
Yinping Town, Zaozhuang Yicheng, exchanged the "hard work index" for the people's "happiness index"

author:Lightning News
Yinping Town, Zaozhuang Yicheng, exchanged the "hard work index" for the people's "happiness index"

Qilu Network Lightning News, August 24 In order to further promote the study and education of party history, Yinping Town, Yicheng District, Zaozhuang City, has absorbed the spirit of party history in the study and education of party history, focused on the problem of the masses being "anxious and difficult to hope", done practical things for the masses, solved difficult problems, transformed the results of learning into serving the people, and promoted the rapid and high-quality development of rural revitalization with practical actions.

Concentrate on improving the level of rural public services, and strive to do a good job in medical care, housing, education and other practical matters for people's livelihood. In order to effectively combine the study of party history with the effective combination of doing practical things, Yinping Town has carried out public health service cloud inspection activities. The patrol doctors went deep into the 56 administrative villages of the town to carry out free health examination activities for the elderly over 65 years old, and 6423 people enjoyed a free medical meal at the doorstep of their homes. The implementation of rural housing safety hazard investigation, clean heating projects, and the organization of more than 100 cultural activities to benefit the people such as "opera into the countryside" and "one village and one movie", the sense of gain, happiness and security of the masses has been greatly improved.

Innovate and implement the public micro-resource sharing project, and strive to implement the "Seven Ones" project to benefit the people. Adhere to the leadership of party building, through the implementation of the "beautiful street, light a lamp, safe a village, open a house, sing a good play, smooth a road, lay a well" and "seven ones" project, carry out rural public resource sharing actions, rectify the formalism around the masses, and boost rural revitalization. By maximizing the public welfare of public space resources, we will awaken public "micro-resources", solve "small problems" of the masses, and serve the "big people's livelihood" at the grass-roots level. Earnestly solve the hot and difficult problems that exist around the masses, and exchange the "hard work index" of party members and cadres for the "happiness index" of the people.

Innovate and implement the "4333" Jingzhi village housing construction, and strive to build a new pattern of grass-roots social governance. Actively explore and implement the "4333" new idea of the construction of village residences, focus on the formation of "four teams", build "three positions", innovate the "integration of three governances", implement "three-color management", realize 360-degree all-round services for village-level matters, and achieve "small things do not leave the village, big things do not leave the area, difficult things do not leave the town, and contradictions are not handed over", improve the efficiency of management services, promote the shift of social governance and service focus to the village residence, and open a new path of effective and effective use. The town's grass-roots social governance has shown a new atmosphere, a new look, and a new vitality, and the people's sense of gain, security and happiness has been continuously improved. Up to now, Yinping Town, Yicheng District, has accepted a total of 17,316 various appeals, completed 17,273 cases, and is handling 43 cases, with a satisfaction rate of 99.9%.

Lightning News reporter Li Yongwen correspondent Suna reported

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