
"The Simpsons" predicted that the new crown virus predicted Trump? Really a crosser?

author:Gu Yue loves movies

I believe that everyone has more or less heard of the magical prediction of the cartoon "The Simpsons", and many people suspect that the creators have traveled back from the future to the present, especially the scene of Trump's election as president is still talked about today.

Straight to the point, here is to summarize the magical prophecy of "The Simpsons", everyone is happy not to be too real, take it easy.

"The Simpsons" predicted that the new crown virus predicted Trump? Really a crosser?

GIFs are from Giphy

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"The Simpsons" predicted that the new crown virus predicted Trump? Really a crosser?

Image from The Simpsons

In a 1997 episode, Maggie suggested that Bart read a book called Curious George and the Ebola Virus. This was 17 years before the Ebola outbreak, when the virus was almost unknown.

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"The Simpsons" predicted that the new crown virus predicted Trump? Really a crosser?

In a 1994 episode, the elementary school cafeteria aunt prepares students' lunches with a bunch of horse meat mixtures. Nine years later, both the Irish and British Ministries of Food Safety found that more than a third of beef burgers were mixed with horse meat.

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"The Simpsons" predicted that the new crown virus predicted Trump? Really a crosser?

In a 1994 episode, Apple's Newton phone (the phone was in the pre-iPhone series) appeared. Inside is handwritten "Beat up Martin." Automatically changed to "Eat up Martha." In an era when mobile phones were not yet common, the spelling autocorrect function of mobile phones was predicted, and what is even more amazing at that time was that the "autocorrect" function could be successfully predicted how annoying (mostly for English).

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"The Simpsons" predicted that the new crown virus predicted Trump? Really a crosser?

Image from Rush

In a 1995 episode, Lisa travels to London. In the background of the picture, a building very similar to the Shard (Shard) appears, and the location is very accurate. The Shard was only built in 2009, completed in 2012 and opened to the public in 2013.

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"The Simpsons" predicted that the new crown virus predicted Trump? Really a crosser?

Image from the Simpsons

In a 1995 episode, Lisa's husband speaks to his watch-shaped smartphone. The first Apple Watch smartwatch went on sale in 2013.

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"The Simpsons" predicted that the new crown virus predicted Trump? Really a crosser?

In a 2008 episode, Homer voted for Obama on a voting machine, but a machine failure automatically changed his vote. In the actual 2012 election, a voting machine in Pennsylvania malfunctioned, automatically changing the vote for Barack Obama (Democrat) to Mitt Romney (Republican), raising concerns about the fairness of the vote.

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"The Simpsons" predicted that the new crown virus predicted Trump? Really a crosser?

Image courtesy of The Current

This is one of The Simpsons' most famous predictions. In fact, in 1999, Trump, who was still a businessman, joked that he wanted to run for president of the United States. So in 2000, The Simpsons decided to animate his jokes. What's even more amazing is that after Trump officially announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States in 2015, the picture of standing on the escalator is almost the same as the scene in the animation. So there is this magical set of control charts above. And that's not all, in the cartoon, the scene where the sign held by the person in the upper left corner falls to the ground is exactly the same.

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"The Simpsons" predicted that the new crown virus predicted Trump? Really a crosser?
"The Simpsons" predicted that the new crown virus predicted Trump? Really a crosser?

Image from SoCalGis

The image above is a map of the election distribution in a 2012 episode, and the following is a map of the actual election distribution when Trump was elected president in 2016. It is clear that its predictions are basically consistent with the actual distribution map.

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"The Simpsons" predicted that the new crown virus predicted Trump? Really a crosser?

In a 2012 episode, the characters bet on who would win a Nobel Prize in a different discipline. Ignoring the red circle, Milhouse can be seen writing about MIT professor Bengt R. Holmstrom at the Nobel Prize in Economics. Six years later, the professor, Bengt R. Holmstrom, actually won the Nobel Prize in Economics.

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"The Simpsons" predicted that the new crown virus predicted Trump? Really a crosser?

Image courtesy of Krock1057

In a 2012 episode, Lady Gaga performs aerialally at a concert in Springfield, the town where Simpson lives. A similar aerial performance scene appeared at Lady Gaga's concert in 2017.

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"The Simpsons" predicted that the new crown virus predicted Trump? Really a crosser?

Image from Netama

In a 1990 episode, Barthes catches a 3-eyed fish in a river near a nuclear power plant. In 2011, a three-eyed fish was found near a nuclear power plant in Argentina. (Although it's a lot scary, it's not so cute)

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"The Simpsons" predicted that the new crown virus predicted Trump? Really a crosser?

In a 1993 episode, workers at a Japanese factory in Springfield inadvertently spread a highly contagious "Osaka virus" and explicitly identified it as a coronavirus. Fans use it as a prediction for covid-19 at the moment.

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"The Simpsons" predicted that the new crown virus predicted Trump? Really a crosser?

The Higgs boson, also known as the God particle, is a boson in the Standard Model of particle physics that was hypothesized by Peter Higgs in 1960, but was not identified and proven until 2013. However, in a 1998 episode of The Simpsons, Homer, as an inventor, wrote a mathematical formula that basically and accurately predicted the mass of particles, 15 years before scientists.

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"The Simpsons" predicted that the new crown virus predicted Trump? Really a crosser?

In a 1998 episode, children wore something like VR glasses and played a game called Yard Work. The scene contains two predictions: the happy farm stealing game that exploded around 2010 and VR technology that is still being explored.

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"The Simpsons" predicted that the new crown virus predicted Trump? Really a crosser?

Another prediction about tech was in a 1995 episode in which Lisa spoke to Maggie over a video call. Although the shape is not the same, it also predicts the concept of video calls completely.

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"The Simpsons" predicted that the new crown virus predicted Trump? Really a crosser?

Another mythical prophecy of The Simpsons is that in a 1998 episode, "A Division of Walt Disney Co" appeared in 20th Century Fox's corporate logo, magically predicting that Disney would complete the acquisition of 21st Century Fox in 2019. (Note: 21st Century Fox was founded in 2013.) 20th Century Fox is a subsidiary of 21st Century Fox that was renamed 20th Century Studio this year. )

"The Simpsons" predicted that the new crown virus predicted Trump? Really a crosser?

GIFs are from Gifer

It is no accident that "The Simpsons" came out of the first episode of the cartoon in 1989 and is still very popular and updated for 31 seasons. Seemingly simple animation, rather than having a strong team of screenwriters from the future to the present, there is a group of mathematical literary artists who are proficient in astronomical geopolitics and economics who inject soul into animation behind the scenes.

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