
How many talents has the Soviet Frunze Academy trained for China? How many marshals and generals have been trained

author:a aspire

How many talents has the Frunze Academy of the USSR trained for China? How many marshals and generals have been trained?"

In the 1920s and 1950s, most of the revolutionary soldiers in our army were born peasants, and even if they were commanders and fighters with educational backgrounds, most of them had not attended military schools, and received professional military training, military command studies, and political studies in military schools. In order to change this situation, we should train a group of commanders and fighters with excellent military quality, political qualifications, and high-level command ability, and at the same time strengthen exchanges and cooperative relations with the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. During the revolutionary period and the War of Resistance Against Japan, our army recommended several batches of cadets to the military academies of the Soviet Union.

How many talents has the Soviet Frunze Academy trained for China? How many marshals and generals have been trained

Frunze Military Academy

After returning to China, most of them became senior commanders and fighters of our army, military experts and politicians, and even became marshals of the republic, but some betrayed the revolution and became traitors. Among the senior generals awarded in 1995, such as marshals, admirals, lieutenant generals, major generals, etc., at least 5 marshals, 3 major generals, 7 generals, 8 lieutenant generals and 7 major generals had studied in the Soviet Union. Among these generals who studied in the Soviet Union were many generals who studied with the Royal Military Academy of Sauhurst in the United Kingdom, the United States Military Academy at West Point, and the French Military Academy Saint Cyr, which is called the world's "four major military academies".

How many talents has the Soviet Frunze Academy trained for China? How many marshals and generals have been trained

United States Military Academy at West Point

In this issue, we will tell you about the senior generals of our army who have studied at the Frunze Military Academy. Here we need to start with the history of the development of the "Frunze Military Academy".

Frunze Military Academy is a higher military school in the Soviet Union to train officers of the combined armed forces of various services, research center for the study of contract battles of various arms and the battle of the group army, the current school is located in Moscow, founded on October 7, 1918, then called "General Staff College of the Peasants' Red Army", renamed the Military Academy of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army in 1921, in April 1924, the famous Soviet military figure Frunze served as the director of the Military Academy of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, due to his outstanding contributions to reform and development. After the death of Marshal Frunze Frunze in November 1925, in order to commemorate this military scientist who made outstanding contributions to the development of the academy, in 1925 the academy was renamed again, renamed the "Frunze Military Academy of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army", which was used until the collapse of the Soviet Union, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia changed its name to "Frunze Military Academy" and merged it into the "Combined Arms of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation".

How many talents has the Soviet Frunze Academy trained for China? How many marshals and generals have been trained


The school was created on Lenin's instructions, and after the success of the Soviet Revolution on November 7, 1917, the Soviet Union faced tremendous pressure, and the counterattack of reactionary forces and the intervention of foreign military forces put the Soviet Union under unprecedented pressure. At that time, most of the senior soviet generals were born peasants, lacked the necessary military literacy, and had no military training and political education. Without military and political attainments, it would be difficult to change the overall level of the Red Army, improve its combat capability on the battlefield, and even more difficult to convince the masses and enhance its prestige in the international arena. In order to change this situation, the Soviet Union had to establish academies that could train high-level commanders and fighters in order to improve the overall level of the Soviet army. On December 8, 1918, according to Lenin's instructions, the "Academy of General Staff of the Peasants' Red Army" was established.

How many talents has the Soviet Frunze Academy trained for China? How many marshals and generals have been trained


In the decades that followed, the academy trained tens of thousands of officers for the socialist Soviet Union, especially in World War II, when it sent 11,000 well-trained commanders and staff officers to the troops, as well as a number of famous military experts. Including Marshal Trikov Grechko, Zhukov and Voronov of the Soviet Army, As well as Marshal Liu Bocheng of our army, Zuo Quan, former chief of staff of the Eighth Route Army, and Liu Yalou, the first commander of China's Air Force, also studied at the school. It was also in the war era that a number of outstanding generals were trained for the Soviet Army and our army, and they grew into high-ranking generals with outstanding military achievements in the war and became famous in the world, and were known as the cradle of military experts in Russia and even the world.

How many talents has the Soviet Frunze Academy trained for China? How many marshals and generals have been trained

Liu Bocheng

At the beginning of the establishment of the Frunze Military Academy, in order to support the revolutionary struggle of the Eastern minorities in the Soviet Union, the Oriental Class was established in 1920 and expanded to the Oriental Department a year later. In January 1924, the New Three People's Principles were put forward and established three major policies of the United Russia, the United Communist Party, and the support of peasants and workers, officially opening the situation of Sino-Soviet cooperation. The following year, the Soviet Union established a Chinese class on the basis of the Oriental Department, and officially began to accept military cadets from China, but there were only 4 places, and at this time, the Whampoa Military Academy had just been established and recruited Whampoa Phase I cadets. Cheng Qianbao, who was then the minister of military affairs, sent zuo quan, Chen Qike, Li Bafu, and Xiao Zanyu, four students of the Huangpu Phase I who had studied well, to the military academy.

How many talents has the Soviet Frunze Academy trained for China? How many marshals and generals have been trained

Left right

But since none of the four knew Russian and the Chinese class did not Chinese translator, the four had to study Russian for a year at Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow. Not wanting to be disqualified a year later, Chiang Kai-shek selected four of his proud protégés to replace the four and replaced them with He Zhihan, Du Congrong, Zhou Ming, and Wang Maogong. Forced to do so, Li Bafu chose to change to the Kiev Military Academy to study, while Zuo Quan and others, because they insisted on their identity, finally entered the Chinese class of the Frunze Military Academy with the second group of cadets in September 1927 for further study, completed the three-year study, returned to Shanghai in June 1930, and then entered the Western Fujian Soviet Region.

How many talents has the Soviet Frunze Academy trained for China? How many marshals and generals have been trained

Ye Jianying in his youth

After the Nanchang Uprising in 1927, in order to support the Chinese revolution, the Soviet Union set up a special Chinese class to cultivate outstanding talents for the Chinese revolution and give support in policies, such as allowances and subsidies, treatment for officers, academic arrangements for the best teachers to teach, and so on. In November 1927, Liu Bocheng, He Long, Ye Jianying, Wu Yuzhang, and 30 other people, who had become members of the Communist Party of China, went to the Soviet Union to study military affairs. Liu Bocheng, because he did not know any Russian, also needed to study Russian, first entered the Moscow Advanced Infantry School for study, and then because of his excellent grades, he obtained the qualification to enter the Frunze Military Academy, and tongzuoquan, Chen Qike, Liu Yun, Qu Wu, Huang Dihong, 5 CPC members studied in the Chinese class. Ye Jianying and other trainees entered the special class of the Communist Labor University in the Soviet Union or other schools.

How many talents has the Soviet Frunze Academy trained for China? How many marshals and generals have been trained

Liu Yun

Therefore, the first batch of cadets who entered the Frunze Military Academy from China totaled 12 people, of whom 6 were MEMBERS of the Cpc, namely Liu Bocheng, Zuo Quan, Chen Qike, Liu Yun, Qu Wu, and Huang Dihong. The other 6 were cadets sent by the Kuomintang, namely He Zhihan, Du Congrong, Zhou Ming, Wang Mao, Xiao Zanyu, and Lu Ruirong.

In addition to the above-mentioned generals who studied at the Frunze Military Academy, after the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, a number of senior generals of our Party were sent to study at the Frunze Military Academy, including Lin Biao, Liu Yalou, Li Tianyou, Yang Zhicheng, Zhong Chibing, Tan Jiashu, Chen Zhongming, Zhao Huaqing, Liang Zhongyu and other founding generals. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, China also sent a large number of outstanding talents to study at the Frunze Military Academy. It can be said that the Frunze Military Academy has trained a large number of outstanding military talents for our country. This military academy is not only the cradle for the growth of senior military cadres in the Soviet Union, but also the cradle for the growth of senior military cadres in our army in the early days.

(Periscope on February 3, 2021, please do not reprint without authorization, plagiarism will be investigated!) )

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