
Dajiang Anlan | Li Bi, Ji will be safe and stable

author:Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News

□ Zhao Qingsheng


Hangcheng, Jiangnan, west of the lake, there is always an endless pictorial poetry, gathering humanities; The lakes and mountains are stacked with greenery, and the affectionate watchman can always make people think of each other and go far.

When the first rays of the morning sun awaken the sleeping West Lake, the Jiefang Road in the nearby Hangzhou urban area is already full of traffic, and the Xiangguojing ruins located on the west side of the Jingting Bridge are like an old man who has experienced thousands of years of vicissitudes, through the shackles of time and time, and begins to silently watch the new day of this city that has washed away the lead.

Dajiang Anlan | Li Bi, Ji will be safe and stable

Walking into this city of lakes and mountains, there are not only peach willows hugging each other in the spring, lotus flowers in the summer, three pools soaked in the moonlight in the autumn night, red plums that are sloping after the winter snow, warblers in the smoke willow cage, buildings in the mist of drizzle, and poetry and songs left by literati and scholars of past generations, as well as heavy historical relics. When people strolled on the two banks of Su and Bai with green willow cage smoke and peach blossoms, and chanted the famous sentences of Bai Juyi and Su Dongpo who chanted the West Lake in those years, they naturally remembered their exploits in governing the West Lake. In fact, the first to start the water control project in Hangzhou was not Su and Bai, but a prominent figure in the tang dezong period (781 AD) - Li Bi. To this day, through the faint remains of Xiangguojing, we can still touch his sweat, wisdom and dedication...

Li Bi (722–789), courtesy name Changyuan, was a tang Dynasty Jingzhao (present-day Xi'an, Shaanxi), born in the Liaodong Li clan, and was a famous politician and scholar during the Middle and Tang Dynasties. However, it was such a famous politician from a famous family who traveled thousands of miles to Hangzhou on the shore of West Lake more than 1,200 years ago and started his water control project of feeding the people with the water of the West Lake. Looking through the history of tang, Li Bike is a figure that cannot be underestimated, he is not only a famous politician and scholar in the Middle and Tang Dynasties, but also the Li clan in Liaodong province where he was born is also a prominent family and talents. Turning over Li Bi's sixth family tree, almost all of them were great generals, pillar states, dukes, and county dukes. Judging from such a prominent family lineage, Li Bi is indeed a typical aristocratic descendant. However, Li Bi's own brilliance was not obscured by the glory of the family, and he became a rare stranger in the history of the Tang Dynasty, and was also praised by posterity as the smartest minister of the Tang Dynasty. The most clever thing about this kind is that he understands what should be done and what should not be done, he understands when to do what to do and when not to do, and this kind of wisdom belongs to great wisdom.

According to historical records, Li Bi learned Confucianism and Taoism, three were imperial masters, one was the prime minister, the upper protector was the prince, the lower shelter was the Qunchen, and he made the merits of soothing the danger and rebuilding the Tang Dynasty. For more than 50 years, li bi was ostracized and framed by traitors many times when the political situation of the Tang Dynasty changed dramatically. The Anshi rebellion made it difficult for Sheng Tang to recover, and Li Bi judged the situation several times, and once entered the dynasty to follow the emperor, and even once paid homage to the prime minister, and quietly retired to the rivers and lakes after fu wei and ding. Throughout his life, Li Bi advocated the way of the old Zhuang who was born without doing anything, and he regarded the fame and wealth as a wee, and insisted on resigning from the position of prime minister several times in the Su and Dai dynasties, and finally stayed away from the court and lived in seclusion in Hengshan for many years. The New Book of Tang says of him: "Chang you Song, Hua, and Zhongnan, Mu Shen Immortal Immortal Technique." "In the eyes of ordinary people, being forced to leave the center of power means stepping down, and there is no longer the scenery before. But Li Bi was on the contrary, the more he left, the more dashing he became, and he brushed his clothes and went away, hiding his merits and fame deeply. "Sneaking away from famous mountains, adapting to habits and self-adaptation", so posterity often laments Li Bi's pride in jingzhong and laments his indifferent Mingzhi, which is a real Li Bi who is sealed in the depths of history and does nothing.

Li Bi showed extraordinary intelligence at a very young age, and after reading enlightened books, he was even more successful. At the age of seven, Li Bi was able to export chapters and was called a child prodigy, and his old fame was written into the "Three Character Classic": "Ying is eight years old, can sing poetry; at the age of seven, he can play chess." Pi Ying enlightenment, known as strange, er early learning, when effective. The "secret" here refers to the protagonist of this article, Li Bi of the Tang Dynasty.

Dajiang Anlan | Li Bi, Ji will be safe and stable

In the sixteenth year of Tang Kaiyuan (728), one day, Tang Xuanzong Li Longji held a banquet in the imperial building, convening Confucian celebrities and Taoist and Buddhist celebrities to debate and learn, in order to divide the advantages and disadvantages of the three religions. Only to see a nine-year-old child who called for the staff, Eguan Bo Belt, took the stage in a big way, talked about the head of Confucianism, quoted from the side, and sharp words, so that the Taoist monks and monks present for a while opened their mouths and did not know what was right. Tang Xuanzong was amazed and very happy, so he ordered the general to call the staff to his side and asked, "Is there any child who is smarter than you?" "My cousin Li Bi, who is seven years old this year, can write poems and is more agile than me." When Tang Xuanzong heard about this, he immediately sent someone to send Pegasus to bring Li Bi into the palace. At this time, Tang Xuanzongzheng and Prime Minister Zhang said that watching chess and seeing the summoned child Qingxiu and clever, on such an occasion he could not shrink back, and could not help but blurt out praise: "This child is indeed extraordinary, and he will be a pillar of the country in the future." He instructed Zhang to take chess as the topic and test Li Bi's talent. Zhang said that he improvised the following chess as the title, and chanted a poem: "Fang ruo chess game, round like a chess piece; moving like a chess player, quiet like a chess dead." Li Bi thought about it for a moment and responded: "If Fang is righteous, if he uses wisdom, if he moves like a material, if he is quiet, if he is proud." This means that when doing righteous deeds, be upright; when using wisdom, consider perfection and thoroughness; when you are talented, dare to make a difference; and when you are satisfied, you must be able to calm down. Li Bi's answer was obviously higher than Zhang's, and After hearing this, Tang Xuanzong felt that the answer was unique and profound, "Long Yan Was delighted", and he hurriedly rewarded Li Bi with money and property, and asked Li Bi's family to "look at it well" and make it a pillar of the country in the future.


As the saying goes, three years old looks big, seven years old looks old. Many times, the education level of early childhood, the influence of the family environment, etc., will determine the trajectory of a person's life after that. The same is true of Li Bi, whose poem "Fang Yuan Moving" has become a portrayal of his life. When Li Bi became an adult, he learned Confucianism and Taoism, and traveled between Mount Song, Mount Zhongnan and Mount Hua for many years, and history says that he was very envious of the Taoist immortal skills, and wanted to visit famous mountains and meet immortal friends. Moreover, later, Li Bi lived up to the expectations of the people, greatly expanded his economy, and became the actual prime minister of the three dynasties of Suzong, Daizong, and Dezong.

Under the personal care of the emperor, the 7-year-old Li Bi soon became a prodigy with a worldwide reputation. The New Book of Tang records that when Li Bi was 7 years old, Tang Xuanzong surprised Li Bi's talent and sent him to the Eastern Palace to accompany the prince to study, and from then on he formed an indissoluble relationship with the crown prince Li Heng. Li Bi was unusually intelligent from a young age, reading the book once, he could recite it, and at a young age, he could not only write poetry and composition, but also had a keen eye and dared to speak out. As evidenced by this, Prime Minister Zhang Jiuling had two good friends, one named Yan Tingzhi, who was a straight man who often made a mistake of pointing out Zhang Jiuling's shortcomings; the other was xiao cheng, but he was good at observing and observing colors. Once Zhang Jiuling said to himself: "Yan Tingzhi is rigid and difficult to get close to, and Xiao Cheng is soft and amiable." Li Bi happened to hear it from the side, and immediately retorted: "Raise the cloth and go straight to the prime minister, and those who like soft beauty?" "This means: Xiang Gong yourself is also a commoner, handling major state affairs, and has always had a reputation for integrity and selflessness, do you also like people who are low-voiced and lack discipline and weak in ability? Zhang Jiuling was shocked to hear this, and quickly thanked him, and from then on he called Li Bi a "little friend", and the two people who were forty-four years apart later became "close friends". At that time, inside and outside the court, up to Tang Xuanzong, down to Zhang Jiuling, Zhang Shu, He Zhizhang, and so on, a large number of princes and courtiers especially liked Li Bi, and felt that this child would definitely become a great instrument in the future.

Dajiang Anlan | Li Bi, Ji will be safe and stable

Although Li Bi has been pursuing his own "quiet and proud" all his life, he is in the chaotic world of the Middle and Tang Dynasties, but he has not forgotten the responsibility entrusted by the times, and Li Bi is also watching the changes in the wind and clouds, waiting for a good opportunity to join the world. Just like Zhuge Liang's cultivation of Longzhong, not Liu Biao. Once, Tang Xuanzong summoned Li Bi into the palace to explain the book "Lao Tzu", Lao Tzu's thinking is broad and profound, if the reference is not thorough, the average person will not be able to explain it well. But Li Bi explained it very well, which made Tang Xuanzong Long Yan very happy. Therefore, Tang Xuanzong asked Li Bi to treat Zhao Hanlin, and at the same time let him be a guest of the crown prince Li Heng and enshrined in the Eastern Palace. In the Eastern Palace, Li Bi gave full play to his talents and skills, and had a deep affection for the crown prince Li Heng, who was the future Tang Suzong, so much so that he was called a brother and a brother. Later, when he became an adult, Li Bi also became the teacher of the crown prince Li Heng.

In the late period of kaiyuan's rule, the peace was long and the country was fine, and Tang Xuanzong gradually lost the spirit of seeking upward governance. Especially after the change of Yuan Tianbao, politics has become more and more corrupt, credit has been adulterous, the court is obscure, and a storm that has been brewing for a long time is coming.

Emperor Xuanzong of Tang favored Yang Guifei and was indulged in pleasure, and An Lushan worshiped Yang Guifei as his mother for self-preservation and promotion. Coupled with Tang Xuanzong's late appointment of Li Linfu, a traitorous minister with "honey in his mouth and a sword in his belly", Li Linfu relied on Tang Xuanzong's trust to exclude dissidents, cultivate henchmen, and monopolize the government for nineteen years. Later, Yang Guozhong, the brother of Yang Guifei, who succeeded Li Linfu in power, relied on Yang Guifei to be favored as the right minister, and even more so, he "disregarded the success or failure of the world", only caring about selfish mistakes in the country, plundering the people's wealth, bribery, jealousy of the virtuous, arrogant and arrogant, and indispensable. Adultery was in charge, and the government was corrupt, so that An Lushan had an opportunity to take advantage of it. In the face of state affairs, Li Bi, who was only eight buckets tall, although he could not hold the carriage of the Li Tang Dynasty, which was gradually sliding into the abyss, he did not sit idly by. Li Bi was not accustomed to the behavior of Yang Guozhong and others, so he wrote poems to ridicule Yang Guozhong and An Lushan, after which Yang Guozhong framed Li Bi for disrespecting the imperial court, and was deposed and returned to the mountains and forests to devote himself to study.

The corruption of the government and the rule of treacherous vassals have accelerated the escalation of contradictions within the ruling class. In particular, the struggle for power and profit between Yang Guozhong and An Lushan became the fuse of the "Anshi Rebellion". On the ninth day of november of the fourteenth year of Tianbao of the Tang Dynasty (December 16, 755 AD), An Lushan, who was also the sole leader of the three major military towns, raised an army to rebel against Tang under the pretext of "worrying about the danger of the country" and following a secret edict against Yang Guozhong, while Tang Xuanzong, who was now indulging in gentle townships, still thought that it was a lie made up by others who hated An Lushan, until The An Shi army approached Chang'an, and Tang Xuanzong woke up like a dream. Helpless, Tang Xuanzong took advantage of the chaos in Chang'an City to flee in a hurry at YanqiuMen in the name of personal conquest and counter-rebellion. After reaching Ma Songpo, the generals finally couldn't bear it anymore and launched a mutiny, killing Yang Guozhong and others, and then hanging Yang Guifei, and Tang Xuanzong fled to Sichuan.

Dajiang Anlan | Li Bi, Ji will be safe and stable

A sudden "Anshi rebellion" pushed the Li Tang Dynasty to the edge of subversion, and the country was in danger. The country could not be without a monarch for a day, and although the emperor fled, Li Tangjiangshan was still there. Li Bi's iron brother Li Heng (李亨) took advantage of the situation, and on the thirteenth day of the seventh lunar month of the lunar calendar in 756, with the support of the Shuofang generals, he ascended the throne on his own in Lingwu (present-day Lingwu City, Ningxia), and called Tang Xuanzong "Emperor Taishang", and changed his name to Yuan Zhide for Tang Suzong. Tang Xuanzong Li Longji was quite helpless after learning this news, but he was after all an emperor who had escaped.


After Tang Suzong ascended the throne, he first thought of his iron brother and teacher Li Bi, so he sent people to look around, intending to welcome Li Bi back to the court to assist him. After all, Li Bi had great ambitions and took the rise and fall of the country as his own responsibility, and at this time, he was cultivating in Lulu, and immediately gave up his life of seclusion after hearing the news, and came to Lingwu to meet Tang Suzong at the same time. Since then, the magnificent life of 33-year-old Li Bibo has officially begun.

Li Bi came to Lingwu, wearing a white robe that was not a monk, a monk, and a pair of shoes that did not walk, did not skin, and did not leather, appeared in the public eye, which attracted the curiosity of many people. As an ordinary person, Li Bi became a guest of Tang Suzong. When they saw Tang Suzong and Li Bi riding together, they whispered quietly: "The yellow one is a saint, and the white one is a mountain person." This is recorded in detail in the New Book of Tang and the Biography of Li Bi. If Li Bi came out of the mountain for Tang Suzong, it is better to say that he came for Tang Sheji. Li Bi knew that Tang Suzong had a knot in his heart that had not yet been opened, and his heart was troubled, because it was illegal to establish himself as emperor. Before giving advice, Li Bi first gave Tang Suzong a reassuring pill and said, "Your Majesty, one day the Emperor Taishang will return to Chang'an, and then he will only be the 'Father of Heaven', and there is nothing else he thinks, so you can put down a hundred hearts at this point!" If this word is spoken from other people, Tang Suzong can not believe it, but it is very different from Li Bi's mouth, and for Tang Suzong, this is the greatest psychological support. Later, Tang Xuanzong returned to Chang'an, and sure enough, as Li Bi had predicted.

Dajiang Anlan | Li Bi, Ji will be safe and stable

After untying Tang Suzong's nervous heart, the next step was to eliminate the rebellion. Tang Suzong asked Li Bi for advice on counter-insurgency strategies, and Li Biyi gave him an analysis of the general situation in the world at that time and the key to success or failure. Emperor Suzong of Tang wanted to grant Li Bi an official position, but Li Bi called himself a mountain man, saying that he was already a cultivator and was determined not to be an official, but only to assist him as a guest. Emperor Suzong of Tang was also not easy to coerce, so he had to grant Li Biyin the title of "Sir" as a shanguan (from Sanpin Wenshanguan) to Li Bi. During this period, when Tang Suzong encountered any problems in the government, he would ask Li Bi for advice before making a decision, and Li Bi also lived up to expectations and helped Tang Suzong plan and play a big game. Li Bi incisively pointed out to Tang Suzong that although An Lushan occupied the two capitals, his arrogance was arrogant, the morale of the Tang army was depressed, and the people's hearts were shaken, but wherever An Lushan went, he wantonly plundered treasures and beauties, and this greedy psychology was doomed not to dominate the world, and the Han people were willing to obey few traitors, and the rest were all forced, as long as the troops were properly used, the rebellion could be put down in less than two years. Li Bi's in-depth and simple analysis further strengthened Tang Suzong's confidence in countering the rebellion, and Li Bi also drafted a "Counterinsurgency Strategy" for him, which detailed the steps and plans for counterinsurgency. However, it was a pity that Tang Suzong, who had always obeyed Li Bi's advice, because of his inner obsession with "the one who entered guanzhong first is the king", the military gave way to politics, and this time he did not fully adopt Li Bi's suggestion, so that the "Anshi Rebellion" took eight years to be quelled, and then because the counter-rebellion was not complete, it produced the disaster of the fanzhen and became a stubborn disease of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Guangbi and Guo Ziyi were the two generals whom Tang Suzong relied heavily, but because of the heavy army, it inevitably aroused the suspicion of the traitorous villains, and under the rumors, Tang Suzong was also suspicious. In particular, Li and Guo were already extremely popular ministers, and Tang Suzong was worried that there would be no title after the achievement, which would cause dissatisfaction. Li Bi saw through his thoughts and persuaded: "The two of them repay the country and the people, and have no other ambitions, and in the future, they will be rewarded, according to the precedent of rewarding merits by knighthood, and officials will reward them with two or three hundred fiefdoms." Tang Suzong adopted this suggestion, and made Li and Guo an use troops to establish merits for quelling the rebellion. For this suppression of the rebellion, the history books are mostly attributed to Li Guangbi and Guo Ziyi, and the contributions to the chief staff officer Li Bi of Baiyishan are often mentioned in one stroke. In fact, Li Bi's credit was no less than Zhuge Liang's assistance to Liu Bei. In the New Book of Tang Dynasty, Li Bi's biography once commented: "Du Liu Xiao said that the two capitals were restored, and the plots were mostly plotted, and their merits were greater than those of Lu Lian and Fan Li. It can be seen that in the cracks of history, we can still see the justice of the world's hearts.

There was another thing, Li Bi even made Tang Suzong look at it highly. When Emperor Suzong of Tang was crown prince, the chancellor Li Linfu repeatedly framed him with slander, and he had a long grudge. After Emperor Suzong of Tang ascended the throne, he planned to dig up li Linfu's remains and burn them, but Li Bi believed that as the son of heaven, he remembered his old hatred and could not show it to the world with a broad mind, which would make those who defected to the rebels lose the idea of reform. Tang Suzong was greatly displeased and said to Li Bi, "Have you forgotten the past?" Li Bi replied, "It is not these things that the minister is thinking about. The Emperor ruled the world for fifty years, was frustrated (referring to Xuanzong's flight to Sichuan), the climate in the south was harsh, and he was old, and he would be ashamed to hear that His Majesty remembered the old grudge. In case the Emperor is sad and sick, His Majesty, with the vastness of the world, will not be able to appease his loved ones! Before he could finish speaking, Tang Suzong felt enlightened, went down the steps and hugged Li Bi and cried bitterly: "I didn't expect this." It can be seen from this that Tang Suzong Li Heng's trust in Li Bi and the intimate relationship between the two were extraordinary.

Wood shows in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. Li Bi, who was highly regarded by the emperor, was resisted by everyone except the emperor. Li Bi offered advice to quell the rebellion, "the power exceeded that of the prime minister", not the prime minister, but did the work of the prime minister. Coupled with his extremely close relationship with Emperor Suzong of Tang, he came and went to attract the suspicion of the powerful minister Cui Yuan and the eunuch Li Fuguo. As far as Li Bi, who "has is there, nothing is nothing, does not pursue what is, and does not care about nothing", knowing that he is advancing and retreating, after the two capitals are recovered, the overall situation of counter-rebellion has been decided, he took the initiative to ask to leave the center of power and ran to Hengshan to become a hermit of the Immortal Wind Dao Bone, which is the great wisdom that Li Bi has not been harmed despite repeated criticism.


In the first year of Baoying (762), Emperor Suzong of Tang, Li Heng, drove away with Crane Immortals, and the crown prince Li Yu took the throne as Emperor Of Tang. Emperor Tang of the Tang Dynasty also admired Li Bi's talent and learning, and once invited him out of the mountains, but history repeated itself again, and the chancellors of the DPRK, Yuan Zai and Chang Gong, successively suspected Li Bi, expelled him from the court, and let him take up a local post. Although the place of service was thousands of miles away from Chang'an, whenever emperor Tang Dynasty had any questions, he would inevitably ask Li Bi, and Li Bi also knew everything and said everything. The Shi zeshi, the cain is hidden, the advance should be advanced, the retreat should be retreated, and only Li Bi, who holds the Taoist spirit of "no self" and holds the Confucian attitude of "nothing is indispensable", can do it.

Li Bi was demoted to a local post, and he especially loved green mountains and rivers, so he chose Hangzhou, far from the center of power. In 781 AD, Li Bi traveled thousands of miles to Hangzhou to assassinate Shi, and it was such a Middle Tang Qi, who was associated with a famous city of Lakes and Mountains. At this time, although Hangzhou has been established for more than 190 years, it is still a people's livelihood. If we talk about the history of the founding of Hangzhou in detail, we must start from the ninth year of the Sui Kai Emperor (589), the Sui Wen Emperor Yang Jianping Chen, the unification of the north and south, abolished Qiantang County, relocated to Hangzhou, initially ruled Yuhang, and moved to Rule Qiantang the following year, which is also the name of "Hangzhou", which appeared for the first time in Chinese history. In the eleventh year of the Sui Kai Emperor (591), the administration of Qiantang County in Hangzhou was moved from Lingyin Mountain down to Liupuxi (present-day Jianggan, Hangzhou), and the chancellor Yang Su was ordered to build a city on the mountain of Phoenix Mountain, "thirty sixteen miles and ninety steps". At that time, the general range of Hangzhou City was south to Wushan, north to Qiantangmen, west to West Lake, and east to Yanqiao River, which was the outline of the earliest Hangzhou City.

Dajiang Anlan | Li Bi, Ji will be safe and stable

After the Sui Wen Emperor built the city, people began to gradually gather on the east side of the lake, the geographical location of Qiantang Lake began to appear in the west of the city, according to the Chinese geographical naming convention, "Qiantang Lake" began to have the conditions to change its name to "West Lake". According to the Qiandao Lin'an Zhi, "Since Chen set up Qiantang County, Sui County was Hangzhou, with a household of 15,380; in Tang Zhenguan, the household was 35,710, and the mouth was 153,729; and in the Kaiyuan, the household was 86,258." With the gradual increase of the number of residents in Hangzhou, the problem of drinking water has become a major problem in Hangzhou City, because Hangzhou was once a songhai cangtian, this land originated from the rise and fall of the sea tide, and the water always carries the saltiness and bitterness of the sea tide. In addition, in Hangzhou at that time, the sea water was often irrigated, resulting in the groundwater being salt water, and there was no fresh water in the city to drink. There is no way, the people in the city or to the West Lake to get water, or to the high mountains to find spring water, life is very inconvenient, Hangzhou City is not suitable for human habitation at all. It is precisely for this reason that the population of Hangzhou City has never been able to flourish, and the great literary hero Su Shi once used "scattered residents" to describe Hangzhou in his eyes. There is no doubt that Hangzhou during the Tang Dynasty was definitely not the "southeast shape victory, the three Wu capitals, and the prosperity of Qiantang since ancient times" as depicted by Liu Yong.

In May of the fourteenth year of the Gregorian calendar (779), Emperor Tang died in Chang'an, and the crown prince Li Shi took the throne, when Chinese New Year's Eve was eight years old, that is, Tang Dezong. Although the Qunchen invited Li Shi to the honorific title of "Holy Spirit Emperor Wenwu", he took over a devastated and declining empire. Just as Tang Dezong was implementing the "Two Tax Law" and trying to revitalize Zhongxing, Li Bi, who had been sent to Hangzhou as an assassin, also began to plan and govern a city to completely solve the drinking water problem of urban residents.

In 781 AD, that is, the second year of Tang Dezong's Shen Jianzhong, the sixty-year-old Li Bi could be said to have entered the twilight years of his life, but he still took on the heavy responsibility of benefiting the party for the sake of the official. After Li Bi arrived in office, he found a very strange phenomenon, and the residents did not want to live in the city, but lived by the lake and the mountains. Li Bi's investigation found that the main reason was because there was no fresh water in the city, and life was extremely inconvenient. As a thorn in the history of Li Bi, he secretly resolved to solve the problem of drinking water for the people no matter what, he found that the water in the West Lake was light and delicious, could feed the people, and there were dozens of undercurrents of springs, so he decided to sink a well to divert water. But how can the water of the West Lake be directed into the city of Hangzhou? Li Bi thought of a way to separate the sluice gates from Yongjinmen to Qiantangmen and dig wells to divert water.

In September 781, Li Bi began to organize the excavation of trench masonry troughs, hollow bamboo pipes in the stone troughs, and diverted the water from the West Lake to the urban area, which lasted more than two years, and finally dug six wells in the area of Yongjinmen, which was relatively densely populated at that time, and dug six wells, namely Xiangguo Well, Xijing (formerly west of Xiangguo Well), Fangjing (commonly known as Four-Eye Well), Jinniu Well (formerly northwest of Xijing), BaiguiJing (formerly in the west of Longxiang Bridge), and Xiaofangjing (commonly known as Liuyan Well, originally in Qiantangmen, which is now the area around Xiaocheqiao). The six wells opened by Li Bi are different from ordinary wells, and are composed of three parts: inlet, underground ditch pipe and outlet. It adopts the method of "opening the yin sinus" (that is, the culvert), dredging the east bank of the West Lake (between yongjinmen and Qiantangmen), digging the bottom of the lake into an inlet, laying bricks and stones, laying wooden stakes on the outside, accumulating clear West Lake water in the inlet, and some also have sluice gates, which can be opened and closed at any time. Then six large wells (ponds) were dug in the settlements of the city's residents, and masonry was used to store drinking water. Then dig a deep ditch between the inlet and outlet of the West Lake, press the bamboo pipe, connect the inlet with the outlet, and introduce the lake water into the square well to solve the drinking water problem of the residents in the city. Li Bi's Hangzhou Six Wells Project laid the foundation for the city to accommodate more residents in the future, thus opening the prelude to the thousand-year prosperity of Hangzhou City.

Dajiang Anlan | Li Bi, Ji will be safe and stable

According to expert research, compared with the famous Dujiangyan Water Conservancy Project in the Chengdu Plain, the six wells opened by Li Bi can be described as similar and can be called a small version of Dujiangyan.


Just when Li Bi solved the drinking water problem of Hangzhou residents and managed the city in an orderly manner, the declining empire inherited by Tang Dezong Li Shi was full of wolf smoke, with Tubo being aggressive on the outside and the fangzhen on the inside. Tang Dezong intended to recover, but his heart was weak, which led to the rebellion. After that, a series of mutinies in the town of Fengtian, such as the "Rebellion of the Four Towns", the "Jingyuan Mutiny", and the "Difficulty of Fengtian", broke out successively.

Zhu Zhu occupied Chang'an and proclaimed himself Emperor of Great Qin, echoing the other five towns and directly threatening Emperor Dezong's government-in-exile. Emperor Dezong of Tang was forced to flee to Liang Prefecture (梁州, in modern Hanzhong, Shaanxi), where the imperial community collapsed and life and death were at hand. At this time, Tang Dezong remembered Li Bi and remembered this talent that his grandfather and father had praised, and he sent someone to urgently summon Li Bi to come to counselor. At this time, Li Bi, who was in the year of Ershun, had been practicing in the Hengshan Mountains for many years, and when he heard that the Tang Dynasty was once again in crisis, And Emperor Dezong had difficulty summoning, he rode to Liang Prefecture on a thousand miles. This time, Tang Dezong seemed to have learned a lot from his father, grandfather, and grandfather, and must reuse Li Bi, who was appointed by Tang Dezong as a Zhongshu waiter and Ping Zhangshi to formally pay homage to him, and Li Bi was also attracted the attention of the government and the public because of the various honors given by Emperor Dezong. At the time of the country's life and death, Li Bi once again intervened, and without moving his troops, zeng rode alone to confront the rebel leader DaXi Baohui and satisfactorily resolved the Shaanzhou problem. Li Bi also took the far-sighted strategic conception, taking the world as a chessboard and the countries as chess pieces to play, and carefully constructed an anti-Tubo alliance called the "Alliance of Zhenyuan" by later generations, uniting Huiyi, Yunnan, Dashi, and Tianzhu to calm the troubles in Tubo's henchmen, and assisting Tang Dezong in creating a situation of "Yuan and Zhongxing", which can be described as a great contribution!

Dajiang Anlan | Li Bi, Ji will be safe and stable

In March 789, Li Bi died in the Chang'an mansion at the age of sixty-eight, and Emperor Dezong of Tang posthumously honored him as Crown Prince Taifu. A brilliant superstar on the historical stage of the Middle and Tang Dynasties was lost, overshadowing the sky of the Tang Dynasty. Li Bi's life was full of ups and downs, and he was always closely linked to the fate of that ups and downs of the dynasty, and his figure was everywhere in the ups and downs of the "Four Dynasties" of the Middle and Tang Dynasties that he experienced. The New Book of Tang says of him: "Forbidden to enter and exit, the four kings, the number of diseases of Quan Xin, often exempted by wisdom." From the wisdom and early wisdom of the Xuanzong Dynasty to the chief military machine of the Suzong Dynasty; from the retreat of the Daizong Dynasty to the retreat of the Dezong Dynasty, to the efforts of the Dezong Dynasty to turn the tide, Li Bi was "more powerful than the prime minister" and never overstepped his position, and after he became famous, he quietly returned to hiding, "sneaking away from the famous mountains, adapting to himself", and being his hermit in the depths of the famous mountains and rivers, that is, forgetting his form when he was not proud, and not falling down when he fell, as he said when he was a teenager: "Quiet is proud.".

Similarly, Li Bi did not have to dig six wells in my realm to open the era of nourishing the people with the water of the West Lake. "Since The Tang Dynasty's Li Bi descended from the two Song Dynasties, all the sages of Hangzhou have almost devoted themselves to guiding the lake and dredging wells." Since Li Bi, Bai Juyi, Qian Miao, Chen Xiang, Su Shi and other rulers of Hangzhou in successive dynasties have repaired Hangzhou Liujing many times and continuously injected vitality into it. The Old Book of Tang commented: "Change the history of the Hangzhou Thorns, and take the name of reason." The New Book of Tang says: "The history of the Hangzhou Thorns has all had achievements." Although neither of the two Tang books details Li Bi's specific deeds in Hangzhou, they are highly praised. Bai Juyi also wrote in his "Records of the Stones of Qiantang Lake": "The six wells in Guozhong, written by Li Bixiang Gongdian Junri, are very beneficial to people. More than 200 years after Li Bi's appointment, the cultural giant Su Shi had the honor of coming to Hangzhou to assassinate shi shi and continue to relay the restoration of the six wells. Su Shi gave a more detailed explanation for the significance of Li Bi's construction of the Six Wells for posterity, and he wrote in the Emperor's "Beggars to Open the West Lake of Hangzhou": "Hangzhou is a state, the homeland of the benjiang sea, the water springs are salty and bitter, and the residents are scattered. Since Tang Li Bi began to divert the water of the lake into six wells, and then the people are enough to be in the water, the wells are getting richer, and millions of people are gathered here to wait for this and then eat. ”

The years have passed for more than a thousand years, and only here we remember each other. Meritorious and rich are like our, and the plan will be settled.

Dajiang Anlan | Li Bi, Ji will be safe and stable

Today, the millennium has passed, most of the six wells dug by Li Bi in those years have been lost in the smoke and waves of history, and only the ruins of Xiangguo well remain, but what makes the world forever remember is not only Li Bi's feelings for the people to solve the suffering of the Hangzhou people, but also his outstanding ability to assist the kings of the Four Dynasties, to soothe the dangers and settle down, and to rebuild the Tang Dynasty, as well as his noble character of advocating the noble virtue of being born without doing anything. (Image from the Internet)

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Source: Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News