
Bai Ejuan reviewed with her new song "I Need You" and warmly embraced the winter

author:Hujiang Korean
Bai Ejuan reviewed with her new song "I Need You" and warmly embraced the winter

Baek-yeon returns to warm winter emotional music.

Bai Ejuan returns through the sensual music of the warm winter day.

Today (24th) at 6:00 p.m., Baek-yeon's new digital single "I Need You" was removed.

Today (24th) at 6 p.m., Bai Ejuan's new single "I Need You" unveiled the mystery.

The new song "Not Cold" is a song of the R&b genre that makes the most of the emotion and voice of the white child that will warm up the cold winter.

The new song "I Need You" is an R&B type song that maximizes the sensibility and voice of Bai Ejuan's warm and cold winter days, and the composition was given to Lu Zhouhuan, who has written popular songs such as "Night", "Sunrise", "Crossroads" and other popular songs, and is also a song that shows simple lyrics and toxic melodies of high school.

In addition, the song, which is a subtle mix of acoustic synthesizers and other instruments, captures the ears of listeners with a sophisticated atmosphere that is different from the usual R&B.

In addition, this song is different from the general R&B, using electronic synthesizers and other electronic synthesizers to mix the sounds of various instruments together wonderfully, showing the feeling of the original sound, highlighting the capable atmosphere, and capturing the ears of the listener.

In particular, the lyrics contain the hearts of those who miss the ordinary life before COVID-19, along with their longing for a parting lover, resonate deeply with listeners.

In particular, the description of the mood of the public in the lyrics, including the thought of the lover after the breakup, the miss of the ordinary life before the new crown epidemic, etc., resonated with the audience.

"You've never said that cold words with your lips/ I've left you/Little by little, you get anxious over time/How do you do that, you can't stop tears already."

"The words that come out of my lips are cold parting words / I never said I was going to leave you / The more time passes, the more uneasy I become / What should I do, the tears can't be stopped"

"I need you like a stove not to be cold/Where are you going to smile when you hugged me/Come back to me waiting late/You leave you knowing you can't live without me/A day without you/I think it's going to be a day/nothing."

"Don't let me chill I need you like a stove / You who once held me and smiled at me Where have you gone / It's not too late Please come back to me who is waiting for you / You know that I can't live without you, how do you still leave / Months are fleeting Days without you / I'm afraid I'm pretending I'm fine"

A white-and-white table ballad that resonates deeply with each song. Many listeners are reacting hotly to Baek's return after only six months.

Bai Ejuan can resonate with everyone every time she plays a song, and is beautifully known as Bai Ejuan brand lyric song, Bai Ejuan returns after 6 months, and the audience also has a warm response.

On the other hand, the music video featuring Baek-yeon's new digital single "Not Cold" and actor Yoon Park is now available through various music websites and YouTube channels.

Now you can listen to Bai Ejuan's new single "I Need You" on various audio source websites and Youtube channels, as well as the MV starring actor Yin Bo.

Key vocabulary

베일 [noun] veil, mystery veil

어쿠스틱 [noun] original sound

신시사이저[Noun] electronic synthesizer

절묘하게 [adverb] is wonderfully

자아내다 [verb] is triggered, created

Emphasis on grammar

I look at it

Gist: Express doubts or concerns.


I was worried about the bar coming to the bar on my wedding day.

Worry about rain on your wedding day.

I don't know how nervous I was because I was afraid I'd make a mistake in front of an adult.

Afraid of making mistakes in front of your elders, you don't know how nervous you are.

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