
@Huaibei people Super delicious sweet rotten snail recipe

author:Map of Huaibei cuisine

Home-cooked recipe classification

Savory flavored dishes taste

Stir-fry the main process

Time required for more than 1 hour

Normal production difficulty

Field snail 800 g

Onion to taste

Ginger slices to taste

Garlic to taste

Fragrant leaves to taste

20 g soy sauce

10 grams of cooking wine

Sugar 10 g

Bad brine 300 g

Pepper 10 g

Step 1

Place the live snail in a basin of clean water, drip a few drops of sesame oil, raise for 1 to 2 days, and change the water every half day;

When it spits out the sediment, take out the brush and wash it and cut off the tail;

@Huaibei people Super delicious sweet rotten snail recipe

Step 2

Bring the water to a boil, pour it into the field snails, fish out and wash them;

Heat the pot and then put the oil, after the oil is warm, sauté the shallots, ginger slices and garlic to bring out the aroma;

@Huaibei people Super delicious sweet rotten snail recipe

Step 3

Pour the washed snails into the stir-fry, cook the cooking wine to remove the fish;

Then add soy sauce, sugar, fragrant leaves and appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil, cover and simmer for 30 minutes;

@Huaibei people Super delicious sweet rotten snail recipe

Step 4

Add the broth and cook for another 5 minutes, then sprinkle with pepper.