
Create a "courtesy" city big IP Quzhou what secrets are hidden?

author:Zhejiang Daily

Zhejiang news client reporter Wang Luyi Qian key Zhao Lujie

Create a "courtesy" city big IP Quzhou what secrets are hidden?

City map of Quzhou. Quzhou Spiritual Civilization Construction Guidance Center courtesy of the map

Presenting a picture of a prosperous and beautiful society, culture is the most attractive, attractive and recognizable logo.

This year, Zhejiang officially proposed to build a provincial brand of "Zhejiang Youli", and strive to make every Zhejiang person a spokesman for civilization, and also let every Zhejiang person become a beneficiary of the improvement of civilization quality, so that "Zhejiang Youli" will become a distinctive symbol of common prosperity.

On the road of comprehensively exploring "courtesy", Quzhou can be called a "forerunner". From proposing to build the city brand of "Nankong Holy Land, Quzhou Youli", it has entered its fourth year. At present, Quzhou, which aspires to be "the most courteous city", is making every effort to create a demonstration benchmark of "Zhejiang etiquette".

How to make "courtesy culture" a big IP in the city? A few days ago, the reporter went to Quzhou to explore the answer.

Create a "courtesy" city big IP Quzhou what secrets are hidden?

Quzhou is courteous. Quzhou Spiritual Civilization Construction Guidance Center courtesy of the map

The "City of Courtesy" is moving forward in the process of exploration

The impression of "Quzhou courtesy" began from arriving in the city.

The high-speed rail gets off to the exit gate, and on both sides of the passage of more than 100 meters, public service advertisements such as "a most courteous city" and "being a polite Quzhou person" appear one after another. Stepping out of the station, the propaganda slogan of "Nankong Holy Land Quzhou Youli" can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys.

The contact with Zhou Ruogu, deputy chief of the Civilization Construction Guidance Section of the Civilization Office of Quzhou City, made this "polite" impression more vivid and profound. As soon as they met, he gave a salute to the reporter.

This rather "cultural" move is an important part of Quzhou's construction of a courteous city.

"Being a courtesy is one of our courteous features." In the past two years, Zhou Ruogu has received many domestic delegations, and many people have begun to visualize Quzhou and remember Quzhou from his ceremony. A delegation from Wuwei, Gansu Province, also specially studied the ceremony and brought it back to its hometown to promote popularization.

This is very different from the past. Located at the junction of four provinces, Quzhou was once not well known.

Zhou Ruogu felt deeply about this. More than ten years ago, he went to school in other places, bought train tickets to go home during the holidays, and always had to explain to the conductor that it was Quzhou, Zhejiang, "the one on the edge of Jinhua". Later, the situation "improved", and there were still people who could not distinguish between Quzhou, Xuzhou or Chuzhou. This makes many Quzhou people feel bad in their hearts, and also brings restrictions to urban development.

How do I find my own IP? Quzhou has been trying to solve the problem. At the end of the 1990s, when Quzhou introduced itself to the outside world, it used "God (Rotten Ke Mountain), Saint (Nanzong Confucius Temple), Qi (Jianglang Mountain), Xiu (Sanqu Stone Forest), Mystery (Longyou Grottoes), And Yuan (Source of the Qianjiang River)" to summarize; in 2011, Quzhou collected the city image propaganda slogan in the official name and selected the concept of "Green Quzhou, Happy City". Until 2018, the Quzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Quzhou Municipal Government officially proposed to take "Nankong Holy Land Quzhou Youli" as a city brand, with the goal of making every effort to build "a most courteous city".

Create a "courtesy" city big IP Quzhou what secrets are hidden?

Quzhou Confucius Temple, located in Xinqiao Street, Fushan Street, Quzhou City, is one of the only two remaining Confucius Family Temples in the country. Quzhou Spiritual Civilization Construction Guidance Center courtesy of the map

This has aroused unprecedented attention. Quzhou is the ancestral residence of the descendants of Confucius, but also the birthplace of Nankong culture, "li" is an important content of the core of Confucius thought, the local people have a sense of identity, but also have Quzhou recognition.

Kevin Lane Keller, an international authoritative expert in brand research, once said that the power of urban branding is to let people understand and know a certain area, and to naturally associate a certain image and association with the existence of the city, so that its spirit is integrated into every building of the city, so that competition and life coexist with the city.

And this is where Quzhou's "ambition" lies. In fact, as early as before the "Nankong Holy Land Quzhou Youli" was officially proposed, it had been discussed intensively for a period of time. "It is not a simple summary, but a comprehensive consideration of Quzhou's history, context, industry and other market factors." The relevant person in charge of the Quzhou Municipal Civilization Office said.

However, new questions arise: how to count "courtesy" and how to create "courtesy"? "We have found that building a courteous city actually coincides with 'creating literature'." Zhou Ruogu introduced that in 2018, the Central Civilization Commission launched a new round of national civilized city creation work, Quzhou was shortlisted for the first time, based on the "creative writing" work, Quzhou took the first step to create "courtesy".

In order to stimulate the sense of ownership of the citizens, Quzhou publicly solicited polite content from the public. A series of opinions and suggestions poured in. Among them, the ninety-year-old Li Banggui wrote a handwritten 3,000-word letter to the municipal party committee and the municipal government to recommend the full use of public chopsticks and spoons, and this suggestion was finally recognized.

In continuous practice, the "four beams and eight pillars" of Quzhou's "ritual" rule have finally become clear: through the "eight ones" courtesy action, to create a city of "car people", a city of "conscious queuing", a city of "cigarette butts do not fall to the ground", a city that uses "public chopsticks and spoons", a city that "performs rituals", a city that "does not spit on the ground", a city that "does not have psoriasis", and a city that "tears down the wall and penetrates the green".

Create a "courtesy" city big IP Quzhou what secrets are hidden?

On the way out of school, students consciously and orderly queued up. Quzhou Spiritual Civilization Construction Guidance Center courtesy of the map

A "change in the depths of the soul"

Carefully taking stock of the "Eight Ones" courtesy action, it is not difficult to find that it is not only small incisions, which are closely related to people's lives; it is also operable, and some are daily "hands up". But even so, the promotion of "Quzhou courtesy" is not easy. In the words of the relevant person in charge of the Civilization Office of Quzhou City: "The cultivation of civilization quality is long-term, and this is a change in the depths of the soul." ”

A typical example is the practice of performing a ritual. The earliest date of the hand-throwing ceremony can be traced back to the Zhou Ceremony, which is a greeting ceremony with unique Chinese cultural characteristics. The "Quzhou Etiquette" based on the Nankong culture and encouraging the restoration of the ceremony is Quzhou's insistence on history and culture.

"Hygiene and etiquette, especially after the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, more and more people are recognizing the benefits of doing it." Zhou Ruogu said, but at the beginning, there were also many doubts about "whether it is still necessary" and "whether it is formalism" or not.

Popularization and popularization were first carried out among cadres of government organs. Zhou Ruogu remembers that at that time, the main leaders of the city could be seen at meetings or events. At the above rate, do not order. Soon, the meeting of government agencies and units began to become popular.

But this is not enough. One conundrum is how to get the public to truly accept this "etiquette."

Knowing that the Quzhou government department hopes to standardize and promote, with the idea of contributing to the hometown, Wu Junxia, a senior lecturer in the School of Continuing Education of Quzhou Vocational and Technical College and Quzhou Women's College, and her team have undertaken the heavy responsibility of popularizing and promoting teaching.

"In ancient times, men usually used their right hands when attacking, so when they were fighting, men should show respect with their left hands in front, and women should do the opposite..." Invited by the relevant departments of Quzhou City, Wu Junxia led the team not only to participate in and guide the video recording of the teaching of the work, but also to the county (city, district) government departments, enterprises and institutions and villages to carry out etiquette-related training, which has trained nearly 200,000 people in the past 3 years. In Wu Junxia's view, the process of popularizing "courtesy" is also a process of countering stereotypes and innovating cognition, "courtesy is not mandatory by law, but showing courtesy is a manifestation of soft power." ”

Create a "courtesy" city big IP Quzhou what secrets are hidden?

In front of traffic lights, electric vehicles are lined up in an orderly manner in non-motorized lanes. Quzhou Spiritual Civilization Construction Guidance Center courtesy of the map

In addition to popularizing and promoting "courtesy", Quzhou has also made sufficient efforts in the system. For example, the "Regulations on the Promotion of Civilized Behavior in Quzhou City" were promulgated, and the "Quzhou Polite Citizens Convention" and the "Quzhou Polite Villagers Convention" were promulgated to ensure the implementation of "courtesy" from the legal level. In order to promote the normal long-term effect, Quzhou also pioneered the "courtesy index" in the country to build a systematic evaluation index system, just like running can be compared, and whether you are polite or not can also be demonstrated by digital quantification.

In July 2020, the "Quzhou City "Courtesy Index" Evaluation System" led by the Quzhou Municipal Civilization Committee was officially released. This evaluation system, which is based on 7 "courtesy" such as courtesy brand, courtesy education, and courteous environment, involves all aspects of urban development and construction such as civilized education practice, civilized behavior norms, and city brand building, and the overall situation of civilization and courtesy in various departments throughout the city is presented in digital terms through evaluation.

"The courtesy index is evaluated once a quarter, and we conduct it in two ways, questionnaire survey and field evaluation, and the field evaluation is mainly based on secret visits, no greeting, no escort, no reception, and opposition to surprise inspection." Zhang Liang, deputy director of the Labor (Special) Investigation Department of the Quzhou Investigation Team of the National Bureau of Statistics, said that the evaluation results will be announced to the public through the official media.

"Although the uncivilized phenomena such as spitting, littering cigarette butts and damage to public facilities found in this evaluation have decreased compared with the second quarter, they are still as high as 3776..." In the latest edition of quzhou city's "courtesy index" full index evaluation report, the number of uncivilized phenomena in Quzhou City's 6 counties (cities, districts) in terms of "polite behavior" Is clear, and individual communities and roads are even directly "named" because of the excessive number of uncivilized phenomena, and the results will be included in the annual assessment of counties (cities, districts) and municipal departments.

Create a "courtesy" city big IP Quzhou what secrets are hidden?

Inside the bus stop, passengers line up in an orderly manner. Quzhou Spiritual Civilization Construction Guidance Center courtesy of the map

From "Quzhou courtesy" to "Zhejiang courtesy"

Just like the "courtesy zebra crossing" polished the color of Hangzhou's urban civilization, today, "Quzhou courtesy" has become a "golden business card" for Quzhou to show itself to the outside world.

In Quzhou, giving way to pedestrians in front of the zebra crossing has become a conscious behavior of citizens; garbage does not land in the Shuitingmen Historical and Cultural Block, Wisdom New City Lawn Park, Confucius Cultural Park to carry out pilots, citizens gradually get used to taking garbage home, classified disposal... More and more people are writing about the civilization of the city with their own actions, making Quzhou better, more harmonious and more courteous.

Looking back at Quzhou's history of creating "Quzhou Courtesy", a key factor for its tangible results is the Nankong culture contained behind it - which not only means that it has a rich cultural heritage of more than 2,000 years, which deeply shows the most distinctive and iconic cultural elements of Quzhou; it also means that in the implementation of etiquette, the masses have a high sense of identity.

The story of the "Six Feet Lane" memorial wall in Xinhe Community, Xinhe Community, Hehua Street, Kecheng District, is a testimony to this. Xinhe Community is a typical "old and broken", consisting of 4 dormitory building areas built in the 1980s and 1990s, and there are walls between the areas, forming a strange phenomenon of "there is a community in the community", which has become a major bottleneck in environmental improvement and grass-roots governance.

In September last year, the Xinhe community carried out a "micro-transformation" of the old residential area, and the wall needed to be demolished. Resident Master Sun and his family voted against it at the beginning of the period, because over the years, he carefully planted many flowers by the wall.

But one day, Master Sun took the initiative to agree to the demolition of the wall. It turned out that he had been pursuing the Nankong culture, and when he heard that the community wanted to create a 'Quzhou Youli' model community, he felt that he could not drag his feet. Wu Jing, then secretary of the Party Committee of Xinhe Community, recalled that Master Sun not only removed his beloved flowers himself, but also became a volunteer publicist of "Quzhou Courtesy".

Create a "courtesy" city big IP Quzhou what secrets are hidden?

Zebra crossing front "car people". Quzhou Spiritual Civilization Construction Guidance Center courtesy of the map

Cement wall, shirtless wall, transparent empty wall... The "Six Foot Lane" memorial wall is carefully designed into three different shapes from left to right, and the photos on the wall record the whole process of demolishing the wall in the community, and also contain the tolerance and symbiosis of new and old. This is also where the exuberant vitality of "Quzhou Courtesy" lies.

"The organic integration of traditional history and culture with modern spiritual civilization has burst out a powerful spark." Chen Xufeng, vice president of the Marxist Research Institute of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee, believes that at present, Zhejiang is planning to create "Zhejiang Courtesy". Compared with "Quzhou courtesy", "Zhejiang courtesy" has a richer connotation, more inclusiveness and pluralism, but one thing is common, that is, the foundation of traditional history and culture. Song Yun culture is an important part of China's excellent traditional culture, and it is also an important cultural symbol with Chinese style and Zhejiang recognition. "Just like 'Quzhou Youli' contains Nankong culture, how to make good use of Song Yun culture in the process of creating 'Zhejiang Youli', let the millennium Song Yun 'flow' in the new era, 'inherit' it, and form a provincial brand with Zhejiang recognition is something worth thinking about."

A courteous city, the most beautiful scenery is always people. "'Zhejiang courtesy' should play a role as a lever fulcrum, so that common prosperity, especially spiritual wealth, can be reflected in the people." Chen Xufeng believes that the practice of "Quzhou courtesy" provides a way of thinking for "Zhejiang courtesy", and looks forward to "Zhejiang courtesy" and also provides a Zhejiang program for "China courtesy", which is also the due meaning of the central government to zhejiang's high-quality development and construction of a common prosperity demonstration zone.