
The eating habits of Chinese and foreign chess players are very different, and IvanChuk watermelon is served with rice

author:Chess news
The eating habits of Chinese and foreign chess players are very different, and IvanChuk watermelon is served with rice

Ukrainian star Ivanchuk

"Are there bananas?" As soon as he came to the arena, Ding Liren, the first person in the domestic grade, found a snack. Don't get me wrong, it's not that the chess players are "hungry", but in the high-intensity mental confrontation, supply is indeed a big thing.

Therefore, every game, the logistical support of the chess players is a big problem.

The "People's Network Cup" the 7th Danzhou Danzhou Chess Grandmaster Super Master Tournament in Hainan, China, began today, and this time the competition, which gathered ten top Chinese and foreign masters, was quite eye-catching. In addition to the shadow of the sword and light on the chessboard, the small situation outside the chessboard is also continuous, and it is not a simple thing to fix the stomach of this group of high-IQ chess players.

Foreign guys Eat big events and have a lot of fun

Foreign chess players coming to China to play chess is not a new thing. Due to different eating habits, there are always some interesting things to talk about in competitions large and small.

Indian male grandmaster Pandala Haliksnan, who came to the competition with a rating of more than 2700 points, experienced the fun of looking for food to eat. At the first meal in Danzhou, this cheerful chess player made a mistake, and it turned out that there was a lot of beef in the local food.

The person who provided the diet only knew that he did not eat pork, so there was beef in the meal prepared for him, "How can this be good?" Xu Yuhua, the chess queen who happened to be eating at the restaurant and was in charge of the work of this competition, witnessed all this. "He was very troubled at the time, but fortunately the restaurant quickly prepared a curry chicken for him," she told reporters, and Khalik Sinan was very happy after successfully solving the problem of eating.

The "special" treatment of Indians has triggered the "jealousy" of other chess players, and Peter Leko, a chess player known as a "chess prodigy" who also came to the restaurant to eat, saw the Indian friends' meal and sighed enviously: "You have this!" "It was a lot of fun.

In fact, this chess player from Hungary also has his own little habit - not eating meat, only eating fish. Therefore, Xu Yuhua helped them identify which dish had fish and which dish had meat. "For example, if we have a dish with meat foam, we need to tell them, which is very interesting."

China Legion Snack supermarket rice cooker can not be less

Compared with the intimate service of the domestic invitational tournament, the service of the foreign competition is slightly rough. However, chess players have long been accustomed to preparing well before each game. For the chess players of the Chinese team, visiting the supermarket before the game is an indispensable event for every game.

Whether it's a domestic league or a game abroad, everyone will prepare some of their favorite snacks in their luggage. After arriving at the competition site, a visit to the supermarket has become an indispensable event. "The team leader will help us to purchase, and in the individual race, everyone will prepare some small snacks."

In addition to visiting the supermarket, chess players will also bring their own ingredients and rice cookers when they go abroad to participate in competitions. The rice cooker magic weapon of the Chinese Olympiad Legion has been famous for a long time, and the media interviewing the national elephant team will ask a few words before the competition every time, what porridge and soup the Chinese team is going to make as a "secret weapon", which is quite interesting.

The team game has the coach to worry about, and the individual chess players have to take care of themselves. Don't look at the usual life and don't worry about it, chess players already have experience in the game. Before the game, both male and female chess players will not eat too much, before the first round of the Super Master tournament, Yu Yangyi came to the restaurant early, but the huge plate only had tomato scrambled eggs and simple green vegetables, obviously no one wanted to eat too much, affecting the play of the game.

The most interesting thing is the legendary Ukrainian chess player Vasily Ivanchuk, the nearly 50-year-old veteran who is still above 2700 points, which can be described as an evergreen tree in the chess world. Before the first round of the game, this veteran known as "chess idiot" slowly walked around the restaurant, and even ate a plate of rice with watermelon, which made people can't help but be funny.

(Li Xin)

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