
Rain! Cooling! Today, the children who were playing in the rain in Hangzhou arrived handsomely

author:Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News Reporter Li Ying Wang Qiong

Today (October 16), early risers found that Hangzhou really cooled down, accompanied by autumn rain, the feeling of being outdoors is one word: cold!

In the rain, the Hangzhou Youth Sports League Football Tournament was unveiled at the Chengdong Qiantang Fitness Workshop, a brand new event for teenagers in Hangzhou.

Rain! Cooling! Today, the children who were playing in the rain in Hangzhou arrived handsomely
Rain! Cooling! Today, the children who were playing in the rain in Hangzhou arrived handsomely
Rain! Cooling! Today, the children who were playing in the rain in Hangzhou arrived handsomely

The opening ceremony and the opening ceremony were held in the rain, with parents holding umbrellas on the sidelines, and the football players on the field called a fight.

Rain! Cooling! Today, the children who were playing in the rain in Hangzhou arrived handsomely

The Hangzhou Youth Sports League Football Tournament is hosted by the Hangzhou Sports Lottery Management Center, and jointly created by Qianneng Sports and Climbing Wing Sports.

Rain! Cooling! Today, the children who were playing in the rain in Hangzhou arrived handsomely

The tournament adopts fifa's newly approved "Football Competition Rules", which is divided into four groups of U6-U9, five-a-side, and lasts for two days. There is a live broadcast of the event, there is a commentary, and there is a full sense of ceremony.

The enthusiasm of The young football players in Hangzhou is also beyond imagination, the data shows that the registration takes less than 18 hours, 48 teams from Shangcheng, Gongshu, Binjiang, Yuhang, Fuyang and other urban areas, nearly a thousand people successfully card slots, there are school teams, there are professional clubs, including Hangzhou Stadium women's football, Wenzheng women's football team including the "Little Rose Army".

Rain! Cooling! Today, the children who were playing in the rain in Hangzhou arrived handsomely

The reporter learned that the football game is only a prelude, the entire Hangzhou Youth Sports League will last for a month, and there is an event almost every weekend. In addition to football, which has already started, badminton and baseball matches have been registered in advance and will start soon.

Recently, the Zhejiang Provincial Sports Bureau and the Provincial Department of Education issued the Implementation Opinions on Deepening the Integration of Sports and Education to Promote the Healthy Development of Adolescents, which clearly proposes to comprehensively improve the quality of physical education courses and ensure the time for physical activities inside and outside primary and secondary schools.

Rain! Cooling! Today, the children who were playing in the rain in Hangzhou arrived handsomely

The organizers of the event said: "The Hangzhou Youth Sports League is an amateur golden league specially built for children, providing an opportunity for young athletes to show their style and interact with each other, providing a more interesting sports stage for children, passing on the concept of 'Hangzhou Sports Lottery Asian Games Peers', and practicing the public welfare spirit of sports lottery." ”

Rain! Cooling! Today, the children who were playing in the rain in Hangzhou arrived handsomely
Rain! Cooling! Today, the children who were playing in the rain in Hangzhou arrived handsomely

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Source: Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News