
Nine days "Ming" Vincent

author:Knowing the heart of the word

Three heavy yang chrysanthemums, not at home when they are opened.

What period of today's wine, suddenly on the garden flowers.

Wild clouds and trees, cold geese gather sand.

Climb to infinity, where to look at Jinghua.

Editor sighed: Wild, advent, look a little familiar? Wen Sen, poet, zi Zongyan, a native of Changzhou County (present-day Suzhou, Jiangsu), who served as the county commander of Qingyun and Yuncheng Counties, as well as Yushi and Shaoqing of Nanjing Taibu Temple, can also be regarded as a person of career. This poem draws on Meng Haoran's "wild sky and low trees", but also revisits Wang Wei's "alone in a foreign land for strangers", it can be seen that seeing the scenery is a necessary quality of poets, and even if we do not have this good elegance, we should also retain a good mood, even if we are in a foreign country, we can also calmly cope, walk out of a new world of our own, remember another poem? "Bury your bones and why do you need to be sangzi, life is everywhere without green mountains."

Nine days "Ming" Vincent
Nine days "Ming" Vincent
Nine days "Ming" Vincent

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