
How rich are the species in Coco Siri? As soon as I stepped on the threshold, national protected animals appeared one after another

author:Explorer Yurui

I didn't think about going to Coco Siri this time, for a wildlife explorer, it was the ultimate destination to explore, and what kind of ritual to enter that land, I didn't think about it, I didn't dare to ask for it. Originally planning to drive from Sichuan to Xinjiang with my parents, the day after I left the house, the epidemic came and we were stopped outside Ruoqiang County. Xinjiang did not go to Chengcheng, and was not willing to fight the road back to the house, so it went to Coco Xili by mistake.

How rich are the species in Coco Siri? As soon as I stepped on the threshold, national protected animals appeared one after another

This article is the fifth in a series on Coco Ciri, and to be honest I've only been there for 2 hours, at best, a step between the threshold and beyond, but Coco Ciri has generously revealed to me her unparalleled biodiversity. Seeing animals may mean being accepted by Coco Ciri, so going to Coco Ciri does not need to think too much about the so-called sense of ceremony, or that this sense of ceremony is not given to her by you, on the contrary, she grants you, like a supreme award, but this does not mean that you can walk freely on this land, keep your distance, and maintain a calm etiquette.

How rich are the species in Coco Siri? As soon as I stepped on the threshold, national protected animals appeared one after another

Hide wild donkeys

This Tibetan wild ass was the first wild animal I saw in Coco Siri. Crouching on the side of National Highway 109, letting the endless stream of large trucks almost whistle past their backs, they were really terrified. The Tibetan wild donkey landed far away in the skyline, under the Kunlun Snow Mountain. The Tibetan wild donkey is the largest of all the wild donkeys, but at this time it is very small against the backdrop of the snowy mountains. But the sunlight and the terrace clearly outlined its outline, which was a beautiful and majestic animal, with all the characteristics of a donkey, but with an air of wilderness. It is a lonely figure, leisurely eating moss grass.

How rich are the species in Coco Siri? As soon as I stepped on the threshold, national protected animals appeared one after another

The sunlight of the plateau was like a needle, hitting the back of my neck, scalp, and the back of my hand, and I couldn't tell the difference between hot and cold, I just felt the sting. I crouched on the side of the road as if out, waiting, when suddenly a high-powered off-road vehicle sped by, and I don't know if it was the roar of the engine that triggered the wild nature of the hidden wild donkey, and it suddenly ran. It runs at a pace similar to that of a horse, but it feels very different. Animals with a "Tibetan" character in their names have a kind of perseverance and plateau temperament that is connected with the plateau. It was running in the same direction as the car, and at this time the terrace flowed under its feet, flooding like a torrent into the endless distance.

How rich are the species in Coco Siri? As soon as I stepped on the threshold, national protected animals appeared one after another

Wild yak

It appears on the slopes of mountains that are inaccessible on foot, and in Coco Cili it does not matter how far or near, no matter where the animals appear, they look very small. Wild yaks can reach a shoulder height of up to 1.8 meters and weigh more than half a ton. Looking at them from a distance, there is a sense of happiness in your heart - you never want to get too close to a wild yak, especially a wild yak walking alone. The lone ranger is grumpy and obedient, will take the initiative to attack the approaching object, once the attack is difficult to stop, which seems to be a common trait of wild cattle, a paranoid neuroticism. When Lao Xu and I were photographing black-necked cranes in the Shangri-La Napa Sea Nature Reserve, a Zhongdian yak (domestic animal) suddenly rushed to The approaching Lao Xu, scaring us enough. It is hard to imagine the fury of wild yaks that accompany the extremes of nature. At 4,780 meters above sea level, in a vast no-man's land, you can't run, you have nowhere to hide, and any rash behavior is punished by nature and instantly.

How rich are the species in Coco Siri? As soon as I stepped on the threshold, national protected animals appeared one after another

Tibetan Hartebeest

Distant mountains, cloud shadows, and terraces are all flowing, and in the same way, nature itself provides a time dimension that is completely different from everyday life. This photograph I've used more than once in previous posts, and if you look closely, there are several animals on the terrace. I originally thought it was a sub-adult Tibetan antelope, but when I zoomed in, I found that it was not. Tibetan hartebeest, females have no horns, at first glance with the Tibetan antelope somewhat similar, but a closer look at the details, you will find that the summer Tibetan hartebeest is covered in light gray brown, their hips have a white heart shape, and there is a black pointed short tail in the middle. A little gray, a little white, a little black, these Tibetan hartebeests perfectly placed themselves in my field of vision—they deserved to be there.

How rich are the species in Coco Siri? As soon as I stepped on the threshold, national protected animals appeared one after another
How rich are the species in Coco Siri? As soon as I stepped on the threshold, national protected animals appeared one after another

Giant eagle

The bird stood high on some sort of discarded tripod in the distance, still small in the shots that were stretched to the limit, but it could be seen that it was a big bird, a bird of prey. It was a giant eagle. When I was very young, I recognized the word "bird", and the word "bird" was "crazy" on the head, and there was a kind of ferocity of teeth and claws between the glyphs. As the bird is named, the vertical distribution height of the great eagle can reach more than 4000 meters, and feeds on rodents, frogs, lizards, hares, snakes, weasels, pikas, marmots, pheasants, stone chickens, insects and other animal foods. It folded its wings and stood tall and looked around, and for a marmot or pika probing its brain in the moss, the strange thing from the human world that did not move might be the starting point of doom.

How rich are the species in Coco Siri? As soon as I stepped on the threshold, national protected animals appeared one after another

Tibetan antelope

It wasn't until I saw the Tibetan antelope that I suddenly felt a sense of certainty that I was in Coco Siri. The male Tibetan antelope is the most eye-catching, with two oddly long horns on their heads, and the antelope horns point directly at the sky in a heart-shaped arc, as if this highland spirit is born with some kind of connection with the sky. From a certain angle on the side, the two long horns overlapped together, like the legendary unicorn, with a little more divinity.

How rich are the species in Coco Siri? As soon as I stepped on the threshold, national protected animals appeared one after another
How rich are the species in Coco Siri? As soon as I stepped on the threshold, national protected animals appeared one after another

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