the grave, green snakes into the anus to kill, the county order beheaded the murderer

author:Ming Xuan talks about history

In the first year of Jiaqing of the Qing Dynasty (1796), Li Shixu, a native of Luoshan, Henan, was appointed as the county commander of Xingzi County, Jiangxi Province. Before Li Shixu arrived in office, a murder occurred in Xingzi County. The previous county order failed to investigate the case, and the superior asked Li Shixu to investigate the case and report the situation. As a parent official, Lai Shi-seok had the responsibility to investigate the murders. So he was ordered to investigate the case, not to mention.

Qingming Festival encountered a strange wind, two boys sweep the grave, green snakes into the anus to kill, the county order beheaded the murderer

The murder occurred in a family in the mountains, and Li Xian ling was tired after several days of running and working, so he roughly sorted out the case. On the day of the Qingming Festival, Li Xianling was exhausted, so he gave himself a day off and went to the countryside to hang out. The new willow flowers in the mountains are pleasing to the eye and pleasant. Li Xianling was walking, when he suddenly saw a gust of sheep's horn wind spinning in front of his eyes and then disappearing again.

Since ancient times, the sheep horn wind has been considered to be the wind of grievances against the soul, and historical records record that Bao Longtu once encountered this wind. Li Xianling never believed this grotesque statement, believing that it was made up by people. After the horn wind disappeared, Li Xian ling continued along the wild path, and soon after came to a grave nearby. Looking around, I saw that there were people crying and worshipping in front of the old tomb of the fortress, but there were only two children in front of a new grave. The two boys were talking to each other and took fruit from their pockets and placed them in front of the grave.

Qingming Festival encountered a strange wind, two boys sweep the grave, green snakes into the anus to kill, the county order beheaded the murderer

Lai ShiXu

The boy's actions attracted the attention of Li Xianling, who went to the grave to ask the boy, and the children said that the people in the tomb were not their relatives, but their neighbor Uncle Yang Wu. Uncle Yang liked them very much before he was born, often gave them something to eat, told them stories, and now that Uncle Yang is dead, there is no one to sacrifice, and they have made some fruits to pay tribute to him. Tong Zi told Li Xian ling that Uncle Yang died strangely, and was fine during the day, but suddenly fell ill and died in the middle of the night.

Li Xianling asked tong zi again, who else is in Yang Wu's family? The boy said that Uncle Yang's wife, Ma Shi, was at home, but today was the Qingming Festival, and he had not seen her go out to visit the grave. Li Xianling also learned from the boy's mouth that Yang Wu's wife was young and beautiful, and had been related to Yang Wu for less than a year. Li Xianling listened to the boy's words and felt that this matter was strange. He did not believe the idea that there were unjust souls in the wind of the ram's horns, but the boy's words made him feel suspicious.

Qingming Festival encountered a strange wind, two boys sweep the grave, green snakes into the anus to kill, the county order beheaded the murderer

The next day, Li Xianling called the local land guard Eugene and asked him what illness Yang Wu had died of, how long he had been dead, and who else was in the deceased's home. Eugene replied that Yang Wu had died of tuberculosis for more than two months, and there was still a young woman in the family who was remarried by the deceased before his death. Ma Shi and Yang Wucheng were related for less than a year, so they had no heirs. Li Xianling also asked Eugene whether he was personally present when Yang Wu was buried that day. Eugene said that Mars refused his help that day and sent him a few pieces of pork, so he did not show up in person.

Li Xian ordered Eugene to be greedy and misguided, and a few pieces of pork wrapped around his feet, and as a land security guard, he should go to the scene to check it. Eugene quickly knelt down and confessed his mistake, saying that he was confused for a while, and asked the county to make the adults gracious. Li Xian ling did not take Eugene, he asked the servant to summon Ma Shi to the church and personally interrogate Ma Shi.

Qingming Festival encountered a strange wind, two boys sweep the grave, green snakes into the anus to kill, the county order beheaded the murderer

A moment later, Ma shi came to the lobby. Li Xian ling saw that Ma Shi's appearance was charming, and his words were sharp and clever. Ma Shi knelt in the hall and cried and cried, telling that her husband Yang Wu was suffering from tuberculosis and suddenly died violently in the night. She didn't know how to deal with it, so she asked a neighbor to help bury her husband. At that time, the land protector was busy with official duties, so he did not report the situation to him. Li Xianling asked Ma Shi solemnly, did her husband really die of tuberculosis? Ma replied firmly yes. Li Xianling said: "There is no reason for your husband's death, this official wants to open the coffin for autopsy!" ”

When Ma Shi heard that the coffin was to be opened for autopsy, her face immediately sank, and she said indignantly: "If there is a reason for the examination, I will be convicted; if there is no reason, what should I do?" Li XianLing angrily slapped Tang Mu and said, "If the coffin is opened for no reason, I bear its responsibility!" Ma Shi saw that Lord Li had a resolute attitude, did not dare to say a second word, and agreed to open the coffin for autopsy.

Qingming Festival encountered a strange wind, two boys sweep the grave, green snakes into the anus to kill, the county order beheaded the murderer

On the third day, Li Xianling came to the cemetery with the servants, and when the servants opened the coffin, they found that the body had begun to decompose. The body was examined on the spot and nothing unusual was found. When Ma Shi heard that there was no autopsy abnormality, he immediately cried and cried and rolled all over the ground, complaining that Li Xian had ordered the coffin to be opened for autopsy, and his husband's body was exposed in broad daylight, and her husband was so humiliated when he died.

Ma Shi threw himself at the coffin and cried, slapping his hands on the coffin board. Ma Shi cried and incited his relatives, who were indignant and went to surround Li Xianling's palanquin and did not allow him to leave the scene. Seeing that more and more people were besieging, Li County opened the car curtain and said to the crowd: "As an official of the imperial court, this county naturally needs to investigate cases that are in doubt. This is the authority of the county, and if there is a mistake in the investigation, the county will apply for punishment, but if someone dares to stop the car privately, it is regarded as complicit in the rebellion! Everyone was frightened by Li Xianling and gave way one after another.

Qingming Festival encountered a strange wind, two boys sweep the grave, green snakes into the anus to kill, the county order beheaded the murderer

After Li Xianling returned to the county court, he knew that the case was not simple, so he issued a reward order to collect clues, hoping to find the key evidence to solve the case under the heavy reward. Ma Shi has been taking revenge since the failure of the siege of Li County at Tomb Hill. Unwillingly, Ma Shi ran to the prosecution according to the Inspector General, bluntly saying that Li County Linggu was famous for fishing for fame and reputation, and opened the coffin privately for the Xuebao Gongju case, resulting in his husband's body being exposed to the sun and humiliating his body. Moreover, Li Xian Ling had an appointment first, if the examination of the body was no different, Li Xian Ling took responsibility for itself, but now she broke the contract and did not recognize the account, so she came to accuse according to the Inspector.

The inspector accepted Ma's complaint and questioned the relatives accompanying Ma and confirmed that there was indeed a matter. According to the inspection, the lords and the officials of the provincial government read Ma's complaint and said that Li Xian Ling was simply confused and even crazy. The envoy summoned The Order of Li County to the lobby of the provincial capital, saying that he was confused about this matter, and according to the law, he was going to the imperial court to impeach him. Li Xian Linghuan said: "If the coffin is opened without any reason, it should be investigated, but please give a generous period of time, limited to January." If the lowly official fails to find the results of the visit within the time limit, he is willing to confess his guilt. "When the Lord of the Order of Li County was so persistent, he promised to give him a month.

Qingming Festival encountered a strange wind, two boys sweep the grave, green snakes into the anus to kill, the county order beheaded the murderer

After Li Xian Ling was granted a grace period, he disguised himself as a fortune teller and secretly visited the whole territory of Xingzi County, but did not find a clue. Li Xianling has not found a clue to solve the case, and he can't help but feel depressed and difficult to understand.

One evening, Li Xianling came to a remote place, and when it rained heavily, he ran to a village and sheltered from the rain at the door of a family's firewood house. At this moment an old woman came out and prepared to close the door of the firewood room. When the old woman saw Li Xianling, she asked him who he was and why he was sheltering from the rain. Li Xianling said that he was a fortune teller and went out today to help people calculate the fortune. When Li Xian ling saw that the heavy rain did not stop, he begged the old woman: "At this moment, it is raining at dusk, and the place of return is far away, can it be convenient to stay overnight?" ”

The kind old woman saw that Li Xian ling was pitiful, so she promised him to spend the night. The old woman said that she was too old to avoid suspicion. There are three rooms in the house, so please stay in a remote room on the east side. After Li Xianling entered the door, the old woman was busy bringing the cooked meal to Li Xianling to eat. Li Xianling ate a hot meal and asked about the old woman's family.

Qingming Festival encountered a strange wind, two boys sweep the grave, green snakes into the anus to kill, the county order beheaded the murderer

The old woman said that she had been widowed for many years, and that she had a son under her knees but did not follow the right path, and that she had been wandering away all day and did not return. As the old woman spoke, she sighed, and when she said something sad, she couldn't help but shed a few tears. Just as the old woman was talking to Li Xianling, a lean man carrying a pot of wine and a roast chicken pushed open the firewood door, and this person came in half-drunk and said to the old woman: "Today's luck is really good, I won a full house, Ah Niang can have a good meal today." ”

It turned out that the man who entered the door was the son of the old woman, surnamed Hong Anderson Qiao San. The old woman blocked Hong Qiao San at the door, glared at him, and said, "Hugh wants to be noisy, there are guests in the house to spend the night, don't disturb him." Hong Qiaosan listened to his mother's words, carefully came to the house, and after seeing Li Xianling, he performed a ritual, and after learning that Li Xianling entered his house to avoid the rain, Hong Qiaosan was very happy in his heart. He said that since ancient times, nobles have all entered the house on rainy days, and today when guests come to the home to avoid the rain, it must be the fortune star that comes to the door.

Hong Qiaosan treated Li Xianling with wine and roast chicken, and he first poured himself a large bowl, raised the bowl and drank it all. Li Xianling did not want to hurt his hopes and nodded in agreement. The next day, the heavy rain was still heavy, and Li Xian ordered that he could not go out, so he had to continue to stay in the Hong family. Hong Qiaosan won a big victory and returned, and bought good wine and dishes to entertain Li Xianling at noon. Hong Qiaosan won money consecutively, and he was more convinced that Li Xian Ling was a fortune star. He drank with Li Xianling, and after three rounds of drinking, Hong Qiaosan took Li Xianling's hand and said, "If you have a chance to meet thousands of miles, you and my brother have a relationship, so why not worship as brothers?" ”

Qingming Festival encountered a strange wind, two boys sweep the grave, green snakes into the anus to kill, the county order beheaded the murderer

The old woman saw that her son was disrespectful and rushed to persuade her son not to do this. Li Xianling felt that although Hong Qiaosan did not follow the right path, this person was quite filial and a straightforward person. As local parent officials, it is their responsibility to guide the runaway youth on the right path. Li Xianling agreed to Hong Qiaosan. Li Xianling said to Hong Qiaosan, "I see that my brother is very righteous, so why am I willing to take the evil road?" Besides, if you have an old mother in the church, you should be a proper wife and start a family, and you should not give up on yourself to such a point! ”

Hong Qiaosan listened, at this time the wine was strong, he replied to Li Xianling: "Although a certain person is idle, but in addition to serving the elderly mother, he has no other worries, and one day the money will be free for a day." Poor families have to live and steal, and it is already good to be able to support themselves and their old mothers, so who has the money to marry a wife? Not to mention that the green bamboo snake into the abdomen, the most poisonous woman's heart. What about Yang Wu of the village at the bottom of the mountain who married his wife? Although he had a lot of family wealth, he also married a beautiful wife but could not die well, and he entered his home just after his death. ”

Li Xianling was shocked in his heart, and then asked in a plain tone, "Didn't County Ling already examine the body and not murder?" How can you be sure that Yang Wu will not die well? You're probably drunk and talking nonsense, and you're careful of getting caught saying the wrong thing. Hong Qiaosan was a straightforward person, and when he saw that Brother Yi refused to believe it, he patted his chest and said, "Except for me, even Zhuge Liang is still alive, he can't figure out how Yang Wu died." ”

Qingming Festival encountered a strange wind, two boys sweep the grave, green snakes into the anus to kill, the county order beheaded the murderer

Li Xian Ling asked what happened? Hong Qiaosan said that this was the right and wrong of someone else's home, and there was no benefit in saying it, or it was comfortable to drink and eat vegetables. Li Xianling knew that Hong Qiaosan was an insider, and naturally would not let go of this opportunity. He toasted Hong Qiao San with a few bowls of wine and asked Hong Qiao San to tell him about it, and he promised not to tell anyone else. When Hong Qiao saw that Li Xian ling had to understand this matter, he swore that he would not be allowed to speak out to the outside world. After Li Xianling finished swearing, Hong Qiaosan said the truth of the matter.

Hong Qiaosan said that he was originally a gentleman on Liang. One night, he climbed over the wall and entered Yang Wu's house, secretly coming to the outside of Yang Wu's bedroom to spy on the window cracks. Through the window, he saw a lean man stomping Yang Wu's vest lying on the bed and pinching the back of his neck. Yang Wu's daughter-in-law, Ma Shi, grabbed a small snake from the porcelain basin, and she shoved the snake's head into Yang Wu's anus, and then the woman cut off the tail of the small snake with scissors.

The little snake was probably in extreme pain, so it burrowed into Yang Wu's stomach along the anus. Yang Wu screamed twice and died on the spot on the bed. After Yang Wu was killed, Ma Shi and the man buried the snake's tail and scissors into a porcelain basin and buried them in the corner. Then the two drank and had fun, and the next day the news of Yang Wu's violent death came out. Hong Qiaosan witnessed this scene and was so frightened that he did not dare to steal it again and returned home. Although the county officials were fair and honest, they could not test such a method of killing, and naturally there was no way to solve the case.

Qingming Festival encountered a strange wind, two boys sweep the grave, green snakes into the anus to kill, the county order beheaded the murderer

Li Xianling listened to it and suddenly realized. Such a strange method of killing is indeed fierce and rare. Snakes are cold-blooded animals, and after being frightened, they must not be able to withstand the body heat of people, and they will move around in the body. The snake disturbs the body when it moves inside the body, and when the snake cannot drill out, it will panic and bite, and it is natural for the victim to be poisoned and die. Because the location of the poisoning is extremely hidden, it is impossible to detect it. Li Xianling repeatedly asked Hong Qiaosan whether it was true that he witnessed this incident, and Hong Qiaosan swore to heaven that this matter was absolutely true.

Li Xianling was overjoyed, and he pretended to be surprised to have some gossip with Hong Qiaosan, and the two of them drank until midnight before falling asleep. Early the next morning, Li Xianling got up and resigned, and Hong Qiaosan asked him to stay at home for a few more days so that he could win more money. Li Xian ling blackened his face and said solemnly to Hong Qiaosan: "Yesterday I looked at the face of my brother, and I was sure that within three days you would have a great disaster." Don't go out for three days, you will definitely have good luck in these three days, and you will eat and wear for the rest of your life. You must remember your brother's words, otherwise I will not recognize you as a brother! ”

Hong Qiaosan regarded Li Xianling as the god of wealth, and he also hoped that he could come back and bring him good luck and let him win money a few more times. So Hong Qiaosan hurriedly said that he must do it, and stayed at home for three days without going out.

Qingming Festival encountered a strange wind, two boys sweep the grave, green snakes into the anus to kill, the county order beheaded the murderer

After Li Xianling left the Hong family, he went to the post station to change horses and rushed to the provincial city to meet the inspector and the envoy, and Li Xianling said that he had found out the truth of the case and implored the two adults to allow him to retry the case. At this time, the appointment period was exactly one day short of a month, and the two adults agreed to let him retry the case.

Li Xian Ling was allowed to return to the county court with the inspector Ling Jian, and asked the servant to summon Hong Qiaosan to the court for interrogation, and at the same time arrested Ma Shi to confront him. It is said that since Li Xian ling left, Hong Qiaosan has been quietly waiting at home for the "crossing". On the first day, there was no trouble, but the next day there were two servants at home, and the servants involuntarily pulled Hong Qiaosan onto the horse and whipped the horse straight to the county hall.

Hong Qiao came to the county hall and knelt down in fear, thinking that his matter of being a thief had been denounced, and he knelt on the ground and shouted for his life. Li Xianling asked him to raise his head to speak, and Hong Qiaosan heard the voice of The County Ling familiar, and when he looked up to see that it was Brother Yi, he was suddenly surprised in his heart. Li Xianling walked down and said to him with a pleasant face: "How Yang Wu died, you carefully say it, I will keep you in the way." ”

Qingming Festival encountered a strange wind, two boys sweep the grave, green snakes into the anus to kill, the county order beheaded the murderer

Hong Qiaosan listened to it and immediately said everything he had said that night, without missing a single thing. The document had already written down Hong Qiaosan's words, and Li Xianling interrogated Ma Shi again, and although Ma Shi was frightened and pale, he still had a sharp and sharp attitude, and Hong Qiao San told the truth, and Ma Shi still refused to admit it. Li Xianling had no choice but to escort Ma Shi and take ya gong zuo to go to the autopsy.

During the second autopsy, he dissected the body and found the snake from Yang Wu's anus. It was a poisonous little green snake, and although the little green snake had begun to rot, the snake skin was not easy to decay and was still clearly recognizable. When Ma Shi saw the green snake, he was immediately paralyzed with fright. Li Xianling inspected Yang Wu's bedroom with ya gong again, dug down from under the corner of the wall and found a porcelain basin with a half-cut snake tail and a pair of bloody scissors. The evidence was all there, and Ma had nothing to say but to confess to the crime.

Qingming Festival encountered a strange wind, two boys sweep the grave, green snakes into the anus to kill, the county order beheaded the murderer

It turned out that when Ma Shi was not yet married to Yang Wu, he mixed with his cousin Zhang Gao. After Ma Married Yang Wu, Yang Wu fell ill with tuberculosis less than a year later. Yang Wu was weak and powerless, unable to satisfy his desires, and Ma Shi hooked up with his cousin Zhang Gao again, and Ma often used the excuse of returning to his mother's house, but in fact he met Zhang Gao. Although Yang Wu was ill, he sensed ma's dirty relationship with his cousin, so he lay on the bed and scolded. Ma Shi was worried that Yang Wu's relatives would tell him the ugly story when they came to visit him, so they conspired with Zhang Gao to kill Yang Wu first.

Zhang Gao is a master snake catcher and is well versed in the habits of poisonous snakes. When the two saw that Yang Wu was ill, they killed him with this poisonous scheme when he could not get up. The plan of the two was that after the murder of Yang Wu, Ma Shi managed to conceive Zhang Gao's child, falsely claiming to be Yang Wu's widow, as a pretext to occupy Yang Wu's family business. Ma Shi secretly conspired with Zhang Gao and righteously took away everything from the Yang family. This move was really vicious, and Yang Wu's life was killed in this way. Ma Shi confessed, and Li Xianling arrested Zhang Gao to confront him, and found several small green snakes in Zhang Gao's home. Zhang Gao saw that Ma Shi had confessed, so he had to admit the crime as well.

Qingming Festival encountered a strange wind, two boys sweep the grave, green snakes into the anus to kill, the county order beheaded the murderer

Li Shixu served as an official

The truth of the case came out, Li Xian ordered the two people to be beheaded according to the law, and the case was quickly approved after being reported to the Punishment Department. The Yang family's property was handed over to the Yang clan to take care of, and the Yang family thanked Li County for breaking the case, avenged Yang Wu's injustice, and specially gave half of Yang Wu's family property to help the victims. After the verdict of the case, Li Xianling fulfilled his original promise and gave Hong Qiao three or twenty-two silver rewards, so that he could change from evil to righteousness and never be a gentleman on Liang again. Li Shixu is known to posterity, and his main merit is in controlling water. He later became the governor of the river and made great contributions to the treatment of the water infestation of the Yellow River and the Huai River. This strange encounter of his judgment case has also been relished by posterity.

Ancients Cloud: If you want people to not know, unless you do nothing. Ma Shi and Zhang Gao's killing methods were strange and vicious, and they thought that they would be able to hide the sky and cross the sea. But what they did not expect was that the Skynet was restored without leakage, Yang Wu was very good to the two boys of the neighbor before he died, the two boys were grateful to him, and on the day of the Qingming Festival, the two boys went to worship him, and happened to be bumped into by the passing Li County Ling. Li County ordered Shunteng to find out and finally solved the case.

Qingming Festival encountered a strange wind, two boys sweep the grave, green snakes into the anus to kill, the county order beheaded the murderer

Lai Shi Shu's hometown

Just so-called: the green snake into the anus, the most poisonous woman's heart. At this point, Ming Huo has a poem praising:

The horn blows the complaint against the grievances, and the child leads the way to the Li County Order.

The green snake fell into the buttocks and killed her life, and the most poisonous thing was the woman's heart.

The Qing officials stole Jinlan and solved the case and beheaded the snake tamer.

Exhort the good people of the world not to act with a clear conscience.

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