
The baby girl was critically ill twice! This virus, which is very similar to a cold, is entering a high incidence period

author:DrX said

There is a disease that sounds very romantic, but is actually very dangerous, called "kissing disease".

I have reported many related cases in the media before:

Someone was taken to the hospital overnight for kissing his girlfriend

The baby girl was critically ill twice! This virus, which is very similar to a cold, is entering a high incidence period

Some babies were kissed by their relatives, and as a result, they had a high fever that night, and finally even collapsed.

The baby girl was critically ill twice! This virus, which is very similar to a cold, is entering a high incidence period

At present, it has entered the late autumn, and this disease has reached a high incidence period. In addition, the new crown epidemic still appears from time to time, which also leads to many people once sick in the diagnosis and treatment of more difficulties, whether adults or children, should be vigilant!

The female doll is critically ill twice, and the "kissing disease" cannot be underestimated!

This is a message from a reader who said that her daughter was hospitalized for "kissing disease" and has just been discharged. At that time, the indicator of liver damage was more than 1200, and during this period, doctors even issued two critical illness notices. This virus is actually not so scary, but the complications are too scary...

The baby girl was critically ill twice! This virus, which is very similar to a cold, is entering a high incidence period

Liver damage index 1200, twice issued a critical illness notice... When you see these words, do you also panic? Entering the main topic, what is this "kissing disease"? Why is it so scary?

"Kissing disease" is just our colloquial name, its scientific name is infectious mononucleosis, mainly caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (human herpes virus type 4), this disease can occur throughout the year, mostly in autumn and winter.

The reason why the EB virus is terrible is mainly because of 3 points:

(1) More than 95% of adults carry Epstein-Barr virus, and this virus is highly prevalent in children aged 4-6 years;

(2) There are many ways of EBV infection, such as kissing, sharing tableware, droplets and mouth-to-mouth feeding;

(3) Epstein-Barr virus is very similar to the cold, but more serious than the cold, once the infection may invade our various organs and tissues, and cause a variety of serious complications, such as meningitis, pneumonia, myocarditis, intracranial hemorrhage, sepsis, respiratory obstruction, liver function damage and liver failure.

It is very similar to influenza and is easily misdiagnosed

In the actual cases I have been exposed to, many people are obviously infected with EBV, but because the symptoms are too similar to the flu at the beginning, the patients mistakenly think that they are just the flu, and as a result, they repeatedly delay the disease, and even cause various serious consequences.

Epstein-Barr infection and influenza are indeed very similar, but there are some differences!

Influenza: Influenza is mainly transmitted by droplets and contact infection, or there is contact with contaminated products. The incubation period of influenza is very short, generally only 1-3 days, and the course of the disease is also short of about one week.

The most typical symptom of influenza is fever accompanied by chills, which lasts for about 3-6 days, and at the same time, there will be different degrees of pain in the head, throat, stomach and muscles of the whole body.

The baby girl was critically ill twice! This virus, which is very similar to a cold, is entering a high incidence period

EPV: The route of transmission is more extensive than the flu, as we already said. The incubation period is relatively long, generally 10-14 days, and the course of the disease is more than one week.

The fever cycle is also longer than the flu, basically about a week, in addition to fever headaches, there will be fatigue, lymphadenopathy, liver, rash and eyelid edema.

Therefore, when there is a persistent fever for more than a week, the body temperature fluctuates around 39 °; the eyelids are puffy, sore throat, tonsils are red and swollen, and the lymph nodes are also enlarged; the rash (about 10% of children will have this symptom); and the liver is enlarged (about 20% of children will have this symptom), whether it is yourself or children, you must go to the hospital immediately.

Only early detection can achieve early treatment, otherwise it will often be very tricky to develop the complications mentioned above, not only the patient's suffering family is worried, but even left sequelae.

How can I prevent EPV infection?

(1) To prevent any disease, the first thing to do is to improve immunity. So don't overwork your child, pay attention to rest, and move in moderation.

(2) Epstein-Barr virus because the infectious disease is very strong, so do not let the child in a closed environment for too long, if someone indoors are sick, it is easy to be infected.

(3) Develop good hygiene habits, usually teach children to wash their hands more and pay attention to personal hygiene.

The baby girl was critically ill twice! This virus, which is very similar to a cold, is entering a high incidence period

Special reminder!

Because EBV infection is also called "kissing disease", we can also know that the main transmission route of this disease is mainly saliva through oral transmission.

This requires us not to kiss the child casually, whether it is others or ourselves do not kiss the child, because the adult population contains more than hundreds of bacteria, there are more than 270 kinds of diseases transmitted through kissing alone, you can imagine how much burden your kiss will bring to the child!

In addition to kissing, it is best not to have close contact with the child in the following cases, let alone kiss the child:

(1) In the case of heavy makeup;

(2) In case of herpes on the face;

(3) Colds and coughs, etc.;

(4) In the case of clear infection with Helicobacter pylori;

(5) Clear cases of infection with Epstein-Barr virus;

(6) In the case of suffering from various oral diseases.

The baby girl was critically ill twice! This virus, which is very similar to a cold, is entering a high incidence period

Another point is that some people think that since they can't kiss the child's face, they should kiss the child's hands and feet. This is also not possible!

Because children, especially infants and young children, often like to suck their own hands and feet, if their hands and feet have just been kissed by you, this is also at risk of infection.

Dr.X says:

There are many ways we love our children, and we don't necessarily have to express our love through kissing, especially in this season of high EBV, your love may put your child in a place of perdition. In addition to children, adults will also be infected with the Epstein-Barr virus, so no matter what the crowd, after the appearance of symptoms similar to a cold in this season, do not take it lightly and do not drag it, thinking that carrying it will pass!

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