
Big Reveal! More than 16 million clams in Fuqing were actually stocked like this


In Fuqing, there is a seafood

Definitely indispensable table delicacy

It's just —"clams."

Big Reveal! More than 16 million clams in Fuqing were actually stocked like this

Clams are delicious

Do you know what clams look like?

And how to stock it?

Today, Xiaobian reveals the secret for you!

February and March every year is one of the best times to release clams at the sanhua park of the national•Fuqing Taiwan Farmers' Entrepreneurship Park. Since the Lantern Festival, it has been a busy scene in the clams, mechanized ploughing, leveling the clam fields, and preparing fishermen for the release of clams.

Big Reveal! More than 16 million clams in Fuqing were actually stocked like this
Big Reveal! More than 16 million clams in Fuqing were actually stocked like this

Full of curiosity, Xiaobian visited the field

Fishermen wash and transport seedlings

The whole process of dropping clams

Big Reveal! More than 16 million clams in Fuqing were actually stocked like this

Pick clam seedlings, wash clam seedlings

At about 3 p.m., Xiaobian came to the clam seedling breeding pond

Dozens of fishermen gathered at the edge of the pond

The excavated clams are loaded into baskets and washed

Big Reveal! More than 16 million clams in Fuqing were actually stocked like this

Lin Xiaoqiang, the manager of the clam breeding base, told the editor that this is the first batch of clams released this year, which has been harvested for more than ten days, and will be completed in four or five days, and there is still a batch of release time to wait until around November.

Big Reveal! More than 16 million clams in Fuqing were actually stocked like this

The old fisherman who lives in a nearby village said that at six o'clock in the morning, he had already gone down to the pond to dig clams and seedlings, about ten pounds an hour, worked for 6 to 9 hours, and could collect more than 100 pounds. The fishermen's wages are calculated according to the weight of digging clams, 3.5 yuan per kilogram, and the average daily income is more than 300 yuan.

Big Reveal! More than 16 million clams in Fuqing were actually stocked like this

"Most of the fishermen who dig clams and fry are villagers with no other occupations in the vicinity, the average age is about 55 years old, and the digging takes 20 days to subsidize the family for 5,000 or 6,000 yuan, which is a good income for them."

Lin Xiaoqiang said, at the end of the day,

These are all dependent on the weight of the artificially dug clams

A total of 60 quintals (about 6,000 catties)

Big Reveal! More than 16 million clams in Fuqing were actually stocked like this

After a three-month nursery period, clams can grow to two centimeters to four or five centimeters, and their shell color is light yellow, and the flesh color is white and tender, which is sensitive to external stimuli. It is understood that the clam breeding base in Sanhua Park adopts independent seedlings, which reduces the cost of breeding and also ensures that the clams are protected from damage during transportation.

Big Reveal! More than 16 million clams in Fuqing were actually stocked like this

Thanks to autonomous seedlings

Clams are more adaptable to local water quality and climate

Strong vitality

Survival rate of 98%

Big Reveal! More than 16 million clams in Fuqing were actually stocked like this

Transport clams and release clams

Put the clams into the basket after cleaning

It is loaded into a small truck and transported to a breeding area not far away

Fishermen responsible for dropping clams

Non-stop will be filled with clams baskets

Move to a small boat

Big Reveal! More than 16 million clams in Fuqing were actually stocked like this

The clams in each basket weigh about 80 pounds

A basket of clams is placed in each of the four corners of the boat

The fishermen use the buoyancy of the seawater to hold up the pole

Push the clams towards the feeding area slowly

Big Reveal! More than 16 million clams in Fuqing were actually stocked like this

Lin Xiaoqiang introduced

The clam breeding base in Sanhua Park has more than 2,000 mu

Half is a cockroach and half a reservoir

Mimics the high tide of the sea

Arrange water intake and release water to breed clams independently

Big Reveal! More than 16 million clams in Fuqing were actually stocked like this

The area of this feeding of clams is 50 acres

About 500 clam seedlings are raised per square meter of clams

Big Reveal! More than 16 million clams in Fuqing were actually stocked like this

Xiaobian roughly calculated the next ~~~

Big Reveal! More than 16 million clams in Fuqing were actually stocked like this

1 acre ≈ 666.66 square meters

666.66 m2 x 50 acres x 500 grains

≈ 16 million (clams)

Big Reveal! More than 16 million clams in Fuqing were actually stocked like this
Big Reveal! More than 16 million clams in Fuqing were actually stocked like this

Fishermen rowing small boats

The clams are transported to the aquaculture beach

Spread evenly over the tidal flats

Big Reveal! More than 16 million clams in Fuqing were actually stocked like this

Lin Xiaoqiang said that because it can arrange water in and out independently, the time for releasing clams is no longer limited by the tide. At the time of release, the water level is generally controlled at about 40 cm, so that the clams are exposed to the water, and after the clams are released, the water is put into the reservoir to supply nutrients.

Big Reveal! More than 16 million clams in Fuqing were actually stocked like this

If the clams are released, they will burrow into the mudflats within 20 or 30 minutes, and if they encounter unfavorable factors such as strong wind and heavy rain after the seedlings are released, it will also affect the survival of the clams.

Big Reveal! More than 16 million clams in Fuqing were actually stocked like this

Xiaobian learned

If this batch of clams grows well

It can be mined in July and August

It can also be mined by the latest

During the harvest season

The sweat and hardships of clam breeders are intertwined

Only the hope of a good harvest is accompanied

Big Reveal! More than 16 million clams in Fuqing were actually stocked like this
Big Reveal! More than 16 million clams in Fuqing were actually stocked like this

Photo: Fuqing Imaging Center

Video/Song Bohai

Journalist, Editor/Pin Hong