
"God Is Crazy" Li Su, patrilineal lineage A, is the oldest bloodline of our human beings

Millions of years ago, a group of African apes began to shed their hair and form naked apes, the earliest humans. The essential difference between naked apes and hairy apes is that they are sexy, and they can come to a hair at any time, and they will go to kang when they pick up their pants

"God Is Crazy" Li Su, patrilineal lineage A, is the oldest bloodline of our human beings

100,000 years ago, there was a new model of African naked apes: Homo sapiens, the ancestor of all modern humans. Homo sapiens is just a new model of naked apes, and it wouldn't be surprising if one day it became extinct

"God Is Crazy" Li Su, patrilineal lineage A, is the oldest bloodline of our human beings

Neanderthal, Denisova Savage, is the oldest of the naked apes. The Savages taught Homo sapiens how to hunt mammoths. Before Homo sapiens, wildlings had been hunting mammoths for hundreds of thousands of years

"God Is Crazy" Li Su, patrilineal lineage A, is the oldest bloodline of our human beings

60,000 years ago, we Homo sapiens went out of Africa and the world and participated in the mammoth robbery, which led to the extinction of Neanderthal savages in the Western Hemisphere and the extinction of Denisovan savages in the Eastern Hemisphere

"God Is Crazy" Li Su, patrilineal lineage A, is the oldest bloodline of our human beings

Mammoths are almost the most important source of meat for wild humans and Homo sapiens, but by 10,000 years ago, they were hunted by Homo sapiens to extinction. There was no meat to eat, forcing human beings to start farming and start farming

"God Is Crazy" Li Su, patrilineal lineage A, is the oldest bloodline of our human beings

The protagonist of the South African movie "God Is Crazy Too": Li Su, a simple comic, he is a Bushmen of A blood, but the oldest paternal bloodline of our Homo sapiens

"God Is Crazy" Li Su, patrilineal lineage A, is the oldest bloodline of our human beings

The Maasai of Kenya in Africa are also mainly of A3 ancestry. They are evolving wildly, with eyesight of 6.0, a general height of 1 meter 95, and at the age of 13, they can single-handedly overthrow a lion

"God Is Crazy" Li Su, patrilineal lineage A, is the oldest bloodline of our human beings

After Homo sapiens left Africa, with different ecological environments, they evolved different skin tones, hair, eyes, and virtues. However, although they look different, they are all bred by the same ancestor

"God Is Crazy" Li Su, patrilineal lineage A, is the oldest bloodline of our human beings

The time and space in which Homo sapiens spread from Africa to the world is clear at a glance. Molecular anthropology is more reliable, although it is only a trendy science. After all, the human genome sequence was only measured in 2003

"God Is Crazy" Li Su, patrilineal lineage A, is the oldest bloodline of our human beings