
Do not touch the large snail that appears after the rain, it carries a lot of parasites and pathogenic bacteria to ask for comments

author:New Kinshiki Guard

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > asked</h1>

Do not touch the large snail that appears after the rain, it carries a lot of parasites and pathogens, how dangerous is it?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > solution</h1>

Recently, shenzhen has a lot of rain, after the heavy rain, in the roadside or in the green belt of the community, there are often large snails. Shenzhen disease control experts remind the public that this large snail carries a lot of parasites and pathogenic bacteria, which should not be touched by children, let alone eaten.

This snail is called the African large snail, also known as the brown cloud agate snail. Experiments have found that the mucus or feces of this African giant snail carry many parasites and pathogenic bacteria, especially Guangzhou tube roundworm. If it enters the human body through the skin and mouth, it will parasitize in the central nervous system or cerebrospinal fluid of the human body, causing meningeal and encephalitis, meningitis and myelitis, and the condition can be fatal or disabled.

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Two hundred years ago, these snails, known in the scientific literature as L.fulica or Achatina fulica, lived only in the coastal areas of East Africa. Since the mid-19th century, they have gradually appeared in locations far from home. In 1847, William Benson, a British civilian and shellfish enthusiast, picked up several large snails and brought them to India. As a gift, the snails were given to friends of the civil servants and were farmed in the gardens surrounding the Kolkata Asia Society Museum, where they began to multiply in large numbers.

By the end of the 19th century, they had appeared in Sri Lanka and in the following decades spread throughout Asia, all the way to the Malay Peninsula, across Thailand, to Myanmar, to southern China. During World War II, Japanese soldiers brought snails to Pacific island nations, including the Philippines and New Guinea, in an attempt to develop them into food (usually cooked in water, said to have a unique taste). By the 1880s, these snails had reached West Africa and crossed the Atlantic to the Caribbean and Brazil. In this century, they have gained a foothold in Central America, Argentina and Cuba. The Global Invasive Species Archive lists them as one of the top 100 invasive alien species on Earth.

The reason this guy is flooding

1. Tenacious vitality. They can survive in a dormant form for several months.

2, strong fertility. Sexual organs, which are both female and male, can mate when they encounter the same kind.

3, do not picky eat everything

4, the taste is not good, no one eats

ps: Wild large snails carry a lot of parasites and pathogenic bacteria, do not let children touch, let alone eat.

tips: Dear netizens, what do you think?

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