
Yunnan strives to achieve harmonious coexistence between man and nature

author:People's Daily News

Source: People's Daily - People's Daily

Kunming, October 5 (Reporters Zhang Fan and Yang Wenming) In the air, drones track dynamics; on the ground, food is dropped along the road; experts and staff are busy day and night for them, and the local people love and care for them... Since May, the migration of a group of wild elephants in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, has attracted widespread attention, and through the efforts of all parties, the results of human elephant safety have been achieved.

In January 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed during his inspection in Yunnan that "since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the concept of ecological civilization we have put forward has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. This concept conforms to the law of human social development and conforms to the people's expectations for a better life. "As long as we adhere to the priority of ecology and green development, persevere, and work hard for a long time, we will certainly be able to turn green waters and green mountains into golden mountains and silver mountains."

The vast number of cadres and masses in Yunnan Province bear in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, practice the concept of ecological civilization, strengthen biodiversity conservation, improve the protection network, and strive to achieve harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

"Yunnan has a complex and diverse ecosystem, species resources and germplasm resources, and plays an important role in maintaining ecological security." The main person in charge of the Department of Ecology and Environment of Yunnan Province said. Yunnan Province has established a biodiversity conservation committee, which has been continuously explored in practice and formed a model and mechanism for effective biodiversity protection.

To do a good job of protection, you need to find out the bottom of the house first. Gaoligong Orchid, Jinping Exotic Medicine Flower... Yunnan continues to increase the intensity of biodiversity surveys, and 256 new species and 256 newly recorded species were discovered in 2020 alone. Find out the bottom of the home, and the protection should also highlight the key points. Yunnan put forward the "very small population" protection initiative, and has made remarkable progress through continuous exploration. At present, the population of Yunnan golden snub-nosed monkeys has reached more than 33 groups of 3300, the number of wild Asian elephants has reached about 300, and the population of rare wild animals such as western black-crowned gibbons and black-necked cranes has also achieved steady growth; when it was first discovered, only 4 trees remained.

Biodiversity conservation, habitat protection is key. Yunnan has introduced management policies and construction standards to straighten out the management system of nature reserves. Up to now, about 1/7 of the land area of Yunnan Province has been included in various types of nature reserves, and about 90% of the province's important ecosystems, more than 90% of the national key protected plants, and about 80% of the national key protected animals have been effectively protected. With the expansion of the protected area, the habitats of rare species such as the Zhongdian leaf whisker fish in Pudatso National Park have been better protected; with the increase of patrol and the reduction of surrounding disturbances, the number of green peacocks in and around the Dinosaur River Nature Reserve has reached nearly 100...

Biodiversity conservation should pay attention not only to species and ecosystems, but also to genetic genes. "The establishment of a germplasm resource bank not only buys an 'insurance' for wildlife germplasm resources, but also opens a 'bank' for the sustainable use of genetic resources in the future." Cai Jie, director of the Germplasm Preservation Center of the Southwest China Wildlife Germplasm Resource Bank, said that by the end of 2020, the center has preserved 85,046 copies of 10,601 species of plant seeds, accounting for 36% of the number of flowering plant species in China, ranking first in Asia and second in the world.

While wild elephants migrate, they also cause losses along the way. Xiang Ruwu, director of the Animal and Plant Division of the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Yunnan Province, introduced that the statistics of public liability insurance for wildlife accidents have been launched. In order to help all the Asian elephants move north to safely cross the YuanJiang River and return, Yunnan Province dispatched more than 25,000 police forces and staff, 973 drones, more than 15,000 emergency vehicles, more than 150,000 evacuations and transfers, and 180 tons of elephant food. The Wildlife Accident Public Liability Insurance Company accepted 1,501 cases of Asian elephant accident loss declarations, and assessed the loss of 5.1252 million yuan.

Yunnan has successively issued a number of regulations and systems such as biodiversity conservation regulations and management measures for nature reserve management institutions, established a compensation system for wildlife accidents, and then launched a pilot project of public liability insurance for wildlife accidents, leading the way in promoting the institutionalization and rule of law of biodiversity conservation. Up to now, a total of more than 130,000 public liability insurance cases of wildlife accidents have been approved, and 297 million yuan of insurance premiums have been paid.

People's Daily ( 06 October 2021 01 edition)

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