
Summer is the peak of spawning and adult feeding of Tianniu, and there are "tricks" to deal with Tianniu - 1. Introduction - - 2. Hazard Characteristics - - 3. Integrated Control -

author:Road through agriculture


Summer is the peak of spawning and adult feeding. Although the Tianniu is small, the losses caused by it are huge. Therefore, in summer, fruit farmers should pay attention to timely prevention and control to avoid the harm of tianniu affecting the economic benefits of fruit farmers.

Summer is the peak of spawning and adult feeding of Tianniu, and there are "tricks" to deal with Tianniu - 1. Introduction - - 2. Hazard Characteristics - - 3. Integrated Control -

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > - I. Introduction - </h1>

The Celestial Bull is a general term for insects of the family Polyphagous, chewing mouthparts, with long antennae, often longer than the length of the body, and there are more than 20,000 species worldwide. There are some species that are pests whose larvae live in wood and can cause harm to trees or buildings.

Most of the pine, cypress, willow, elm, walnut, citrus, apple, peach and tea, etc., some cotton, wheat, corn, sorghum, sugarcane and hemp, a few wood, buildings, houses and furniture, etc., are the main pests in forestry production, crop cultivation and construction wood.

Most of the Celestial Bull is a large or medium-sized species with a body length of between 15 and 50 mm. However, there are also large ones, with a body length of up to 110 mm, and smaller ones with a body length of only 0.5 mm. Sometimes there is a large variation in size between individuals of the same species, such as the body length of the Celestial Bull is 19 to 39 mm, and the body width is 6 to 14 mm.

Summer is the peak of spawning and adult feeding of Tianniu, and there are "tricks" to deal with Tianniu - 1. Introduction - - 2. Hazard Characteristics - - 3. Integrated Control -

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > - second, hazard characteristics -</h1>

In June and July of each year, the adults of the tianniu will feather, mate, nibble on the bark of the branches of the seedlings, and then lay eggs; after these eggs hatch, these newly hatched larvae will parasitize in the formation layer under the bark to make harms, and as the insects age, they will gradually moth into the xylem of the seedlings for harm.

Seedlings that have been endangered by tianniu, the trunk of the tree often has the outflow of sap, and the elimination of fresh wood chips, which are typical characteristics of the tianniu after the harm. In addition, due to the damage to the skin, xylem and other tissues of the victim trees, the normal transmission of nutrients and water during the growth of seedlings is affected, so that the seedlings will appear weak, early leafing, dry and dead; if they encounter strong winds, the trunks of these trees endangered by the Celestial Bull are likely to be blown by the wind, causing certain safety risks.

Summer is the peak of spawning and adult feeding of Tianniu, and there are "tricks" to deal with Tianniu - 1. Introduction - - 2. Hazard Characteristics - - 3. Integrated Control -

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > - iii</h1>

1. Agricultural prevention and control

(1) When planting trees, the root neck is exposed to the ground, which is not only conducive to plant growth, but also reduces the harm of tianniu. Usually strengthen the pipe, pay attention to ditch drainage, increase tree resistance, reduce the humidity of the root neck, and reduce the harm of tianniu.

(2) In summer, autumn and winter, the dead branches are cut out and burned outside the garden to kill the larvae. Cut off dead wounds and apply a protective agent. The quicklime, sulfur powder, salt, edible oil, cattle glue, dimethoate, water according to the ratio of 10: 1: 1: 0.5: 0.5: 5: 0.5: 5: 5: 5: 5 mixed into a paste to become a whitening agent. Make it heal well. In winter, do a good job of clearing the garden, and the opening of the branch can be blocked with cement or river sand clay to keep the surface of the trunk smooth.

(3) Assassinate or hook to kill larvae. From August to November, according to the feces of the larvae in the wormhole, after determining the age of the worm and whether there are insects in the hole and its insect state, a thin wire is inserted into the top of the tunnel from the fresh fecal hole, and the larvae can be stabbed to death several times.

2. Chemical control

At the peak of larval feathering (adult worm out-of-hole peak period of 6-7 months), use [New Weiley] agent for control, spray the garden once in 5-7 days, the spray site is mainly based on the branch cadres, each spray, so that the liquid flows along the trunk to the root; or use the above agent to dry.

Summer is the peak of spawning and adult feeding of Tianniu, and there are "tricks" to deal with Tianniu - 1. Introduction - - 2. Hazard Characteristics - - 3. Integrated Control -

【New Willy】

1. It has the characteristics of effectiveness and low toxicity, which can change the shortcomings of repeated use of pesticides and resistance of pests in the past.

2, reduce costs, protect the environment, improve the rate of insecticidal play an important role.

3. It has a good effect on dry moth pests such as Tianniu.


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