
The line in "Let the Bullets Fly": Standing and earning money, how many ordinary people call

author:Insight into emotions

The movie "Let the Bullets Fly" is a masterpiece directed and self-starred by Jiang Wen in 2010. Today, this movie is still highly sought after by the majority of fans, with a Douban score of 8.7. The classic lines are also used as a model for film school classes.

The line in "Let the Bullets Fly": Standing and earning money, how many ordinary people call

In the late autumn of 11 years ago, I can't remember which girl and which theater I watched this movie. And a line in the film, I still remember it vividly. Zhang Muzhi, played by Jiang Wen, and Master Tang, played by Ge You, have such a dialogue.

Zhang Muzhi: I think this place is good.

Master Tang: The people have become poor ghosts, and there is no oil and water to fry.

Zhang Muzhi: Lao Tzu never thought of scraping the money of poor ghosts.

Master Tang: Who do you earn without scraping the money of poor ghosts?

Zhang Muzhi: Whoever has money earns whom.

Master Tang: When you buy an official and become a county magistrate, you really kneel down and ask for food.

Zhang Muzhi: I have become a county magistrate, how can I not be as good as a bandit?

Master Tang: In the eyes of the people, you are the county magistrate, but in Huang Silang's eyes, you are kneeling and asking for food. Make money, business, don't be ashamed.

Zhang Muzhi: Shame, very humiliating.

Master Tang: Do you want to stand, or do you want to earn money?

Zhang Muzhi: I wanted to stand and earn money.

The line in "Let the Bullets Fly": Standing and earning money, how many ordinary people call

In real life, the world, all sentient beings, we have to put down our bodies and give up our dignity to a certain extent for the sake of livelihood, for the future, and for the sake of the family. The world is bustling for profit, the world is bustling for profit, under the temptation of money, who can not bend for five buckets of rice?

Most people bend in the face of interests and earn money on their knees. They bear the scolding of their superiors, endure the harsh rebukes of their customers, and only to earn money to let their wives and children live a well-fed life. The better thing is to squat and earn money, and the better thing is to sit and earn money. Probably only a few elites can do what the film says: stand and earn money.

The line in "Let the Bullets Fly": Standing and earning money, how many ordinary people call

When I was in college, I chose to major in software engineering. At that time, the Internet was not yet widespread, and the information was blocked. I didn't even know this major was computer-related. After entering the school, I felt that this major was boring and uninteresting. A teacher encouraged me: A person who does good things well is not a skill, it can only be regarded as a fulfillment of talent, and only by doing well things that are not good and not interested can he show his talent.

I still think software programming is too hard. One weekend, I got up early, sat down at my computer, and completed a complicated program, which was already three o'clock in the afternoon. I was dizzy and hungry. Go to the small shop in front of the school to eat. I asked for a bowl of rice noodles, a cage of buns, and when the waiter brought the food up, I had an epiphany. Look at this waiter, a little girl, probably younger than my age. In her heart of hearts, is she so willing to be a waiter? Was her childhood ideal to wipe the dishes on the table here? Thinking of the cleaners on the road, are you so willing to sweep the street? Are shopping guides in the mall so fond of selling things? Adults will do more or less things that they are reluctant to do, maybe this is life, this is life.

The line in "Let the Bullets Fly": Standing and earning money, how many ordinary people call

After graduating, I got a good job. At first, the leader was very serious about me and consciously promoted me.

One day, just after work, I took a towel and went to the small bathroom of the unit to take a shower. At the bathroom door, the leader led the family's puppy over: Xiao Wang, you wait, let me take a bath for my dog first, and then I can go home after washing.

I was angry. I came first, why let your dog wash first, am I not as good as a dog? It really doesn't hurt much, it's insulting. But people are leaders, and they usually take good care of me, and my future is in the hands of others. When the ugly words came to my mouth, I swallowed them raw and let the dog bathe first with a smile.

Now that the leader is retired, I sit in his place. Whenever I think about this, I still feel very awkward, I feel too insulting, and I feel that I am on my knees to make money. And when I stepped into a leadership position, I stood upright in front of the staff to earn money, and in front of the bigger leaders, I was nothing, and if I wanted to make money, I had to kneel.

Having experienced humiliation, I paid special attention to maintaining the self-esteem of my subordinates. No matter how serious the mistakes they make, I have never been a matter of fact and not a personal attack. In front of me, I don't want my employees to kneel to make money, a democratic society without an emperor, no one worth kneeling.

The line in "Let the Bullets Fly": Standing and earning money, how many ordinary people call

Some people say that face is for dogs. But man lives a face, a tree lives a skin, and no one is willing to lay down his dignity unless he is forced to do so.

We all want to stand and earn money. There is only one way to achieve benefits with dignity: to make yourself strong enough.

If you want to be noble before others, you have to suffer behind your back. Life is a practice, and the so-called strength is tempered by self-discipline day after day. Adults, the top self-discipline is: nothing to go to bed early, free time to make more money, idle time often read.

Nothing to go to bed early. Because of the anxiety of life caused by insomnia, because of poor sleep and affect work, career is not improving, more anxious, it is caught in a vicious circle. Don't overdraft your body, rest well, in order to meet tomorrow's challenges a hundred times more energetic.

Make more money when you have time. As the saying goes: rich and powerful. The fanny pack is bulging, and the waist bar is naturally hard. When everything around you can't give you a sense of security, try to make money, only wealth can make you feel solid.

I read a lot of books in my spare time. I recommend trying to choose paper books instead of e-books. Reading books can make people get peace from the noise of materialism. Only tranquility can go far. Every book you read today can be a treasure in the future.

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