
Story: Zhong Xuan's grandson Xun Xun, the woman he recommended, stirred up the rebellion of the Eight Kings, causing the Wuhu Chaos Zhonghua Zhong Xuan's grandson Xun Xun, the woman he recommended, stirred up the Rebellion of the Eight Kings, caused the Wuhu Chaos of China Lu Xiuhui's original works, please indicate the author. Welcome to forward sharing, do not use it for business, violators will be punished!

author:Lu Xiuhui Kankan poetry calligraphy and painting printing

"The Biography of the Painter" ~ Part 8

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > ZhongXuan's grandson Xun Xun, the woman he recommended, stirred up the Rebellion of the Eight Kings and caused the Wuhu Chaos in China</h1>

Text/Lu Xiuhui

Xun Xun (?) –289), courtesy name Gongzeng. A native of Yingyin, Yingchuan (present-day Xuchang, Henan). Phonologist, writer, bibliophile, painter and founding hero of the Western Jin Dynasty from the Three Kingdoms to the Western Jin Dynasty. He was the great-grandson of Xun Shuang of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Story: Zhong Xuan's grandson Xun Xun, the woman he recommended, stirred up the rebellion of the Eight Kings, causing the Wuhu Chaos Zhonghua Zhong Xuan's grandson Xun Xun, the woman he recommended, stirred up the Rebellion of the Eight Kings, caused the Wuhu Chaos of China Lu Xiuhui's original works, please indicate the author. Welcome to forward sharing, do not use it for business, violators will be punished!

Xun Xun's great-grandfather Xun Shuang was known as "Shuo Ru" at the end of the Han Dynasty. In order to avoid the scourge of the second party, he hid in Han Binda for more than ten years, specializing in writing, and successively wrote "Ritual", "Yi Chuan", "Poetry Biography" and so on. When Dong Zhuo was in power, he forcibly recruited Xun Shuang as an official. Within ninety-three days, Dong Zhuo promoted Xun Shuang to Sikong one after another, ranked as The Commander of the Tai Si, and became the Minister of Zaifu. Xun Shuang saw that Dong Zhuo did not respect the Han Emperor and was cruel, so he conspired with Situ Wang Yun and others to get rid of Dong Zhuo. However, before the incident, Xun Shuang died of illness in the first year of Chuping. Xun Shuang has a general understanding, does not indulge in evil because of his personal grace, reads the classics, and takes the road as the upper part of the people.

Xun Xun's grandfather, Xun Fei, was also known as Xun Fei. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the official was appointed as a lieutenant of the Shooting Sound School, and there is no record of it later. Xun Xun's father, Xun Xun, died early and did not contribute to his homeland.

Xun Xun was raised in his uncle's house, he was very intelligent, clever, very pleasing to adults, his grandfather Zhong Xuan once sighed: "When this child grows up, he will not be worse than his great-grandfather in the future." ”

Xun Xun was not as good as his great-grandfather, the problem was that he was too good at greeting people, up and down the government, commenting that he had a disobedient heart, and would do evil things that overturned the country and disrupted the situation. In the Two Han Dynasties until the Wei and Jin Dynasties, people were good at judging, which was related to the official selection system at that time, and the officials at that time were judged. Xun Xun was characterized by a long-term career as a secretary, first as a personal secretary and then as the secretary general of the state, and the leader he followed was Sima Zhao. Who is Sima Zhao? It was the suspicious mother who opened the door to the suspicious heart, and the suspicious person who came home, so Xun Xun developed the habit of being cautious and silent. As Secretary-General, he was involved in many major national politics, and he never wanted to let others know that he was also involved.

Xun Xun was intelligent and studious as a teenager and was a member of the Wei general Cao Shuang. Cao Shuang was originally modest and cautious, but later appointed private individuals, dictatorship and chaos, embezzled property, and insisted on going his own way. Sending troops to cut down Shu, causing heavy casualties in the country, he lived from emperor Bi and used Deng Biao's strategy to move Empress Guo to Yongning Palace under house arrest. Sima Yi staged a coup d'état in Gaopingling, dismissed Cao Shuang from his post as a general, and slaughtered Cao Shuang for treason. Xun Xun was thus affected, but fortunately he was recruited as a secretary by the great general Sima Zhao, xun Xun was deeply trusted by Sima Zhao, and those who could gain Sima Zhao's trust must be people with great ability, not a three or two, at least six or seven.

In the first ten years, Cao Shuang was killed by Sima Shi. At that time, none of Cao Shuang's protégés and former officials dared to go to the funeral, and when Xun Xun followed Cao Shuang, Cao Shuang did not reuse him. However, he felt that it was still necessary to go to send a farewell, and after he went, Cao Shuang's protégé and former official dared to go. Because of this, Sima Zhao, who liked reverse thinking, instead took a fancy to him and thought that he was loyal and could communicate with him, so he sent Xun Xun down to Anyang County to investigate his ability to work. As a result, Xun Xun became prosperous and alive in Anyang County, and the people built a shrine for him. Sima Zhao decided to transfer him to his side and serve as a general in the middle lang and lead the office. The record room, now known as the Great Secret.

Story: Zhong Xuan's grandson Xun Xun, the woman he recommended, stirred up the rebellion of the Eight Kings, causing the Wuhu Chaos Zhonghua Zhong Xuan's grandson Xun Xun, the woman he recommended, stirred up the Rebellion of the Eight Kings, caused the Wuhu Chaos of China Lu Xiuhui's original works, please indicate the author. Welcome to forward sharing, do not use it for business, violators will be punished!

Dissatisfied with Sima Zhao's monopoly of power, Cao Xian wanted to attack Sima Zhao, and consulted with Wang Shen of Shizhong, Wang Jing of Shangshu, and Wang Ye of Shanqi Changshi, and was informed by Wang Shen and Wang Ye that Sima Zhao, who ordered his subordinate Sun You and others to stay at the Gate. Sima Zhao's younger brother Sima Gan, the Marquis of Anyang, heard of the mutiny and wanted to enter the Gate of Zhao, but Sun You stopped Sima Gan and said, "This gate is not allowed to enter, please enter and exit from the Dongye Gate." Sima Zhao blamed Sima Gan for coming too late, and Sima Gantui said that Sun You would not let him in, and Sima Zhao was furious and wanted to destroy Sun You's family. Xun Xunjin said, "Brother Cheng Li killed Cao Xi, but did not absolve himself, Sun You was only obstructing the door for official reasons, but he wanted to destroy the entire clan, how could the people of the world be convinced?" Therefore, Sima Zhao spared Sun You from being a Shuren.

In the fourth year of Jing Yuan, Deng Ai and Zhong Hui would cut down Shu. Before leaving, Xun Xun entered into Sima Zhao's words: "On this trip to cut down Shu, Wei Ou should be used as a supervisor. Sure enough, after Pingshu, Zhong Hui rebelled under jiang Wei's seduction. When the news of Zhong Hui's rebellion was not confirmed, Sima Zhao did not believe that Zhong would rebel, because Sima Zhao was very attentive to Zhong Hui and treated zhong very kindly. Xun Xun said, "Zhong Hui is my cousin, I grew up in my grandmother's house since I was a child, I know his character, he is not a person who is kind and righteous, you should be on guard early, be careful and beware of him." Someone reminded Sima Zhao to guard against Xun Xun, but Sima Zhao did not listen, and as before, he rode in the same car with Xun Xun, did not doubt him, and trusted him as before.

In the end, Xun Xunfang's pawns played a decisive and important role, Wei Ou killed Deng Ai and Zhong Hui with a plan, and after the rebellion was put down, Sima Zhao used Xun Xun to take charge of the secrets. In the same year, Sima Zhao ascended the throne as King of Jin, and he appointed Xun Xun as a servant, and was given the title of AnyangZi (安阳子) with a thousand households.

Someone investigated, why did Xun Xun treat his uncle Zhong Hui like this? Is it self-protection? Or do you express your loyalty and patriotism? It turned out that the relationship between the two was not good. The cause of the incident was a sword, Xun Xun had a sword, which was of great value, and was placed at Zhong Hui's mother. Zhong will be proficient in calligraphy, will imitate other people's fonts, and he also likes swords, so he wants to get it. He knew that if he wanted his mother, he would fight to the death to give it, so he imitated Xun Xun's handwriting and wrote a letter to his mother to get a sword, and his mother was indeed deceived, and Zhong would not be willing to return it after taking the sword. Xun Xun knew that Zhong Hui would do it, but there was no way, he didn't want to offend his grandmother's relatives because of the sword, he thought of finding an opportunity to take revenge on Zhong Hui and let him know that it was terrible.

Finally, the opportunity came, Zhong Hui and Zhong Yu spent a huge amount of money to build a large mansion, which was very exquisitely and luxuriously arranged, and there was no time to move. Xun Xun took an opportunity to secretly go to Zhong Hui's new residence and hang a photo of Zhong Xuan in the house, because Xun Xun's painting skills were super good, and Zhong Taifu's clothes were beautiful and lifelike. When Zhong Hui and Zhong Yu saw this painting, they cried loudly, very sad and mournful, and from then on, they were afraid of seeing the house hurting people, so they left the mansion vacant.

Xun Xun had the ability to know, and once, at a banquet of Emperor Wu of Jin, there happened to be a plate of bamboo shoots, and Xun Xun used him to cook. After eating, he said to the people present: "This plate of bamboo shoots, the firewood used, must be overused wood." "The people in the seat did not believe it, and deliberately secretly sent someone to the kitchen to ask the cook, only to learn that it was indeed made of old wheels as firewood, and those who knew were all impressed.

Story: Zhong Xuan's grandson Xun Xun, the woman he recommended, stirred up the rebellion of the Eight Kings, causing the Wuhu Chaos Zhonghua Zhong Xuan's grandson Xun Xun, the woman he recommended, stirred up the Rebellion of the Eight Kings, caused the Wuhu Chaos of China Lu Xiuhui's original works, please indicate the author. Welcome to forward sharing, do not use it for business, violators will be punished!

In the seventh year of the Tai Dynasty, Ren Kai and Yin Yuchun of Henan recommended him to guard Guanzhong because of their disagreement with Jia Chong. Xun Xun said to Feng Zhen, "If I let Jia Gong go far away, I will lose my position in the DPRK." Now the only way is to find a way to make Jia Gong's daughter a princess, and Jia Gong will not be released. Xun Xun and Feng Zhen said to Emperor Wu of Jin: "Jia Chong's daughter has a dignified character and unique talent, and if she is included in the Eastern Palace, she will certainly be able to help future people." So the prince's marriage was settled.

And this woman is Jia Nanfeng, Jia Nan's style is ugly and sexually jealous, because of Emperor Hui's cowardice and once dictatorship, was the culprit of the "Rebellion of the Eight Kings" in the Western Jin Dynasty, and the subsequent Rebellion of the Eight Kings triggered the famous Wuhu Chaos in history, and the Western Jin Dynasty was forced to cross the south because of this, so there was the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Xun Xun was also criticized by his descendants for privately recommending Jia Nanfeng as a traitorous minister.

Sima Yan knew that the crown prince Sima Zheng was stupid and cowardly, and would bring disaster to the country, so he thought about it or sent Xun Xun and He Yu to investigate the prince again and then draw conclusions. After the two men had finished their investigation, Xun Xun greeted Sima Yan and praised the prince for his virtue; He Yu thought that the prince was still the same old man and had not changed. Everyone in the world believes that the root of the bad Western Jin Dynasty is through Xun Xun. Sima Yan was going to depose Jia Nanfeng, but xun xun and Feng Zhen and others came to the court, and Jia Nanfeng was lucky enough to escape the disaster.

Xun Xun and Heyue held the same positions, one as Zhongshu Supervisor and the other as Zhongshu Ling. According to the regulations at that time, the Zhongshu Supervisor and the Zhongshu Ling were both riding in the same car. However, He Yue despised Xun Xun's behavior, especially in Jia Nanfeng's performance, which made He Yue even more disappointed in Xun Xun. Therefore, as soon as the bus arrived, He yu rushed to get on the bus and did not give Xun Xun a seat. Xun Xun could only awkwardly find another car.

In the fifth year of Xianning, when Wang Mao requested to cut down Wu, Xun Xun and Jia Chong resolutely opposed it, and put forward many reasons on the grounds that the conditions were immature. Sima Yan supported Wang Mao's opinion and adopted his ideas, but did not listen to Xun Xun and Jia Chong's opinions, and Wu Wu was indeed very successful.

Xun Xun compiled and compiled the "New Book of The Classics of The Middle Classics" compiled by Lang Zhengmo, the secretary of the State of Wei, and handed them over to the secretary for safekeeping. Xun Xun is versatile, understands music, is good at calligraphy and painting, and is good at understanding sounds. On the way, he heard the cowbell sound of a merchant in Zhao Di and recognized the rhythm in it. After he took charge of the music, the tone of the playing was not coordinated, and he said to people: "The cowbell tone that joins Zhao Di will be coordinated." "After the county sent the cowbell, when it was played again, because the cowbell was added, the tone was harmonious and the rhythm was adjusted.

Xun Xun based on the catalogue of the Wei Zhongjing Book compiled by Lang Zhengmo, the secretary of the State of Wei, and wrote the "New Book of the Zhongjing". The Sui Shu Jing Zhi has 3 volumes of anthologies and has been completed.

Xun Xun was multi-talented, had a wide collection of books, and was able to write and paint well, and Zhang Yanyuan listed Xun Xun's paintings as zhongpin in the "Records of Famous Paintings of Past Dynasties", and there were "Great Column Female Figures" and "Small Column Female Figures", which no longer exist.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Lu Xiuhui's original works, please indicate the author. Welcome to forward sharing, do not use it for business, violators will be punished! </h1>

Story: Zhong Xuan's grandson Xun Xun, the woman he recommended, stirred up the rebellion of the Eight Kings, causing the Wuhu Chaos Zhonghua Zhong Xuan's grandson Xun Xun, the woman he recommended, stirred up the Rebellion of the Eight Kings, caused the Wuhu Chaos of China Lu Xiuhui's original works, please indicate the author. Welcome to forward sharing, do not use it for business, violators will be punished!

Lu Xiuhui works

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