
A plot flaw in the movie Polar Strikes Back

author:Leader of the Iron Sword Gang

The Spanish film "Polar Strikes Back" is an action film, thrilling, quite violent aesthetic characteristics, but also has a certain degree of ornamentation, but the plot is flawed, so that the film becomes the product of a certain concept, a little far from art.

A plot flaw in the movie Polar Strikes Back

The gang leader's sons, Lucelo and Massimo, join forces to fight back against their father's drug-making industry, killing the guards and smashing the drug factory to death. When their father arrived, Massimo had already left, and Lucelo shot and killed his father, taking over the entire drug industry. At the same time, Lucelo sent the killer Finito to find Maxmo's home, kill his son and shoot Mismo at the same time. But Lucelo's sister Maria escaped while he shot his father, saving the dying Massmore.

When Maxmo recovers, he is bound to take revenge, but he is not his father's own son, but only a brother to Lucelo. The film turns to a young man named Leon, who is robbed by a gangster, but thanks to encountering Maxmo, he is saved by Maxmo and learns from Maxmo. But Leon wants to deliver drugs to the gang, and when he refuses, a disaster ensues. The little gangster at the bottom beats up Leon, and Maxmo takes revenge on him, while provoking the killer of the year, Finito. Finito breaks into Lyon's home and kills both his parents and brother, and he wants to kill Lyon. Maxmo intervenes in time to save Leon and take revenge with maria's help, but his revenge seems to have shattered the plan he had made for several years, a bit risky, and almost lost his life as a result.

Eventually, Maria is coerced by Finito, while Maxmo is dueling with Lucelo. He laid down his weapon and was beaten by Lucelo to the north, but when Maria fought back, he miraculously regained his fighting power and fought back in one fell swoop, killing Finito and Lucelo, and winning a great victory.

A plot flaw in the movie Polar Strikes Back

The director seems to want to show the characteristics of violent aesthetics, the sound of gunshots flying and exploding is exquisite, and the character fight special effects are also well done, but it is a contrived feeling. In order to show Maxmo's counterattack, he did not hesitate to set up layers, but all kinds of sets were memes used by other directors, and they were not new at all. Supposedly, Maxmo was so powerful, how could he be killed? Even if his leg was injured, he still maintained his combat effectiveness, so why should he mix the young Leon in? As a result of the inclusion of Leon, the Lyon family suffered a frenzied retaliation and all family members except Lyon were killed. This point was something that Maxmo had already thought of, but it was not explicitly stated, and there was a sense of calculation in it.

From the beginning, Lucelo and Maxmo joined forces to fight the drug factory, and it can be seen that the two people are bound to leave one, that is, "two tigers fight each other, and there will be an injury." "Lucelo has ambitions, and Maxmo is just a helper, but both are killers, and their hands are stained with blood. After reading the beginning, the average person can guess the end. All the fights and fires are expected, but there are big holes in the plot, such as how can Lucelo and Melos easily break into the poison factory and kill so many guards with just two people? How did Lucelo get the trust of the organization? The organization won't investigate? Maxmo's fighting power is amazing for a while, and the next moment he has become a small sheep to be slaughtered, is he deliberately cooperating with the director's thinking to show the plot? In particular, the addition of young Leon makes the plot a little interesting, but it is more cruel to see the gangsters, and it is also more to see the extraneous branches of the plot, it seems that it is only to prolong the storyline, otherwise it is just to make Maxmo revenge how uninteresting!

A plot flaw in the movie Polar Strikes Back

Obviously, the plot is weak and full of loopholes, and all the plot design and character design are designed to show a certain concept, which is the product of the director's domination, not the product of the development of the plot. It can be seen that jumping out of the plot to randomly dominate the disadvantages of the characters, although the special effects are wonderful and the fights are wonderful, but it is obvious that people feel bored and expected, there is no unexpected display, which is a very mediocre work.

The plot has its own development logic, which requires rich details and requires the participation of the characters, rather than arbitrarily directing and letting the characters wander outside the plot. Perhaps, the plot of the movie is very simple, and the relationship between the characters is also simple, but the director has randomly stuffed some plots and character activities, but has not been seriously polished. It's okay for the audience to watch and play, but it's not necessary to look at it as a work of art.

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