
Zhou Ying, a car wash machine operator | a tribute to the laborer: Watching the mud-covered trains clean and out of the warehouse is my proudest moment

author:Cover News

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Cover news reporter Cao Fei photo report

High-speed rail, a bright business card of Equipment made in China. In addition to the advantages of advanced technology, safety and punctuality, convenience and efficiency, the "high value" of the train is also praised. How to keep the train experiencing the wind and rain at the "peak of appearance" at all times? This is inseparable from the behind-the-scenes hero who only appears at night - the operator of the car washer. Zhou Ying, the operator of the car wash machine in the Chengdu EMU section of China Railway Chengdu Bureau Group Co., Ltd., is such a guardian of the "appearance" of the EMU.

Zhou Ying, a car wash machine operator | a tribute to the laborer: Watching the mud-covered trains clean and out of the warehouse is my proudest moment

Work at least 8 hours a night to "bathe" more than 30 sets of EMUs

Zhou Ying was born in 1994, graduated from the railway academy in 2016 and entered the Chengdu EMU section in 2016, and came to the machine washing class in the use workshop in 2017. Their job, in layman's terms, is to "bathe" the train. Of course, you don't need to do it yourself, but you need to operate the machine to do it.

The EMU shuttles on the line during the day, and can only take advantage of the night to "take a bath" after returning to the warehouse, which means that Zhou Ying can only work at night.

Every day before 5:30 p.m., she would arrive at work and her first job was to check the car wash equipment. "The bristle status of the 10 pairs of brush heads, as well as every bolt, wire position device, bearing on the equipment, must be checked." She said. Once there is a problem with the equipment, it is possible to hurt the body during cleaning. Therefore, they will be cautious, and it will take about 1 hour to complete the full equipment inspection.

Zhou Ying, a car wash machine operator | a tribute to the laborer: Watching the mud-covered trains clean and out of the warehouse is my proudest moment

At about 6:30 p.m., the first group of TRAINS entered the garage. Turn on the power supply, air compressor, select the cleaning method, cleaning liquid, and flick the "cleaning start" knob, and the train can "take a bath". The cleaning time for one group of EMUs is 10 minutes, and on average more than 30 sets of EMUs are washed every night until 2 am.

"In the case of rain and snow, the train returned to the warehouse late because it was late, so we had to work all night." Zhou Ying said. Even if all the machine washes are temporarily completed, they cannot go home immediately and need to stay in the duty room until 8 a.m. the next day to deal with unexpected situations.

Zhou Ying, a car wash machine operator | a tribute to the laborer: Watching the mud-covered trains clean and out of the warehouse is my proudest moment

Black and white upside down holidays endless, just to protect the "face value" of the train

"Our 10 operators are all girls, and this position does not need to be winded and sunburned, which is relatively relaxed." Zhou Ying said. What she calls "easy" is only relative to other railway front-line positions. Compared with other industries, they have to endure the physical damage of night work on holidays and holidays throughout the year.

In the past 5 years of work, Zhou Ying has spent every May Day Labor Day in labor, and this year is no exception, going to work from May 1 to 4. Her husband is a mechanic in the Chengdu train section, and the two work backwards, often not seeing each other for several days in a row.

Zhou Ying, a car wash machine operator | a tribute to the laborer: Watching the mud-covered trains clean and out of the warehouse is my proudest moment

"I'm used to it, that's what we do." Zhou Ying said. Her husband works on the train and often deals with passengers; she is "behind the scenes", and most passengers do not know that she exists. However, she does not regret it.

"Every time I see a train coming in covered in mud, I'm very proud to be cleaned and left the warehouse after I wash it." She said.

(Some of the pictures in the article are provided by Chengdu EMU)

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