
From Tan Sitong to the "Zhumao Red Army", the flame of the burning plains has never been extinguished

author:Dust under history


In the early morning of September 21, 1898, Empress Dowager Cixi, the supreme ruler of the Qing Empire, hurried back to the Forbidden City from the Summer Palace.

Just a day earlier, Rong Lu, the Empress's close confidant minister of military aircraft, had reported a surprising news:

The Restorationists around the Guangxu Emperor planned to besiege the garden and help Guangxu regain power in the empire.

The horrified and inexplicable old lady reacted immediately. In the early morning of the 21st, the Guangxu Emperor was imprisoned, and the 103-day restoration and reform law was declared a failure.

Liang Qichao, the leader of the reformists, received news from the palace, and he hurried to the Liuyang Guild Hall to inform another backbone figure of the restoration faction, Tan Sitong.

From Tan Sitong to the "Zhumao Red Army", the flame of the burning plains has never been extinguished


Liang Qichao originally thought that Tan Sitong would be very panicked, and he had already thought of a way out, as long as he hid in the Japanese embassy, and then tried to find a way to spend money to smooth the relationship. As long as you appear on camera, you will escape.

Unexpectedly, Tan Sitong was very calm, he obviously got this news earlier than Liang Qichao, he told Liang Qichao:

"From the moment I participated in the fa-changing, I had already put life and death aside.

The precedent in world history, the change of political system, all bloodshed, let me be a leader.

I hope to use my blood to awaken the people of our country, and more people with lofty ideals can die for the strength of the country.

Sir, your burden is still heavy, and your road is still very long.

You should escape, and I will die. ”

Liang Qichao was silent, he also had the determination to die for changing the fa, but there was more unwillingness in his heart.

Seeing through Liang Qichao's hesitation, Tan Sitong smiled:

"Someone has to keep going down this road."

Liang Qichao no longer hesitated, gave a salute, and turned away.

Knowing that his death was not far away, Tan Sitong said goodbye to his wife.

He said to his wife:

"Tell the people who came after me what I died for",

"But we don't have children yet," the wife had long since stopped crying.

Tan Si, who pretended to be strong, choked up at the same time and said the most desperate sentence:

"In such a China, isn't one more child one more slave?"

On September 28, Tan Sitong was escorted to the vegetable market, and in the face of the butcher's knife, he laughed loudly:

"Have the heart to kill thieves, powerless to return to heaven, die where they want, fight fast!" Hurry! ”

From Tan Sitong to the "Zhumao Red Army", the flame of the burning plains has never been extinguished

The sky was thundering with lightning and thunder, and heavy rain poured down, and Tan Sitong, who was only 34 years old, was generous and righteous.

To die without knowing death is to be ignorant; to die knowing death is to be fearless.

When Tan Sitong was beheaded, the people of the capital clapped their hands and applauded, and they all felt that the people of the Restoration Sect deserved to die.

A heavy rain extinguished the raging fire of the transformed powers.

Don't worry, though.

The moment at the mouth of the vegetable market also sowed the seeds of fire, which was the seed of hope.

The spark of a star can burn the plains!


Back a year ago, Tan Sitong returned to his hometown of Changsha, Hunan Province, and the purpose of his return this time was to establish a school, publicize the idea of changing the law, and cultivate talents for the country.

His initiative was supported by officials at all levels in Hunan, and in October 1897, the Hunan Changsha Shiwu School was officially established.

In November, Liang Qichao, the chief writer of Shanghai Shiwu Bao, came to the school to give a lecture and served as the chief teacher of the Chinese.

There is a student in the academy, the youngest in the school, but he is particularly excellent and extremely talented.

This elementary school student's name is Cai Yi.

Cai Yi also had a classmate who was elegant and later specialized in education. The greatest wish of my life is "to plant a big tree for a long time."

The name of this classmate is Yang Changji.

There is also a Chinese teacher in the Changsha Practice School, who is a good brother of Tan Sitong, whose name is Tang Caichang.

Tan Sitong and Tang Caichang, both of whom were called Liuyang Erjie.

Tan Sitong's death stimulated Tang Caichang, and a seed of revenge was buried in his heart.

Tang Caichang's thinking began to turn, and he was more willing to accept the ideas of revolution and national salvation.

Two years later, under the planning of Sun Yat-sen, Tang Cai often raised 20,000 troops and launched an uprising.

The uprising was not successful, and in the face of the officials who came to the trial, Tang Cai often stood up proudly without fear:

"This talent often does, diligent king affairs, reward dead friends, now please kill quickly!"

For revolutionaries, the Qing government has never been soft," and Tang Cai, who knew that his death was not far away, often thought of his close friend who died two years ago, and wrote a desperate poem with a stroke of his pen:

"Seven feet of micro body rewards old friends, and a heart of blood splashes the barren hills."

Tan Si, who hoped to change the law and become stronger, left with him, and Tang Caichang, who was in charge of the revolution, also sacrificed.

People die and it's all over.

No, it's just getting started.

The seeds sown in the Changsha Practice School are quietly taking root.

When Tang Cai often held high the banner of righteousness, Cai Yi was also in the army.

When Tang Cai was often righteous, Cai Yi fled to Japan.

From Tan Sitong to the "Zhumao Red Army", the flame of the burning plains has never been extinguished

Bronze statue of Cai Yi

In the dark days, Cai Yi was eager to learn military knowledge while painstakingly thinking about ways to save China.

The fire of the burning plains continues to be passed down.


In the spring of 1911, the student Zhu De met Cai Yi, a teacher four years older than him, at the Yunnan Daowu Hall.

Jude felt that this instructor was very unusual, he was calm, and there was a maturity beyond age.

He always liked to be silent, and when other students discussed the situation and talked about ancient and modern times, Instructor Cai never participated.

However, everyone enjoyed his class. He was lecturing on Professor Wu tang's introduction to mixed infantry and artillery operations, which was concise and concise, very distinctive, rigorous in theory, and convincing.

At that time, the students were influenced by revolutionary ideas, and many of them joined the League, and Zhu De also secretly joined the association.

Cai Yi had joined the League as early as 1906, and the reason why he never made his identity public was because he understood the importance of timing too well.

The timing did not make him wait too long, on October 30, 1911, the Yunnan Revolutionary Army launched an uprising, the Greater China Yunnan Military Governor's Office was established, and Cai Yi was elected as the Governor.

Four years later, Yuan Shikai betrayed the revolution and prepared to restore the imperial system. Cai Yi fled Beijing, returned to Yunnan, raised the banner of righteousness, and the Patriotic War broke out.

At this time, Zhu De was in the defending army, following Cai Yi in his crusade against Yuan Shikai.

On March 22, 1916, Yuan Shikai was forced to announce the abolition of the imperial system.

On the morning of November 8, 1916, the 34-year-old Cai Yi died of illness in Fukuoka, Japan.

Before dying, Cai Yi left his last words:

"If he has a short life and fails to do his best for the Republic of China, he should be buried thinly."

Cai Yi has completed his life, and Zhu De will continue to walk.

The road to saving the country is full of twists and turns, round trips and even lost.

In 1917, Zhu De, who was already a brigade commander of the Dian Army, participated in the Dharma Protection Campaign against Duan Qirui of the Beiyang government.

In 1921, Zhu De was promoted to commander of the Yunnan Army Gendarmerie Command.

Officials are getting bigger and bigger, but the country is getting worse and worse, today you beat me, tomorrow I beat you.

Warlords take people's lives, and the people do not have a good life.

With the victory of the October Revolution in Russia, Judd came into contact with Marxism, and he immediately felt refreshed.

In August 1922, in search of revolutionary truth, he went to Germany to meet Zhou Enlai and other Communists in Berlin and joined the Communist Party of China. Since then, communism has become his lifelong pursuit.

On August 1, 1927, the Nanchang Uprising broke out.

After the division of the Sanheba army, Zhu De, who served as the rear of the palace, became the surviving force of the revolution.

At the moment of crisis, Zhu De stepped forward and stabilized the morale of the army.

A remnant of the army became the foundation of the future million-strong army.


When the news of the failure of the restoration and reform method reached Hunan, Yang Changji was disheartened.

He returned to his hometown and began to focus on learning.

From Tan Sitong to the "Zhumao Red Army", the flame of the burning plains has never been extinguished

Yang Changji

The rise and fall of the country and the people's livelihood are all hidden in his heart.

He later told his students:

"I have no superiority, but the word stoicism is quite strong, and I often want to win with a long time."

In 1915, Yang Changji gave a lecture at the First Division in Hunan. At school, Yang Changji discovered a tall young man with "handsome qualifications", Mao Zedong.

He was amazed to find that Mao's classmates could not help but speak amazingly and were far-sighted.

Yang Changji's comments to the student were:

"Talents in the sea, the future is great".

On January 17, 1920, Yang Changji died in the German Hospital in Beijing.

Before his death, he wrote to his friend Zhang Shizhao (then secretary general of the Guangzhou military government and a representative of the North-South Council) recommending Mao Zedong and Cai Hesen, saying:

"I solemnly speak of the king, the second son hai nei talent, the future is great, the king does not say to save the country is already, to save the country must first weigh the second son."

On September 9, 1927, Mao Zedong led the Autumn Harvest Uprising on the border of Xianggan and Gansu.

On April 28, 1928, the Autumn Harvest Uprising troops led by Mao Zedong and the remnants of the Nanchang Uprising led by Zhu De met at Jinggangshan and established the Jinggangshan Revolutionary Base Area.

The spark burns, burns.

From Tan Sitong to the "Zhumao Red Army", the flame of the burning plains has never been extinguished

Jinggangshan will be a teacher


The students of the May Fourth Movement were arrested, and when they were imprisoned, they were not afraid one by one, and the jailer asked him and replied: I would like to be Tan Sitong.

Tan Sitong's death affected several generations of Chinese. Since Tan Sitong, countless young people are willing to shed blood and sacrifice for the reform of China, taking Tan Sitong as an example.

Tan Si did not see the young China that he and Liang Qichao pursued in the same life.

The so-called right path in the world is vicissitudes, and there is no more so.

The public died in the name of a hundred worlds, and the world was finally unified.


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