
Guangdong specialties How many do you know?

author:Thin cool for a lifetime

It has been several years since I left Guangdong, and now whenever I think of Guangdong life, I can't forget that I have eaten some Cantonese food, and I list some of the more impressive ones below, and I welcome friends to add

Yingde black tea

Guangdong specialties How many do you know?

Yingde black tea, a specialty of Yingde City, Guangdong Province, is a national geographical indication product of China.

The anglo-German modern tea industry began in 1955, when the successful trial planting of the famous domestic tea plant - Yunnan large-leaf tea was successful; in 1959, the Successful trial production of Yingde black tea was successfully produced with Yunnan large-leaf tea. Since the advent of Yingde black tea, with its well-proportioned and beautiful appearance, black and ruddy color, bright red color, rich and pure aroma, etc., it is called the three major black teas in China together with Yunnan Dianhong and Anhui Qihong.

Yinghong No. 9 is the best of Yingde black tea, for the Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences Tea Research Institute in the introduction of a number of high-fragrance tea varieties to select and cultivate the high-aroma black tea varieties, with its fresh leaves processing black tea quality is superior, the taste is mellow and sweet, fresh and lasting, is considered by the tea industry as the best black tea varieties in China and even the world.

On December 31, 2006, the former General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine approved the implementation of geographical indication product protection for "Yingde Black Tea".

On November 15, 2019, it was selected into the directory of Chinese agricultural brands. On May 20, 2020, it was selected into the first batch of national famous and excellent new agricultural products in 2020.

Cantonese-style wax flavor

Guangdong specialties How many do you know?

Cantonese-style wax flavor is formed through continuous practice and improvement over the generations: as early as the Tang and Song dynasties, Arabs and Indians brought enema food when they traveled to Guangzhou to preach or do business. Since then, the merchants who process meat in Guangdong have absorbed the experience of foreign products on the basis of their own enzyme process, and after continuous research and innovation, they have become today's Cantonese-style wax flavor. Cantonese-style bacon selection of materials, exquisite craftsmanship, color, taste, aroma, shape are good, at home and abroad for a long time, best-selling throughout the country and Southeast Asia, its fancy varieties are extensive, mainly including: raw sausage, old sausage, duck liver intestine, lean meat intestine, pig heart intestine, fresh shrimp intestine, mushroom intestine, squid intestine, rose meat intestine, beef intestine, Dongguan sausage, gold and silver run, pork belly, sauce sealed meat and dozens of others.

Qingping chicken

Guangdong specialties How many do you know?

"Qingping Chicken", which once ranked first among the top ten famous chickens in Guangdong, faded from everyone's attention a few years ago with the completion of the Qingping Hotel. Founded in 1964, Qingping Hotel is a large state-owned catering enterprise specializing in various types of chicken dishes. The varieties served are white cut chicken, fried onion chicken, steamed chicken in water, one chicken with three flavors and so on. Customers walk into the Qingping Hotel, eat chicken, so it is called "Qingping Chicken".

At the beginning of 1981, Shao Gan, manager of Qingping Hotel, and Wang Yuan, a chef, developed a special white brine soaked chicken with a variety of herbs and spices; the chicken was soaked with aged chicken soup, so that the chicken constantly absorbed the original chicken soup when the river was cold, in order to maintain the umami and original taste of the chicken. After repeated research and development, the "Qingping Chicken" that is praised by everyone today was finally produced.

Chaoshan cream crab

Guangdong specialties How many do you know?

Red crab is one of the top ten famous crabs in China, and its place of origin is Chaoshan Province, so it is also known as Chaoshan cream crab, and its scientific name is saw-edge blue crab. The well-bred crab has thick legs and fat, and after steaming, it is delicious and abnormal, and its nutritional value is very high. The cream crab is large, and the most common one is about 1 pound. After cooking, it has the characteristics of fine meat and paste.

The Chaoshan area is known for its seafood, and the coastline of the Chaoshan South China Sea stretches for nearly 400 kilometers, east to Shangdong Township, Dongjie Town, Raoping County, and west to Haifeng County. Among them, there are 17 natural fishing ports such as Dahao and Fengzhou, and Nan'ao, the only fishing county in Guangdong Province. Chaoshan is facing the mighty sea, and the abundance of seafood naturally becomes an inexhaustible and inexhaustible resource for people.

Manhole fresh oysters

Guangdong specialties How many do you know?

Oysters are the most famous specialty of Shenzhen (formerly Bao'an County), and are best known for their shajing oysters. Because the oyster fields of the manholes are located at the confluence of brackish water, and the oysters suck up a lot of plankton in the seawater, the oysters here are fatter than other places and taste more delicious. Manhole oysters are rich in protein and vitamins A1, B1, B2, D, etc., the iodine content is 200 times that of milk and egg yolks, and manhole oysters and their products dried oysters (drums) and oyster sauce are sold in large quantities in Hong Kong, Nanyang, Europe and the United States, and have been in short supply.

  Oysters, scientific name oysters, is a shellfish seafood, its flesh is white, rich in protein, delicious and delicious, known as "seabed milk". Among the many marine treasures, many people are only fond of oysters. The Compendium of Materia Medica records that oyster meat "eats a lot, can clean the skin, is aphrodisiac by the kidneys, and can cure weakness and detoxify erysipelas". It is no wonder that many celebrities and gentlemen in ancient and modern China and abroad have formed an indissoluble relationship with oysters. According to records, Napoleon liked to eat oysters during his conquests to maintain his strong fighting ability; Chinese celebrity Song Meiling also often ate oysters to maintain his beauty. The Western text calls it "God-given devil food" And the Japanese consider it to be the "source of the root", as well as the hymn of "the oysters in the heavens and the earth are exclusive". One of the delicacies that people of Laibaoan must try is oysters, especially grilled oysters, whose tender flesh is sandwiched with the aroma of garlic, lingering between the tongue and teeth, making people remember.

Fengtang horseshoe powder

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Horseshoe, also known as water chestnut, is rich in vitamins B and C, plant protein, phosphorus, and has the effect of clearing heat and dehumidifying and detoxification. It is the bulb of the sedge root plant water chestnut. It grows mainly in southern China. Horseshoes contain a lot of starch, plus oligosaccharides and monosaccharides, accounting for more than 86% of dry weight. Starch 18.8%, protein 2.3%, fat 0.2%, ash 1.6%. Multivitamins A, B1, B2, C, and minerals calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc. In addition, it also contains a heat-intolerant antibacterial ingredient, water chestnut, which has an inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc.

Pure lotus mooncakes

Guangdong specialties How many do you know?

Lotus Moon Cake is a traditional famous spot in modern Guangdong Province, the Food of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Varieties include pure lotus moon, olive lotus moon and egg yolk, double yellow, three yellow, four yellow lotus moon and so on. The material of the pie filling is very exquisite, and the lotus seeds produced in the year should be selected, and the filling produced is golden in color, smooth and fragrant, and the moon cake is rich in shape and fresh. In 2009, cantonese lotus mooncake officially entered the list of intangible cultural heritage in Guangzhou, becoming one of the first delicacies on the list, and the dishes on the list at the same time included Cantonese-style wax flavor and xiaofeng cake.

Sand river flour

Guangdong specialties How many do you know?

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, there was a small shop in Shahe Town, Guangzhou City, called "Yiheju", the owner was named Fan Axiang, who was married, and there was an old father, called Fan Guanxiu, a family of three who made a living selling white porridge oil utensils and rice. Life is not rich, but it is still passable. One day, Fan Axiang ate something that was on fire, and then he was cold, some of them were hot, top-heavy, and he didn't think about eating. The father, Fan Guanxiu, was very worried, so he wanted to make some fresh food to appetize his son. What to do? If you think about it, you won't do anything else, you'll only use rice milk steamed cake to make some noodles, but they are all rough and large, and the taste is not good. If you want your son to have a good appetite, make some thin rice noodles. How to make rice noodles thinner? He looked up, saw the nest basket used to dry things, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his heart: pour a thin layer of rice milk on it, and after steaming, isn't it a thin layer of rice noodles? So I immediately washed the nest basket, soaked the rice again, ground the rice milk, boiled the water in the steamer, and scooped a spoon and poured it on the nest basket. Then gently shake, let the rice milk thinly spread on top, put it in the pot, steam it on a high heat for a minute or two, and the rice milk is cooked and becomes a thin piece of powder. Fan Guanxiu peeled the powder skin, cut the strips, added oil and salt chives and other condiments, and a bowl of fragrant rice noodles was ready. Fan Axiang tasted very delicious, his appetite was much better, and while eating, he asked his father what the name of this powder was. Fan Guanxiu said: "This is to see that you do not open your stomach, try to steam, there is no name yet." The wife said: "This powder was created in Shahe, so it is better to call it Shahe powder." Fan Axiang's father and son also applauded in unison. The next day, Fan Axiang pushed shahe powder out, which was very popular. Business is getting better and better, Fan Axiang simply stopped making porridge, noodles, and rice, and changed his "Yiheju" to a monopoly of Shahe noodles. He bought high-quality Annan rice, asked someone to pick out the sand impurities inside, soaked it in Baiyun landscape for more than two hours, and after the rice was soaked, he used Baiyun Landscape to grind it into rice milk and steam it into rice flour. Due to the excellent water quality of Baiyun Landscape, the sand river flour made of sand river flour is thin and tough, smooth and delicious, local residents, past merchants like to patronize, the business is very prosperous, sand river flour has become a specialty of Shahe Town

and the first porridge

Guangdong specialties How many do you know?

Congee with lean pork, liver and kidney, is one of the local traditional dishes in Guangdong Province, belonging to Cantonese porridge. Legend has it that it was created in the Ming Dynasty. It is made by adding pork lean meatballs, pork liver slices, and pork powder sausages to the porridge. The color is bright white, the water blends, and the taste is fresh and fragrant. Pay attention to the smooth bottom of the porridge, and the white rice porridge is boiled until the rice grains are fully melted. When ordered, scoop in a small pot and boil, add pork hearts, pork liver and pork intestines, roll and serve in a bowl, sprinkle peanuts and rice, chop fritters, and scatter them on the table with small plates of eggs. Pig offal, also known as "miscellaneous bottom", beautified as "and the first", has become a selling point. Very umami and delicious.

Chaoshan beef balls

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Chaoshan beef balls are also a specialty of the Chaoshan region, and are a perfect match for kueh and hot pot. Chaoshan beef balls are made with beef hand beating, the beef content is not less than 60%, the taste is tender, the meat is smooth, and the soup that bites in the beef crevice will pop out. Although it can't be played as a table tennis, it is still very flexible. Remember that the authentic Chaoshan beef balls are solid, and the beef balls also have a twin brother called Beef Tendon Pills.