
It is the source of China's long-standing culture, with a history of thousands of years without interruption

author:Liaoning Normal University Press

Chinese characters are the source of China's long-standing culture, one stroke and one painting contains Chinese unique way of thinking, we can only better appreciate the splendid Chinese culture if we learn Chinese characters well.

It is the source of China's long-standing culture, with a history of thousands of years without interruption

Professor Wang Ning

In September 2017, the "First Lesson of the Beginning of School" broadcast by the CCTV Comprehensive Channel began with a vivid explanation of Chinese characters brought by Professor Wang Ning of Beijing Normal University, who demonstrated the evolution process and word creation ideas of the words "positive" and "straight" on the spot. To be unskewed is to be "right", not to squint is to be "straight", to march towards the right goal is to be "upright", and the explanation is intuitive and vivid.

"Uncle Hanja" Richard Sears also came to "The First Lesson of School" to tell the story of his struggle for Chinese characters for more than 20 years. This nearly seventy-year-old American is constantly striving to carry forward the Chinese character culture, so what reason do we have not to protect and inherit the Chinese character culture of the motherland?

The reason why Chinese characters and Chinese character culture can continue is because their lives are in the folk and in our school groups. Only by truly integrating Chinese character culture into everyone's blood can we better inherit and carry it forward. At the right time, we have an unshirkable responsibility to inherit the Chinese character culture!

It is the source of China's long-standing culture, with a history of thousands of years without interruption

Chinese characters are the words of the ideographic system, and the shape of Chinese characters contains rich cultural connotations. Through glyph analysis, we can better grasp the shape, sound, and meaning of Chinese characters. However, in the process of daily learning Chinese characters, we often fail to grasp the essentials, memorize by rote, and cannot achieve satisfactory learning results.

In order to facilitate everyone to better learn Chinese characters, we have compiled the book "500 Cases of Chinese Character Etymology and Application Analysis".

It is the source of China's long-standing culture, with a history of thousands of years without interruption

"500 Cases of Chinese Character Etymology and Application Analysis"

The book sorts out the etymology of the commonly used basic Chinese characters, so that the learner knows what it is and why it is so, and sorts out the meaning of the single word, which plays the role of outline and collar, so that the learner can touch the bypass. This can change the way chinese characters are learned by rote, improve the interest in learning, and deepen the love of Chinese character culture.

Based on 100 commonly used Chinese characters, the book selects 500 examples of Chinese characters that are frequently used, actively explorable, and have rich meanings, as well as those that are not commonly used but are the first chinese characters. Most of these words can be traced back to the way oracle bones are written, and their original meaning can be explored according to their glyphs. A small number of Chinese characters with unclear or no oracle bone writing are also included in this book because they often appear in the Chinese texts of the Chugao Dynasty, or because their configuration is closely related to the original meaning.

It is the source of China's long-standing culture, with a history of thousands of years without interruption

The evolution of "word" and "army"

This book is first listed in the preparation of glyphs, and strives to present and explain the evolution of a word from oracle bone to letter. Then, the original meaning of the glyph is analyzed, and combined with the explanation of the "Explanation of Characters in The Sayings", supplemented by the use of examples in the literature, a series of related extended meanings of Chinese characters developed from the original meaning are further sorted out. In addition, if it is a radical word, it indicates the meaning of the radical; if it is a close word or a homophone, it is analyzed; if the word contains rich cultural connotations or has a related idiom, it is further expanded to explain. At the back of the book, a stroke search form is attached for easy reader search and use.

This book can be used as an extracurricular reading material for junior high school students, high school students, and college students to learn Chinese language, as well as as a reference material for teachers' teaching, and is also suitable for readers and friends who are interested in Chinese character culture. The first part of the book was written by Hong Biao, and the second part was jointly completed by Fan Yinan, Gao Zhuo, Jiang Shan, Qiu Xiaochen, Zhang Yu, and Zhu Tian, and Hong Biao and Zhu Tian were responsible for the overall manuscript and revision of the whole book. In the process of writing, we refer to the relevant achievements of Hanyu research, and refer to our own understanding and judgment. If there is any inaccuracy, please criticize and correct it.

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