
Cliff Village Weddings Choose from "three generations" of brides after "60" to "00"

author:Cover News

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Cover news reporter Du Jiangqian Xiao Yang Xu Xiangdong Yang Tao

In fact, the first time I climbed the cliff village, the Yi girl Jin Luo secretly cried.

It was September 13, 2020, a good day chosen by the elders. She wore her mother's sewn wedding dress, combed her delicate hair bun, on the steel ladder of the cliff village, climbed for nearly five hours, obviously it should be the most beautiful day, but the sweaty broken hair was pasted on the forehead, the colorful skirt corners were stuck to the mud, and even the bridesmaids around her muttered, "Here is so high, I am your word, now turn around and go down the mountain." ”

Kinlo didn't go down the hill because there were people on the mountain she wanted to marry. She was the first bride to marry in after the relocation of the cliff village, and according to the Yi tradition, she had to marry in the old house.

This day in the cliff village, festive and lively. Villagers returned to the village, wrestled and sang and drank, the wedding was broadcast live online until late at night, and millions of netizens sent their blessings, called "the most beautiful wedding in cliff village." ”

Hilarity is everyone's, for Kinlo, marriage is her own, and since then, she has a man named Jike Shibu beside her.

Cliff Village Weddings Choose from "three generations" of brides after "60" to "00"

On September 13, Kinlo and Shibu got married, and she said that after climbing the steel ladder for more than 4 hours, they both cried

For a long time, the brides here were like pawns on the chessboard of destiny, and they had almost the same life: dropping out of school early, working as a farmer, being "arranged" by their families to marry into a cliff village, meeting their husbands for the first time on the day of marriage, having children, and then marrying their children...

Today, some of them run to learn to cook after moving down the mountain and want to find a job to support themselves; some people climb the steel ladder in colorful wedding clothes because they are "willing to marry"; and some people refuse to propose to their daughters, fully supporting their children to study...

For the cliff village, change is happening so naturally and slowly.

Bride after "00"

Retire the doll and marry the cliff village

Marrying herself at the age of 20 was the decision of the Yi girl Jin Luo herself.

She is not a girl without ideas, when she was 2 years old, the family set a doll for her, the man is a distant relative who is related to the deceased, and when she is 19 years old, the two families begin to discuss the marriage date, and she has made it clear that she is determined not to marry.

Cliff Village Weddings Choose from "three generations" of brides after "60" to "00"

On September 13, Jinluo walked up the cliff village through a steel ladder

"If you don't want to marry, I just can't marry." Jinluo did not want to be so destined for her life, she cried to quit marriage, in order to show her determination, and even began to hunger strike, she knew in her heart that her life could not be so confused and fixed.

This is also the first time that JinLuo won the right to choose for himself, and when he returned the doll's relatives, according to local customs, their family doubled the dowry money of that year to the man.

"Originally, in the tradition, the bride price on the one hand expressed the gratitude of the parents' family nurturing, on the other hand, it also maintained the traditional social interpersonal network of the Liangshan Yi people, which has its due significance." In the view of Zhang Kejia, an associate researcher at the China Yi Studies Research Center, the high bride price has deprived the Yi girls of their right to choose.

But JinLuo was undoubtedly lucky, sitting in the new house of the Zhaojue County Resettlement Site on December 19, she recalled the day of her marriage, although she felt that climbing on the steel ladder was very awkward, but her heart was still happy, because she married the person she wanted to marry.

In the eyes of this young couple, they are love at first sight, and such a marriage is naturally very careful.

Cliff Village Weddings Choose from "three generations" of brides after "60" to "00"

After marriage, Kinlo and her husband Jik Shibu

For the sake of his beloved girl, Shibu brewed more than 200 pounds of corn wine at home, killed two pigs, and Jinluo's wedding dress was embroidered for her by her mother with a needle and a thread, carrying the most beautiful blessings. On the wedding day, after Jin Luo finished climbing the steel ladder, Muguo from the same village pointed to a hillside about 400 meters long and smiled, "This is Shibu specially renovated for the bride, afraid that the bride will slip and fall." ”

Hearing this, Jinluo, who had already walked, looked back at the path on the hillside, which had been sorted out of the appearance of the stairs, and after a long time, she recalled that scene and felt that "love is the greeting road he dug out on the mountain." ”

They're changing here, too.

In the past, the bride would go back to her mother's house for a period of time within a week after the wedding, even for a few years, "because the bride would laugh at her return too quickly." "But when I got to Kinlo, I only went home for about 5 days."

Cliff Village Weddings Choose from "three generations" of brides after "60" to "00"

On September 13, the wedding day, Jinluo climbed the steel ladder for more than 4 hours and walked up the cliff village

"Because I miss her." Spoo never hid his love for his wife. In the old house on the mountain, in the dark and simple adobe house, the wood burning in the firewood pile crackled, the red flames jumped high, sitting on the edge of the fire, Shibu washed Jinluo's feet, sang for her, and would also play bao to make her happy, some netizens left a message saying, "The girl who chooses love will definitely lose", Jinluo replied, "As long as you are happy, money is an external object, and it will be there in the future." ”

Once a bride

I only met the groom on the wedding day

Jinluo and Shibu knew each other on a blind date, and before the first meeting, they all agreed with their families, just to meet, if they didn't like it, but in Shibu's memory, this was impossible in the past, just before the steel ladder was repaired, the marriage was still based on "the order of the parents".

The 26-year-old Omu Isou, who was "arranged" by his family to marry into the cliff village at the age of 20, is now a mother of two children. Her life is very simple: she dropped out of school at the age of 12 and went home to farm, at the age of 16 she worked as a factory sister, she knew what her husband looked like on the day of marriage, and climbed down the 2556 steel ladder to the city two days before giving birth...

She remembered the wedding day, climbing or climbing the rattan ladder, in front of her is the mountain with no end in sight, the bottomless cliff behind her, in order to facilitate climbing, she can't look good, she took off her dress and climbed for five or six hours to arrive. Standing in the middle of a group of people eating, others pointed to her, and she knew who her husband was in the crowd, "Not handsome, don't like it." ”

But so what? Before that, didn't all brides who married into cliff villages live like this?

Cliff Village Weddings Choose from "three generations" of brides after "60" to "00"

Ohmu and her children

30 years ago, at the age of 21, Ba geng Ali was relayed by a village man from the cliff village on the back of the mountain. At that time, with the hijab, she did not know the groom's appearance, temper, and the location and conditions of the new home, "she was afraid in her heart, but she was married."

In that era when life was bigger than heaven, life did not give these brides much choice.

Shibu's mother, Amifji, is 56 years old, and after her husband fell off a cliff and died, she had to raise 4 children alone, and life was so stressful that she looked much older than she actually was. The farthest place she had ever been was Xichang, because she broke her hand on the mountain, the road was long and difficult, and she was sent down the mountain after a day.

As the years passed, finally the children grew up and started a family, and they moved down the cliff village this year. Amif, who was able to breathe, thought of herself, she wanted to go home and wanted to accompany her mother, but her mother did not survive this winter.

On December 20, Amifji followed her son back to his hometown to mourn, obviously not speaking Chinese, but when she heard the word "mother", her eyes were red, and she murmured and repeated, "Mom, Mom is gone." ”

Mother's decision

"Let the children go to school and fall in love freely"

This time, Kinlo did not return to her hometown with her husband and mother-in-law because she was pregnant.

Shibu, who was about to become a father, did not know how to express his joy, so this winter, in their new house in the county town, fresh vegetables, fruits, snacks and supplements were neatly arranged, piles of pork and sausages hung on the balcony, and the small home was warmly cleaned.

More, the young couple seriously thought about the future, "to learn a craft, to work to earn money, otherwise the future parent-teacher conference for children will not be straight." ”

Cliff Village Weddings Choose from "three generations" of brides after "60" to "00"

On December 19, Jin Luo and her husband Ji Ke Shibu made their new home in the Mu'en Di community in Zhaojue County

From rattan ladders to steel ladders to stairs, the mothers of Cliff Village are making new choices.

After moving into her new home, Omu Went to participate in free skills training, and in the past month, she went to school to cook class rain or shine, the child was too young, so she took the child with her, went home after class, and continued to practice knife skills.

She hopes that when the child is older, she will be able to find a job in the county and be able to reconnect with the world.

On the other hand, in the new house down the hill, the young mother likes to look at the school under construction in the community, and she has heard that there will be the best teaching resources in the county, from kindergarten to high school.

She and her husband agreed that the two children must study and go out to see the bigger world.

"Let the children go to school and fall in love freely." This is the unanimous decision of the mothers of cliff village today.

A few years ago, Ba Geng Ali once again refused to come to the door to speak for the young daughter of the person, 17-year-old Sera as her pride, last year graduated from the Leer Primary School under the mountain, admitted to the best middle school in Zhaojue County, and now has the second grade.

Among the little friends of a certain salad, there were those who interrupted their studies because of doll kisses, but at her home, her parents told her to keep reading and read with confidence.

Cliff Village Weddings Choose from "three generations" of brides after "60" to "00"

Bhagavatam Ali and his daughter A salad

There is a regret of Bagon Ali himself, once, the husband and wife tied the children's waist with a rope every day and sent them down the mountain to study. But in middle school, too far away and too difficult a road, too poor and too barren reality, the first three children are out of school.

Finally, now, the village has a steel ladder, her family moved to the county resettlement site, the mountain farm and the farming business income is acceptable, all of which give her the confidence to choose, "go to study, go to see the world." In their home, more than a dozen awards neatly pasted on the walls are the greatest treasure in the mother's heart.

"In the future, my children will have to go to school, and if there is someone they like outside, happiness is the most important, which is the choice we give him." As she said this, the warm light hit Jinluo's face, and she smiled and looked softly, and in her stomach, two months of little life was growing stronger.

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