
Guizhou Dushan Wang Dan: Do practical things and seek development, be a good mass "waiter"

China Network November 21, 2018 Self-confidence, ability, enthusiasm and cheerfulness, this is the first impression given to us by Wang Dan, the first secretary of the Provincial Department of Commerce stationed in Lalin Village, in March 2018, resolutely left the young children, leaving the parents' thoughts, not far to Dushan, based on the poverty alleviation post, do their best to seek development for the village.

Guizhou Dushan Wang Dan: Do practical things and seek development, be a good mass "waiter"

Learn dialects and communicate with the masses "zero obstacles"

Wang Dan is a native of Guiyang, and when he first arrived in Dushan, the biggest difficulty he faced was that he could not understand the dialect. "When I first came, because of the language problem, I listened to the handover work and even doubted whether I could do a good job." Wang Dan helplessly said that although colleagues are very considerate of her and speak Mandarin as much as possible, they are used to communicating in dialects, and everyone is very awkward when speaking Mandarin, but it makes communication not smooth.

In addition, not understanding the dialect is to make Wang Dan's mass work "difficult to upgrade", as the first secretary of Lalin Village, poor households often call her for help, but the language barrier "chicken with duck talking" type of communication makes her very headache, can not understand the words of the masses, can not understand their needs, but also can not give them the help they really want, which makes Wang Dan very anxious.

If there are difficulties in the work, then try to solve the difficulties. Wang Dan made up her mind to understand Dushan dialect, for this reason, she actively adjusted her mentality, while familiarizing herself with the village environment, she took the initiative to let colleagues speak More Dushan dialect, often went to the homes of the masses to chat with them, for a period of time, she gradually mastered some dialect words, and the daily words could basically be understood.

"Listening" is no problem, Wang Dan still has to "speak", she actively learns to speak Dushan dialect from colleagues and friends around her, just to better communicate with the masses. Nowadays, her Dushan dialect has been "small and successful", although she still communicates with everyone in Mandarin every day, but sometimes when she is in a hurry, she will also hold out one or two Dushan words, which makes everyone laugh and make the masses closer to her. "Communicating with the masses in Mandarin will inevitably have a sense of distance, and learning Dushan dialect is to communicate with them in a better way through the language familiar to the masses." Wang Dan said.

Guizhou Dushan Wang Dan: Do practical things and seek development, be a good mass "waiter"

Emphasis on education, let zhizhi double support "zero exception"

Poverty alleviation requires wisdom and ambition, which Wang Dan has always firmly believed, and only by supporting the masses' thinking can they truly understand the policy and make good use of it. To this end, every time he visits households, Wang Dan, in addition to understanding the needs of the masses and publicizing policies, often shares with them typical examples of successfully getting rid of poverty through hard work, guides the masses to think positively and positively, and breaks the backward concepts of "waiting for dependence" and "being proud of poverty".

To support the "zhi" of adults, it is even more necessary to support the "zhi" of children, propaganda is one of the methods of helping aspirations, and education is the foundation of zhi. Wang Dan attaches great importance to education, not only has a comprehensive grasp of the situation of children in the whole village, but also often goes to the homes of the masses to persuade children who do not like to read, give examples, reason, and talk about ideals... Always talk about the child nodding and making sure to read well to stop. This year, she also actively won the funds of the love enterprise, and gave 500 yuan to all the children in the village who were admitted to college, "Although 500 yuan is not much, I want to let the children and their parents know through this 500 yuan that only reading is the best way out, and attaching importance to education, our next generation has hope and can truly achieve poverty alleviation." Wang Dan said.

Since coming to Lalin Village, Wang Dan has taken advantage of the "Mother's Family" Provincial Department of Commerce to contact a number of caring enterprises such as Sinopec Guizhou Branch, Kanshe Shares, Zhan Yang Power and other caring enterprises and party branches of the Department of Commerce, and donated a total of 3. 10,000 yuan, subsidizing 52 students in the village to study.

"Last year, my child was admitted to Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, and Secretary Wang helped contact the love enterprise to fund us, and I really thanked her." I often tell my children to study hard, become talented as soon as possible, be a useful person, and contribute to society like Secretary Wang. Wang Jianxiang, a poor household in Lalin Village, said.

Guizhou Dushan Wang Dan: Do practical things and seek development, be a good mass "waiter"

Strong industry to create a way to get rich "zero breakthrough"

Want to win the battle against poverty, Wang Dan believes that industry is the first element, Lalin Village has a lot of idle slopes, and the pillar industries are almost "zero", how to make the slopes "alive"? This became a question that Wang Dan often pondered.

In 2018, during wang Dan's many discussions and inspections with the two committees of the village branch and the sharp knife platoon stationed in the village, Chen Xingfang, an expert in the village's wealth, broke into their sight. Chen Xingfang opened a Guizhou Zhenguan Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. in Shangsi Town, the main business is the processing of Banlan root, due to the good income of the Banlan root industry in recent years, he is determined to expand the scale of the factory, is looking around for land suitable for planting Banlan root.

Knowing this situation, Wang Dan immediately got in touch with Chen Xingfang, while moving his feelings, guiding him to return to his hometown to buy a house, while optimizing logistics service support, and actively helping Chen Xingfang solve the land problem, under the efforts of her and all the members, Lalin Village quickly cooperated with Chen Xingfang, planting a total of 900 acres of banlan root in two years, nearly 300 people went to the base to work at the peak of labor, of which 50% were local poor households.

"I've been working here for more than a month, I'm old, I can't find a job when I go out, it's very easy to work here, I can still get 80 yuan a day, it feels good." Lu Binglan, a poor household that is loosening the soil for Banlan root, said.

The planting of banlan root not only provides employment for the masses, but also stimulates the idea of independent development of planting, for this reason, Wang Dan collects the will of the masses in many ways, actively coordinates and communicates with Chen Xingfang, and encourages the masses to plant banlan root through the company's provision of seedlings, technical guidance, insured purchases and other safeguard measures, driving more people to increase their income and become rich.

"The initial appearance of the effect of the Banlan root industry is a great encouragement for us, but it is also a kind of encouragement, we can't just focus on the Banlan root, if we want the masses to increase their income and become rich, the development of industries must be diversified." Wang Dan said that this year, she set her sights on the sea flowers and grasses, and together with the members of the two committees of the village branch and the sharp knife platoon, she tried to plant more than 40 mu of sea flowers and grasses in the village, and the current growth is good, only after seeing the results next year, she will grasp the banlan root and the sea flower grass together, and strive to build the two pillar industries of Lalin Village.

Guizhou Dushan Wang Dan: Do practical things and seek development, be a good mass "waiter"

Reporter's Note: "First Secretary" is not a title, but a responsibility. All along, Wang Dan has regarded herself as a service worker in Lalin Village, the masses need her to solve, the masses are confused by her answer, leaving the child, going to Dushan, she carries the love for the land of Lalin, with the reverence for the mission of poverty alleviation, wholeheartedly serves Lalin Village, with heart, affection, and strength, to pave the road of poverty alleviation and prosperity in Lalin Village.

in Vivali

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