
How serious are the consequences of destroying the temple and destroying the Buddha? Look at Kazumune Mitake and Oda Nobunaga, none of them have a good ending

author:Oops, read history

Are there any gods and Buddhas in this world? I don't know, anyway, no one has seen it, as for going to the temple to burn incense and pray for blessings, no one knows whether it is useful or not. So many people began to suspect that "atheism" also came from here, but it does not matter whether you believe it or not, this kind of thing is originally believed and there is unbelief and there is no. However, some people, who do not believe in it, have also done a lot of things out of the ordinary in order to win the attention of the public, insulting the gods and Buddhas verbally or literally, and openly going to religious sites to do some unbearable things.

How serious are the consequences of destroying the temple and destroying the Buddha? Look at Kazumune Mitake and Oda Nobunaga, none of them have a good ending

In fact, there are many examples in history, the most famous of which are the "Three Martial One Sects" in ancient China and the Japanese Oda Nobunaga, which are respectively the Northern Wei Taiwu Emperor Tuoba Tao, the Northern Zhou Wu Emperor Yuwen Yong, the Tang Wuzong Li Yan, and the Later Zhou Shizong Chai Rong; many people may not be familiar with the four, and they are also called a generation of heroes in history, but there are too many emperors in Chinese history. That's why they're not famous.

First of all, let's talk about this Northern Wei Taiwu Emperor Tuoba Tao, who ascended the throne at the age of sixteen, and then personally led a large army to conquer the northern war in the south, especially good at light horse raids, successively attacking Huxia, Northern Yan, and Northern Liang, conquering Shanhu, surrendering to shanshan, Guizi, Sogdia, and other western states, expelling Tuguhun, and unifying northern China; he also waved troops to the north, attacked Rouran, and drove the enemy away; attacked Liu Song in the south, and "drank horses on the Yangtze River." Moreover, in addition to the extremely strong military ability, this Tuoba Tao is also quite good at governing internal affairs, if it were not for the fact that he killed innocents in his later years, he would definitely be called a generation of Ming emperors and heroes.

How serious are the consequences of destroying the temple and destroying the Buddha? Look at Kazumune Mitake and Oda Nobunaga, none of them have a good ending

And the Northern Zhou Wu Emperor Yuwen Yong was not a simple emperor, he was controlled by the powerful minister Yuwen Hu in his early years of succession, but he was not only delicate in his mind, but also quite stoic, after more than ten years of planning, he finally took charge of the imperial government; after that, he worked hard to govern, the government and the opposition were renewed, and the national strength was booming, in between, he led a large army to destroy the old enemy Northern Qi and unify the north; but just when he was preparing to swing his troops to attack the Turks, he suddenly died of illness, and the good foundation was cheap Yang Jian, well, the later Sui Wen Emperor Yang Jian.

Then there is Tang Wuzong Li Yan, this Li Yan is the fifteenth emperor in the history of the Tang Dynasty, in the late Tang Dynasty, the eunuchs abused power, and this Li Yan was actually supported by the eunuchs Qiu Shiliang and Yu Hongzhi as emperor, but he did not have any "gratitude", that is, after taking the throne, he reused the xianxiang, clarified the rule of officials, and at the same time vigorously weakened the eunuchs and feudal towns and other forces that were not conducive to the development of the country; and also attacked the Uighurs to defend the stability of northern Xinjiang, so that the Tang Dynasty once presented a situation of Zhongxing, known in history as "Huichang Zhongxing".

How serious are the consequences of destroying the temple and destroying the Buddha? Look at Kazumune Mitake and Oda Nobunaga, none of them have a good ending

Finally, there was Chai Rong, who was also a "cattle" man, his uncle Guo Wei originally had two sons, but they were all killed, so he adopted Chai Rong as his adopted son, and after Guo Wei's death, Chai Rong succeeded to the throne; Chai Rong said that the empress dowager worked hard to rule and devoted himself to the great cause of reunification, and set up the ambition of "opening up the world in ten years, raising the people in ten years, and bringing peace in ten years". And he was indeed extraordinary, the Later Zhou state was prosperous, even breaking strong enemies, even the Liao state was even three passes and three states by him, and historians praised him as "a god of martial prowess, but also a generation of heroic lords".

Oda Nobunaga, on the other hand, was a generation man in Japan, and after Shimokagami captured Owari Kingdom, he began to expand rapidly, first killing the Tokaido overlord Imakawa Yoshimoto, allied with Tokugawa Ieyasu of the Mikawa Kingdom, and annexing his father-in-law Mino Kingdom; then invited "Shangluo", began to expand rapidly after occupying the Gyeonggi region, and his strength grew rapidly while breaking through the "Nobunaga Siege Network". It was because Toyotomi Hideyoshi inherited Oda Nobunaga's power that he was able to unify Japan so easily and smoothly, but whether it was talent or ability, Toyotomi Hideyoshi was still much inferior to Oda Nobunaga.

How serious are the consequences of destroying the temple and destroying the Buddha? Look at Kazumune Mitake and Oda Nobunaga, none of them have a good ending

These five people seem to have nothing to do with each other except that they are all male lords, and since these five people are to be said here, it is because these five people have done something that shocked the world during their tenure, that is, destroying the temple and destroying the Buddha. The reason why these five people destroyed the temple and destroyed the Buddha is not without reason, during their reign, the Buddhist power is very strong, not only seriously affecting the development of the country, but even has a large number of monks, which is a religious and uncontrolled armed force.

In Japan, in particular, Honganji seized the rule of the Kaga Kingdom, making the Kaga Kingdom the only country held by the people who had always been controlled by Ichigoku during the Sengoku Period; and in the strategic framework of the "Nobunaga Encirclement Network", Honganji Was also a very important member; the war between Oda Nobunaga and Honganji Lasted for ten years, and it took many military generals to surrender to the power of Honganji Temple; and finally Oda Nobunaga set fire to Honganji Temple for the sake of rebellion again.

How serious are the consequences of destroying the temple and destroying the Buddha? Look at Kazumune Mitake and Oda Nobunaga, none of them have a good ending

Although China's "Three Arms and One Sect" did not resemble Oda Nobunaga, they also used strong means to force monks and nuns to return to the common people, nationalized a large amount of land belonging to monasteries, and did not hesitate to suppress monks and nuns who dared to rebel, and also eradicated a large number of temples; these actions not only enabled the country to gain a large number of people and fertile land, but also eradicated internal instability; in short, from the national level, it was definitely more beneficial than harmful.

However, none of these five people ended well, first of all, Tuoba Tao, the Emperor Taiwu of Northern Wei, who was later assassinated by Emperor Zhongchang at the age of 45; then Emperor Yuwen Yong of Northern Zhou, who died suddenly of illness at the age of 36 while preparing to attack the Turks, and then Li Yan of Tang Wuzong, who died at the age of 33 due to long-term use of elixirs in the zhengshi history; and Chai Rong, who died suddenly at the age of 39 while preparing to attack Youzhou, which was occupied by the Liao state. The last Oda Nobunaga was even more tragic, dying in the "Honnoji Rebellion" and being killed by the most trusted Wise Mitsuhide, which is also ironic.

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