
Farewell to the "Frunze", the "sea monster" died that year, and the nuclear-powered cruiser sang

author:Royal Oak 1972
Farewell to the "Frunze", the "sea monster" died that year, and the nuclear-powered cruiser sang

The Russian navy "Admiral Lazaev" ushered in the final moments, it was moved to the floating dock while waiting to be dismantled.

"Admiral Lazaev" is also known as the Soviet Navy Type 1144.2 (Kirov class) "Frunze" nuclear-powered cruiser, is a symbol of the strength of the Soviet Navy, but also the "Red Navy" in order to counter the core weapon of the US aircraft carrier battle group, the number of various types of anti-ship, anti-aircraft missiles installed on the ship is as high as 500, which is equivalent to the "arsenal ship" in the United States concept, because at that time the "Red Navy" fought with the US military in the depths of the ocean and did not match the aircraft carrier battle group. It can only strengthen the combat capability of single ships, the weapons and equipment are as large and long-range as possible, so that the effect of destroying the opponent with one blow can be achieved, so even the "Ilibis-class" aircraft carrier (Kuznetsov class) built has been installed with P700 anti-ship missiles.

Farewell to the "Frunze", the "sea monster" died that year, and the nuclear-powered cruiser sang

The SM-233 vertical anti-ship missile launcher (launching the "Granite Missile") and the B-303A vertical anti-aircraft missile launcher (launching the SA-N-6 "Thunder" anti-aircraft missile) that terrified the NATO fleet at that time have been severely corroded, and the Anti-Ship Missile of the No. 3 ship "Admiral Nasimov" is currently being upgraded to P800 "Onyx", and the anti-aircraft missile is upgraded to 40N6E, and the range is increased to 150 kilometers.

"Admiral Lazaev" was begun construction in July 1978, is the No. 1 ship "Kirov" perfect type, so called the 1144.2 type ship, it was launched in 1981, commissioned at the end of October 1984, in 1985 was sent to the Far East to strengthen the Pacific Fleet, from the Baltic Sea to the Far East voyage of nearly 20,000 nautical miles, along the way NATO warships and aircraft conducted uninterrupted close reconnaissance of it.

Farewell to the "Frunze", the "sea monster" died that year, and the nuclear-powered cruiser sang

When it entered the East China Sea, our army's No. 133 "Chongqing ship" carried out close surveillance on it, squeezing it from the inside many times, when the "Frunze" and the escort type 956 "Shenmi" may have been warned not to have friction with the Chinese Navy, so the Soviet fleet had no hostile behavior towards our "Chongqing", and the maximum elevation angle of the gun port was to indicate that it was harmlessly passing and continuing north... And this photo taken by the Japanese reporter on the helicopter has also become a portrayal of our army's spirit of not fearing a strong enemy and daring to show its sword, and 4 years later, the Soviet defense minister visited China, and Sino-Soviet relations began to normalize.

Farewell to the "Frunze", the "sea monster" died that year, and the nuclear-powered cruiser sang

The chimney (flue) and the main mast of the 1144.2 cruiser are integrated, the ship has two KN-3 pressurized water reactors as the main propulsion power, and two steam turbines + gas turbines as backup power, once the reactor fails, there is backup power to continue to push 1144.2 to continue sailing ... However, the "Lazaev" has been docked on the docks unmanaged since its retirement in 1998, and the sun and rain for more than a decade have become rusty, and the Russians are really a little sorry for a generation of famous ships.

Farewell to the "Frunze", the "sea monster" died that year, and the nuclear-powered cruiser sang

Some officials will ask: 1144/1144.2 This type of large ship with a full load displacement of nearly 30,000 tons, coupled with the nuclear power of "unlimited range", it is a pity to retire after less than 20 years of service! Why didn't the Russian Navy overhaul them?

The problem is that Russia really can't afford to repair its funds, the current No. 3 ship "Nasimov" is being upgraded, the completion time of the project is delayed again and again, because this kind of old ship built in the 1980s does not know how simple to replace the weapons, the electronic equipment at that time was tubes, and now it is upgraded to transistors, just like changing the brain so complicated, the original want to spend less is the project budget is constantly increasing (it is said to cost 50 billion rubles, the exchange rate between the dollar and the ruble is 1:74.9... After the completion of the "Nasimov" modification, the "Peter the Great" may also be modified to a similar standard, and the relatively young two ships are so laborious, and the "Kirov" and "Frunze" are not only too old to be in a bad condition, but there is really nothing they can do, so they have to be decommissioned and dismantled.

Farewell to the "Frunze", the "sea monster" died that year, and the nuclear-powered cruiser sang

The bulbous bow has been removed, and although the bow sonar inside is also old equipment, there is a lot of gold, platinum, tantalum... and other precious metals to be recycled.

In fact, the Russian Navy did not want the "Nasimov" and "Peter the Great", but the new ships were not picked up, so they had to continue to use the old weapons left by the Soviet Union.

Farewell to the "Frunze", the "sea monster" died that year, and the nuclear-powered cruiser sang

In front of the "Kirov" who hunted and unfurled the military flag, the momentum of the "glory level" was immediately shortened.

From the perspective of naval development in the 21st century, the nuclear-powered cruiser has long been abandoned, because its cost is too expensive, the cost of use is too high and the maintenance is too complicated, for example: the use of 2 M70 and 2 MK-8F gas turbine-powered "Glory-class" cruisers, each time they go to sea for 40 days, the cost of fuel they carry may be about 1 million US dollars (military fuel is allocated by the state, not affected by market prices), and although the nuclear-powered cruiser does not use fuel, But U235 burning rods are much more expensive than fuel, costing $3 million for 40 days, and replacing nuclear fuel during overhauls is a headache.

The cost gap of the ship itself is even greater, the price of building a "Kirov" may create 3 "Glory Class", from the single ship combat effectiveness is indeed stronger "Kirov", but the sea area controlled by 3 "Glory Class" ships is much larger than 1 "Kirov Ship"! There is also a number and cost advantage of use, if you face off with the US 3 "Ticonderoga-class" cruisers, of course, one-on-one is more reasonable, if it is a one-to-three obvious disadvantage!

Farewell to the "Frunze", the "sea monster" died that year, and the nuclear-powered cruiser sang

Therefore, nuclear-powered cruisers are cost-effective weapons and equipment, involving "nuclear problems" anyone will be careful, because the safety level requirements are too high, which also leads to maintenance costs several times higher than conventional power... The U.S. Navy has long been aware of these problems and retired all nuclear-powered cruisers by 2,000 years ago.

In short, in the current situation of the Russian Navy's serious lack of fleet size, it has to use the nuclear-powered cruisers that have been eliminated, and the remaining two will not serve for more than 15 years, and nuclear-powered cruisers and even conventionally powered cruisers will completely withdraw from the stage of naval development history with the progress of the times.

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