
10 thin people 8 do not eat enough, you eat compared with "others", in what places? 10 skinny guys 8 don't eat enough! 10 skinny 9 and a half in "blind eating"! Why do you always feel like you're eating a lot?

author:Dietitian Chen Shuai

The reasons for emaciation are very complicated, some people have genetic factors, some people have gastrointestinal factors, but the most common and most inextricable reason is that the diet is not enough, to be precise, the calorie and nutrient intake is insufficient!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > 10 thin people 8 are not enough to eat! </h1>

I have been doing weight gain guidance services for 7 years, and I have been in contact with tens of thousands of thin people, helping more than 8,000 thin people to gain weight successfully (many people have not chosen to pay for guidance).

I have carefully counted the data, in these emaciated people, whether they have genetic factors or not, whether there are gastrointestinal factors, but 8 out of 10 dietary intake is insufficient (many are mixed wasting, caused by a variety of reasons).

10 thin people 8 do not eat enough, you eat compared with "others", in what places? 10 skinny guys 8 don't eat enough! 10 skinny 9 and a half in "blind eating"! Why do you always feel like you're eating a lot?

9 1/2 of the 10 thin men had not undergone a dietary assessment

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="38" > 10 thin people 9 and a half in "blind eating"! </h1>

In fact, insufficient dietary intake is not terrible, the real terrible place is actually: 10 thin people 9 and a half in the "blind eating"!

What does "eat blindly" mean? I have never recorded my diet, let alone made a diet assessment, and I have no idea how much I have eaten. You can't ask these people, ask "I eat a lot"; you can't calculate, as soon as you calculate, you immediately "show the stuffing".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="39" > why do you always feel like you're eating a lot? </h1>

Why do you obviously not eat enough, but you always feel that you eat a lot? In fact, it is mainly caused by the following reasons:

10 thin people 8 do not eat enough, you eat compared with "others", in what places? 10 skinny guys 8 don't eat enough! 10 skinny 9 and a half in "blind eating"! Why do you always feel like you're eating a lot?

Two people with the same weight, the higher the height, the higher the metabolism

(1) The heat demand is very high

Between different individuals, the body's daily calorie needs are different; including height, age, basal metabolism, exercise, NEAT consumption, as well as environmental influences, special physiological stages, etc., will lead to differences in calorie consumption.

Between different individuals, the calorie consumption can be up to 1 times; for example, the caloric requirement per kilogram of body weight is 25 kcal for very low manual workers (such as some office white-collar workers), and the calorie requirement per kilogram of weight is 50 kcal for extremely heavy manual workers (such as steel mill workers, etc.)

(2) Only look at three meals

Some emaciated people, he consciously eats a lot, is compared with other people around him, but only compared the intake of three meals, ignoring the difference in snack intake.

But for some people, the calorie intake through snacks every day is even higher than three meals a day, and this part of the calories from snacks is the gap between the two of you.

10 thin people 8 do not eat enough, you eat compared with "others", in what places? 10 skinny guys 8 don't eat enough! 10 skinny 9 and a half in "blind eating"! Why do you always feel like you're eating a lot?

Three meals to eat as much as she eats you don't eat

Let me tell you a case:

I previously served a client whose dietary assessment showed that she was grossly undercapable, at only about 1,000 kcal per day. She has always stressed that she eats as much as her colleagues, why is it that her colleagues have 150 pounds, but she only has 80 pounds?

So I asked her to spend a day counting the snack intake of colleagues, and as a result, people ate half a kilogram of sunflower seeds (about 125-150 grams of melon seeds) + 1 cup of milk tea a day, and the daily calorie intake through snacks was as high as 1400 kcal... Directly scare the customer!

(3) Differences in dietary structure

Some emaciated people eat a lot of food, but they are all foods with low calorie density. For example, a large number of low-calorie liquid foods, such as a large number of low-calorie leafy vegetables and so on. Although such people eat a lot of things, they have very few dietary calories.

This is a colleague of mine before, who eats in a basin every day, but weighs 90 pounds a year; later, because of the pregnancy, let me help her adjust her diet and gain some weight.

Then I followed her for 3 days of meals, and found that she never ate staple foods, spicy and hot lunch (also emphasized that the boss put less oil), boiled skewers for dinner (not the kind of very oily skewers in Sichuan, basically no grease), daily dietary calorie sources, most of them rely on breakfast + sesame sauce when eating skewers [cover your face], and the daily calorie intake is only 1100 kcal!

Important note: to ensure adequate dietary intake, is the first link of scientific weight gain; dietary intake is sufficient, it is meaningful to discuss whether digestion and absorption is good or not; because the gastrointestinal digestion and absorption is good, absorption can not exceed 100%, so insufficient diet is not enough, through other links is irreparable.