
How did talk show actor Cam get caught involved in drugs? Behind this is a very large drug trafficking network

author:CCTV News

The high-profile talk show actor Cam has entered the prosecution stage on suspicion of drug abuse and the admission of others to use drugs. However, few people know that this case is actually just an "episode" in a mega-drug trafficking case.

Recently, Huang Ming (pseudonym), an anti-narcotics police officer of the Shanghai Hongkou Public Security Bureau who participated in the investigation of this case, introduced the investigation of this case.

How did talk show actor Cam get caught involved in drugs? Behind this is a very large drug trafficking network
How did talk show actor Cam get caught involved in drugs? Behind this is a very large drug trafficking network

Crowds were smoking marijuana during the pandemic

In April 2020, the Ouyang Road police station of Shanghai's Hongkou substation arrested a drug trafficking suspect.

Huang Ming introduced, "This person is just a delivery person, and his upper line is a woman in another province and city." Remotely, she manipulates a marijuana sales network of drug traffickers. From the suspect's quest for a melon, the police smashed a drug trafficking gang that was engaged in the sale of marijuana in Shanghai, suspected of selling more than 10 kilograms of marijuana.

The marijuana that Kam smoked was provided by this person. Just before this person was caught, two orders were sent by courier, one of which was sent to Kam. Upon investigation, Kam began buying marijuana from the gang in early January. During the epidemic period, he still purchased marijuana many times and allowed the company's colleagues Chen Mou, Li Mou and others to smoke together.

Drug dealers trade drug money with virtual currency

So, how did this drug trafficking suspect get into the eyes of the police? This goes back to 2019. At that time, the Hongkou police lasted nearly 4 months, successfully detected a drug project listed by the Ministry of Public Security, and destroyed an extraordinarily large drug trafficking network that radiated more than 10 provinces and cities across the country. The drug trafficker suspect was a related person to one of the drug dealers in that case.

Huang Ming was deeply touched: "The drug dealer is really too cunning. According to him, drug dealers now have a surprising sense of anti-detection, and they communicate internally through a chat software with a "read and burn" function, as well as special joint codes. Only on the upper secret code can the transaction continue.

The gang's drug trade methods are also extremely hidden. Huang Ming said that this gang does not accept cash transfers, and the next family must provide drug funds to the upper family by purchasing virtual currency. "According to the real-time value of the virtual currency, the upper family calculates the drug capital remittance into the virtual currency value, and the next family must purchase the corresponding amount of virtual currency on the transaction website, and then transfer the number, password and other information of the virtual currency to the upper family to complete the drug transaction."

Subsequently, the upper family disguised the marijuana as tea or traditional Chinese medicine and sent it to the next family by courier. In general, the volume of a transaction is about one or two kilograms. Because the packaging is deceptive, it is difficult to spot.

How did talk show actor Cam get caught involved in drugs? Behind this is a very large drug trafficking network

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There are 400 cannabis plants deep in the mountains

Under the coordination of the Ministry of Public Security, the special case team traced the information flow and capital flow of drug traffickers, and the final clue pointed to Li Mou, who was in Henan. In April 2019, the special case team, with the cooperation of the Henan police, launched a secret investigation into Li.

"From the amount he sold, we thought he must have a cannabis base and should be hiding in the mountains."

According to the shipment volume and transaction frequency of Li's gang that were grasped in the early stage, the special case team had the above judgment, but it was necessary to find the planting base and find out the trading network in order to exhaust the net.

"In order to find the source of the poison, we disguised ourselves as locals and followed and investigated for more than 2 months. This work is very challenging, you must be bold and careful, but also have to adapt to changes. "Finally, the investigators found Li's cannabis cultivation base in a mountain pass on the outskirts of Henan Province, with more than 400 cannabis plants." He hired relatives and mixed hemp with corn, ginger and other agricultural products, which at first glance seemed to be ordinary farmland. ”

At the same time, the members of the task force who remained in Shanghai also found out the composition of the gang. Li Mou, who was originally a small businessman, illegally purchased marijuana seeds from the Internet and brought them back to his hometown to grow. Subsequently, through the network to meet drug traffickers, step by step expanded their own cannabis sales network. As of the time of the case, his next home has spread to more than ten provinces and cities across the country, and the frequency of transactions is very high.

On July 11, 2019, the special case team concentrated on collecting the net in many places, and successively arrested more than 10 criminal suspects such as Li Mou and Hu Mou, and seized more than 50 kilograms of marijuana.

Source of this article: synthesized from "Xinmin Evening News" and so on

Producer 丨Li Zhe

Editor-in-chief 丨 Wang Shuo

Edited by 丨Qin Jing

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