
Information 丨Wang Dancen several past events from his youth

author:The first from the media in the breaking news industry
Information 丨Wang Dancen several past events from his youth

Wang Dancen and I are cousins, we have similar interests, we have been in the same window for nine years, and then we worked in the provincial government of the Lihuang Kuomintang, and we know Dancen better.

Wang Dancen, milk mingxing, Guangwunan Xiaosun Zhai, born in 1909. At the age of seven, he entered the private school of the village, and was taught by Yu Shukai and named Danzen. Danzen read the Analects as soon as he entered school, and he was exceptionally intelligent and had an amazing memory. They often memorize textbooks three or four times more than their peers every day. It soon became a good story in the surrounding villages of Xiaosunzhai. His intelligence was not noticed by Mr. Yu Shukai from the beginning. But he gradually realized how much he taught Danzen every day, and how much he could always memorize.

Information 丨Wang Dancen several past events from his youth

Early one morning, Mr. Yu numbered twice as many texts as usual for Danzen, claiming that he went to the appointment in the morning and could not return on time at noon, hoping that college students would help primary school students study, and everyone should study hard as always, and never waste their studies. As soon as Mr. left, the students of the whole library soared freely like caged birds, some scribbling and drawing; Some ran out of the school hall to make trouble; A few older students gave a speech on "The Case of Chu Mei", and Danzen followed behind. Unexpectedly, before noon, Mr. suddenly turned back to the school hall, asking everyone to return to the book on time, this sudden attack made everyone stunned, in a hurry, only Danzen calm, unhurriedly concentrated on studying, only read three or four times before and after, then brought the book to Mr. and recited it smoothly from beginning to end, and none of the remaining twenty or thirty students could memorize it. From that point on, Mr. Yu did not wait to ignore this "talent", and often went into the inner courtyard of the living room of the Cen family in his spare time, talking with Dancen's father Wang Qicong about the present and the ancient, discussing anecdotes about ancient literati and martial generals, singing and poetry, memorizing Han Dynasty articles, and often letting Dancen sit next to him. He is well-informed, well-informed and progressive.

At the age of twelve, Danzen finished reading the four books of the Five Classics, and finished them, quoting scriptures and often with surprising wits. One day, Mr. Yu Shukai gave the students the title of "Qin Hui Kills Yue Fei" for everyone to compose, among which there was a student named Yu Sixing, whose family was poor, and often helped his father cultivate the fields, affecting his studies and poor grades. He scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks in the face of this topic, but the wolf was not able to write without being able to write with a full amount of ink. He saw Dancen contemplating and waved it, and sent more than a thousand words to the gentleman, who looked at it and smiled, and suddenly moved and quietly said to Dancen: "Make me one!" Dancen and Si Xing were friends with the same window, and after Yu Si Xing dropped out of school, he worked in the staff office of the Yuwan Soviet Military Region), so he was invited to write a draft for Yu Yu to write and send to his husband. Seeing that the article was reasonable, freely used and forceful, Mr. Yu said loudly to Si Xing: "This article was made by Xiaoxing!" Danzen stood up and said, "Please compare it with my article, is the handwriting and grammar the same?" Mr. Yu laughed secretly and said, "Don't hide from me, I am the god of the article."

Yu Shukai's Rulin Chinese quality and attainments in the north of Taihe County were excellent, but because the imperial examination system was abolished, he did not receive meritorious fame. He soberly saw that Dancen was better than the blue, lest he mislead his children, and took the initiative to recommend Dancen to the school in Guangwu, who was born under the Guoanmen

Yu Guoan's mouth is like a river, the export is a chapter, the pen and ink, the good poetry, he greatly appreciates Danzen's intelligence and studiousness, and he can't pass on his full belly to this proud protégé at once. However, one day, when Mr. Guoan was talking about "breaking into the king's rebellion, Wang Gang falling", he had a disagreement with Dancen. Danzen's family has two to three hundred acres of good land, there are tenants and tenants in the fields, housekeepers and cooks in the family, and the grain in the warehouses is piled up, and people come and go for fine wine and food; But other poor families in the village, hungry all year round, unkempt and skinny, often bring their children and daughters to make a living in spring and summer, what a difference between rich and poor! Whenever the beggar came to the door, Danzen either brought them soup or brought them some grains to eat, and when he heard their words of gratitude, he always thought: "The grain and bread are stored in our house, what is the thank you for giving them something to eat?" Therefore, he believed that the purpose of Li Chuangwang's rebellion was to let the peasants have food and clothing, and the vast number of peasants shouted out the voice of "greeting the king, hoping to break into the king, and not accepting grain when the king comes". The king is not a traitor, he is a good person. Mr. Yu Guoliang is also a farmer from the countryside, and his family is not very wealthy. He supported his family mostly on his teaching salary, and after listening to Danzen's statement, he couldn't help nodding his head and saying yes, expressing his admiration for Danzen's unique insights.

Later, when Dancen returned home from vacation from studying at the Chinese Public School in Shanghai, he always took the trouble to persuade his father to distribute the land as soon as possible to the peasants who had little land and no land to cultivate, distribute the floating wealth to the families of the poor, and leave some land for their own cultivation and self-support. His father called him a "traitor" and a "bad son" of the family, and personally picked up the kidnapping, saying that the more he studied, the more confused he became, and he became a fool. But Danzen always said stubbornly: "You can beat me and scold me, and in the future these lands will surely go to the peasants, the floating wealth will be used by the poor, and you will become self-supporting laborers." ”

When Danzen was sixteen years old, Mr. Yu Guoan was bedridden because of hemorrhoids that did not heal for many years. Danzen heard that the Taihe Normal School was a new school, teaching a new culture, and often mobilized students to "expel the Tatars, restore China, establish the Republic of China, and equalize land rights." He felt very fresh, resolutely went to the exam and was admitted to school. Later, due to party activities at the school, a large number of teachers and students were arrested for attempting riots, and Danzen did not dare to return home because of his participation in the school movement, and took refuge in the homes of classmates in Sanliwan, Fuyang. By chance, he borrowed the Anzhong First Diploma to go to Shanghai to enter a Chinese public school and study at his own expense. During the summer vacation of that year, Danzen returned to his hometown Sunzhai, and suddenly someone called Danzen to the police. It is said that the Taihe County Garrison Battalion sent company commander Li Grabou to lead his men and horses to Sun Zhai to arrest Dancen, saying that he secretly colluded with the Communist Party when he was a teacher in Taihe County, plotted to rebel, and still behaved irregularly when he was a teacher in Taihe County. Li Bu entered the east gate and Danzen went out of the west gate, and he used the crop trees as a cover and fled to Yu Sixing's house overnight. Yu Sixing disguised Danzen as a farmer, lay in a red car and traveled day and night to Mengcheng, and funded the travel expenses.

Note: Wang Dancen is a progressive democrat in our county who did a lot of good things for our party during the Anti-Japanese Period.

Information 丨Wang Dancen several past events from his youth

Source: History of the Heads of the World, 2nd series

Compiled and printed in December 1988

Text entry: Chai Jin

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