
White-fronted swallowtail, small swallowtail, purple whistled plover... The illegal killing of these birds is not only sentenced to...

author:Hangzhou Procuratorate
White-fronted swallowtail, small swallowtail, purple whistled plover... The illegal killing of these birds is not only sentenced to...

On March 28, the Chun'an County Procuratorate filed a criminal incidental civil public interest lawsuit against an illegal hunting case, and invited some county people's congress deputies and CPPCC members to participate in the hearing.

White-fronted swallowtail, small swallowtail, purple whistled plover... The illegal killing of these birds is not only sentenced to...

The facts of the case

At the beginning of this year, an illegal hunting case was transferred to the Chun'an County People's Procuratorate for review and prosecution. In this case, the criminal suspect Hong Moumou hunted and killed a total of 24 birds such as white-fronted swallowtails, small swallowtails, and purple whistlebirds. After appraisal, the value of the 24 birds was determined to be RMB 7,200.

Case Handling

After collecting relevant evidence, appraisal and assessment opinions, and consulting experts, it was determined that Hong's behavior had caused damage to ecological resources and harmed the social public interest. The Chun'an County Procuratorate filed a criminal attached civil public interest lawsuit with the Chun'an County People's Court in accordance with law, and demanded economic compensation while pursuing its criminal responsibility.

However, in the course of investigation and on-site visits, the procurator found that the criminal suspect Hong Moumou did not have the ability to compensate. In order to play an educational and warning role, the county procuratorate, together with the forestry, local township party committee and government and the village committee, conducted pre-litigation consultations, and urged the compensation obligor, Mr. Hong, to perform the compensation liability for ecological resource damage through public welfare labor compensation.

White-fronted swallowtail, small swallowtail, purple whistled plover... The illegal killing of these birds is not only sentenced to...
White-fronted swallowtail, small swallowtail, purple whistled plover... The illegal killing of these birds is not only sentenced to...
White-fronted swallowtail, small swallowtail, purple whistled plover... The illegal killing of these birds is not only sentenced to...

Mr. Hong signed a labor compensation agreement with the local government, promising to participate in ecological conservation work and public welfare publicity activities such as patrolling and dismantling bird nets, forestry maintenance and river cleaning in 2019, with service time of not less than 480 hours. The local government acts as the supervisor and the Chun'an County People's Procuratorate acts as the inspector and regularly evaluates its labor performance.

On March 28, after trial by the Chun'an County People's Court, Hong was sentenced to six months' detention and ten months' probation; 100 yuan of illegal gains were withdrawn and confiscated; and compensation for the loss of national resources caused by his illegal hunting behavior totaled 7,200 yuan. (Compensation liability for damage to ecological resources through public welfare labor substitution)

White-fronted swallowtail, small swallowtail, purple whistled plover... The illegal killing of these birds is not only sentenced to...
White-fronted swallowtail, small swallowtail, purple whistled plover... The illegal killing of these birds is not only sentenced to...
White-fronted swallowtail, small swallowtail, purple whistled plover... The illegal killing of these birds is not only sentenced to...

At the "about hunting those things" class held after the end of the trial, the procurator once again publicized the concept of public interest litigation to the hunters who were listening, and solemnly reminded that in violation of hunting regulations, hunting in a game prohibited area, a game reserve, or using prohibited tools and methods to hunt, destroying wildlife resources, if the circumstances are serious, it constitutes the crime of illegal hunting. The ban period for mammals in our county is from April 1 to September 30 every year, and the reptile hunting ban period is from March 15 to June 30, and amphibians and birds are prohibited from hunting throughout the year. There is no killing without buying and selling, and the ecological diversity of Chun'an County needs you and me to protect it together!

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