
Travelogue of Thailand

author:Ray's words

At three o'clock in the morning on April 15th, the overseas tour group we participated in, led by the tour guide of Kanghui Tourism Company, took a plane and embarked on a journey to Xinmatai.

At six o'clock in the morning, the plane landed smoothly at the Airport of Bangkok, Thailand, and the freshness of the exotic country quickly drove away the fatigue of our journey, and everyone seemed very excited.

After breakfast at the airport, we boarded the Thai Tourism Company's bus, which consisted of a man, a woman and two guides. Thailand's tour guide division of labor is very clear, the male tour guide is responsible for the explanation of the car, the female tour guide is responsible for all the itinerary under the car, and another childish girl is a tour guide who interns with the car.

The roads in Bangkok are narrow and simple, and they cannot be compared with the wide and beautiful asphalt roads of the domestic metropolises. Most of the roads are lined with two- or three-storey houses, and the tour guide said that the tall buildings in Thailand were built by Chinese, and the people living in them were all Chinese. Listening to the introduction of the tour guide, a sense of national pride sprang up in my heart.

In Thailand, the driver's position is on the right side of the car, and the vehicles traveling in the same direction are driving on the left side of the road, which makes people feel very unaccustomed.

On the road, from time to time, motorcycles are speeding through the middle of the vehicles. The tour guide said that there are few traffic lights on the streets of Thailand, the speed of vehicles is very fast, and the speed of motorcycles is faster than the speed of cars, and he told us that we must pay attention to safety when crossing the road when free activities.

The road is lined with tall, lush tropical trees, coconut and mango trees that spark my desire to taste tropical fruits.

One of the attractions that impressed us in Thailand is Pattaya, known as the "Hawaii of the East". When we came to Pattaya, we first watched the shemales show and the elephant show.

The shemale show is a unique feature of Thailand, and when traveling to Thailand, the shemale show is a must-see program.

Shemale mainly refers to men who take estrogens from an early age and develop into a female appearance. In Thailand, almost only children of poor families and orphans who have lost their parents become shemales.

The fate of the shemale is very tragic, they grew up taking estrogen that is harmful to the body, which is extremely harmful to the body, and the demons generally do not live to be forty years old.

One of the individual demons on the stage was dressed very charmingly, and the program they performed was colorful and dazzling. When I saw the song and dance "Where Did You Come From" performed by the shemale, I seemed to see helplessness and sadness in the eyes of the demon I was performing. My eyes were moist, and I couldn't help but feel sympathy for them from within.

Travelogue of Thailand

Elephants performing the show

The elephant show in Thailand is very exciting. Spiritual elephants are trained by humans to kick balls, stand upside down, shoot basketballs, and salute in a ridiculous manner. The most interesting thing is that the elephant gives a massage for people. A row of people lay on the ground, and the elephants slowly walked past the crowds, carefully looking for a foothold between people, and each time they passed a person, they would stretch out their thick feet and gently stroke them.

It was also fun for the audience to take a photo with the elephants, only to see two elephants under the command of the trainers, holding their long noses together, and the audience sitting between the noses of the two elephants to take pictures. Then, one of the elephants wrapped its long nose around the waist of the photographer and lifted her high, while the other elephant quickly flicked its long nose to stroke the photographer's head, and the two elephants cooperated very tacitly.

Thailand is a country where tipping is prevalent, after the performance, only to see a trainer riding on the elephant, came to the audience, the elephant extended its long nose to the audience to ask for a tip, each tip, the elephant quickly used its nose to hand the money to the owner riding on its back.

In order to get close to the elephant, I also prepared a few one yuan yuan (one yuan is equal to 4.7 baht), and at the moment when the elephant took the tip, I kissed the nose of the baby elephant with my cheek, but unfortunately, my husband's photography skills were not good, and I did not take this moment, which made me regret for a long time.

Travelogue of Thailand

The second day in Pattaya was the highlight of our trip – a visit to Pattaya's Golden Beach.

In the morning, after breakfast, the bus took less than ten minutes to the sea. The first time I saw the sea, everyone was excited.

It takes 10 minutes by speedboat to golden sand beach and 40 minutes by boat. The guides took into account the age of the tourists in our group and they led us on a big boat to the Golden Beach.

In the process of sailing in the sea on a big boat, we truly appreciated the magnificence of the sea. I saw the vast sea stretching endlessly, the blue water gushing with rolling waves, and the waves lapping at the reefs on the shore. Looking into the distance, the sky and the sea are connected together, and there is no boundary.

Speedboat after boat paddled rapidly on the surface of the sea, and the splashing waves flew high. Every speedboat and big boat was full of tourists, and the six of us rode on the ground floor of the big boat, all wearing life jackets at first, and when we saw someone take off their life jackets, they stood at the bow of the boat to take pictures. Sister Ge and Teacher Lu followed suit, took off our life jackets, and stood at the bow of the boat to take photos.

Time flies so fast that before long we reach our destination. Looking around, the blue sky is like a wash, white clouds are hanging like a ball of cotton, and the red sun is like a big fireball shining on the golden beach. On the wide golden sand, tourists wear swimsuits of various colors, making the beach look colorful and very beautiful.

Travelogue of Thailand

Get up close and personal with the waters of Golden Sand Beach

The sea is a place I have longed for for a long time, and today I finally dipped my feet into the light blue water, and I had close contact with the sea, and I was very excited, and I really wanted to shout in my throat: "The sea, I am coming!" ”

Even Sister Ge, who has always been afraid of cold, can't help but pull up her pants legs and step into the sea to experience the cool taste of the sea.

My husband has never liked to join in the fun, and when he meets the sea, he is also oblivious, a man walks from the shallow sea to the deeper sea, the sea wet his shirt and does not stop his progress, he plays in the sea for a long time before returning to the shore.

I am envious of seeing many tourists swimming in the shallow sea. At this moment, I began to regret not listening to the advice of my colleagues Feng and Wu who traveled here some time ago to bring swimsuits. But it is difficult to buy regret medicine with money, so I can only sigh.

Travelogue of Thailand

I took a group photo with Sister Ge by the sea

We stayed for almost two hours at Golden Beach Beach, which was the longest and most fun spot on our tour group's trip in Thailand.

In Pattaya, we had the privilege of visiting the private estate of Thailand's richest Chinese, known as the "Golden House of Wealth". Built by the sea, the Rich Golden House is a truly palatial private manor built by the wealthy Thai Chinese businessman Xie Guomin, covering an area of 180,000 square meters, second only to the Grand Palace in Thailand.

Xie Guomin is a Thai Chinese, originally from Chenghai, Guangdong, born in 1939, is currently the chairman and chief executive officer of Thai Chia Tai International Group. Chia Tai Group is an international consortium integrating agriculture, industry and commerce, with more than 50 companies and enterprises in the world, and more than 30 investment enterprises in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Qiong, Xiang, Sichuan and other provinces and cities in the Chinese mainland, in recent years, Chia Tai Group and Bu Bee Group have been listed in Hong Kong. His family owns a total of HK$11.9 billion in assets.

The estate was built as a gift for his mother's 60th birthday after xie guomin bought it for 1.4 billion baht (300 million yuan interim).

Travelogue of Thailand

Entering the inner courtyard, a large hall that can stand for thousands of people is displayed in front of us, the ground is covered with a huge seamless carpet, the interior furnishings are extremely luxurious, the hall contains a variety of famous paintings, gods, sculptures are vivid, rare treasures, golden light, valuable, we are amazed, everyone has raised their mobile phones, and their grandeur and luxury are included in the lens.

During the six-day trip in Thailand, we had a great time, a comfortable stay, and a delicious meal. Although the male tour guide Pete left the group for one day because the 21 people of our tour group collectively refused the 600 yuan self-funded project, it did not affect our mood at all.

At 1:50 p.m. on April 19, we flew out of Thailand for the next stop on the tour, Singapore. The moment I boarded the plane, I felt attached to Thailand from the bottom of my heart.

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