
Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

author:National Geographic Chinese Network
Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue
Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

Sail to the Ali area, next to the national highway, to an unknown lake

"The roof of the roof of the world",

The average altitude is 4500 meters;

One of the least densely populated regions in the world;

Himalayas, Gundies,

Mountains such as the Karakoram and the Kunlun Mountains meet here,

Here is the "Ancestor of Ten Thousand Mountains";

The birthplace of the Brahmaputra, the Indus, and the Ganges,

Here is the "source of a hundred rivers"——

Ali area.

Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

Zazhnam mu wrong

Located in the southwestern border of China,

The core of the Changtang Plateau;

The most beautiful forbidden area for human beings;

And sure enough, it is too close to "heaven",

The oxygen content is only about half of the plain;

Here is the existence of the word "secret place",

Follow the author of this article to the "Ali Little North Line",

This "blue of the secret realm" is in the soul at a glance.

(※Route map attached at the end of this article)

Written and photographed by Tony Star

Dream Ali

The sky and lakes in the Ali area are like the purest blue on the canvas; the picture shows the unknown lake encountered next to the national highway, like a "mirror in the sky".

Ali dominates the southwestern border of China and is the heart of the Changtang Plateau. With an average altitude of 4,500 meters, it is the highest on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and is known as the "roof ridge" of the "roof of the world". From ancient times to the present, the uplift of the earth's crust, the sedimentation of mountains and rivers and lakes, the cutting of flowing water, weathering and erosion, nature has created a completely different landform such as snowy mountains, glaciers, earth forests, grasslands, lakes and so on in a brutal and powerful way, and a unique wilderness beauty with the snowy plateau.

Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

In the Ganges Mountains, in addition to the Mapon Yongcuo, there is also a small lake, that is, the Laon Mistake. Compared with Lake Mapan, The Laang Choo, which is historically located on the west side of Lake Mapan, has always been neglected and unknown to ordinary people.

This is my third time in Tibet.

※This time, the self-driving passed through the Shannan, Shigatse, Ali area, nagqu. Ali has many lines to choose from, the most comprehensive is the Ali Great Ring Line, there are also Ali South Line, North Line and Central North Line, and there are many partial gate lines - for the time being, call my line "Ali Little North Line". The northern route passes through many lakes; in Tibet Lake is also called "wrong", so there is also the saying that Ali is "wrong again and again".

Turquoise scattered by goddesses: Houzang Shigatse

Lhasa and Shannan are called "Former Tibet"; "Later Tibet" is the city of Shigatse. As long as you go to Shigatse, you will basically come to one of the three sacred lakes in Tibet in The Langzika County of Shannan, Yang Zhuo Yongcuo.

Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

The blue of Yang Zhuoyong will change with the weather and light, dark blue, light blue, peacock blue, blue is unpredictable.

Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

In June, the lake is full of golden canola flowers. Halfway up the mountainside, the golden, green and blue reflect each other.

Heading towards Gyantse County, before reaching the Karola Glacier, there is a wild spot. Two "mistakes" appear under a glacier.

Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

The sign on the side of the road is marked with The Wrong Sheep, but the map shows the Qiangning Mistake, and there is little information about it, which is most likely due to the melting snow water of the glacier that has formed a dammed lake here.

Onn Ren Lang Mistake Natural Palette

If you take the Ali Southern Line, you will reach Saga County and you will need a border guard permit; if you go to Sangsang Town, you will not need to take the Northern Line.

Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

Passing through the Road of Lulong Village is next to the lang wrong, the wave wrong is actually not well-known, many people do not even know its name, there is no religious legend leaning over, but do not miss it.

Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

Wave mistake

Plateau Amber ZazhNanMu wrong

Zazhinam Mucuo, known as the translucent amber of the plateau, is the third largest lake in the entire Tibet Autonomous Region in the territory of Ali Choqin County. The lake is mainly replenished by meltwater from snow and ice. Wrong Qin, the Tibetan word means "great lake", "sea".

Zazhinan Mukso was formed in a tectonic basin that fractured and fell during the uplift of the plateau, and the northern side of the lake is an undulating mountain, near and far, staggered.

Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

Or looking at the distance or standing on the edge of the Lake in The South of Zari, the blue is a little unreal, as if it should not appear in the mortal world.

Lost Kingdom, Xanadu Wenbu South Village

Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

When the jayon wrong shore

Among the lakes scattered around Tibet, only a very few can be named after "Yongcuo", including Dangya Yongcuo. "Dangya" is the Zhang-zhung word for lake. Formed 3 million years ago, Dangya Yongcuo is the most important "sacred lake" of Bon.

Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

In Wenbu South Village, you can directly view Daguo Snow Mountain, which is located on the south side of the lake and is composed of seven peaks, with snow at the top and mountains and lakes opposite.

Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

In July 2020, Comet Shinchi appeared in the universe of many countries, making it the brightest comet observed in the Northern Hemisphere since Comet Haier-Pop in 1997. This day was the last day of the new wisdom comet shooting window period - when the jay yong mistakenly had the luck to encounter.

Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

The once glorious kingdom of Zhangxiong was located on the shore of Dangya Yongcuo; until the rise of Tubo and Songtsen Gampo sent troops to this place, the grand battle took place next to Dangya Yongcuo. The stars have shifted, the dynasty has prospered and declined, this blue has not changed, and the people who have multiplied and lived in this world and earth for generations.

Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

When it rains when wenbu township next to the dome comes to the lake, the snow-capped mountains in the distance loom under the clouds. The green plants next to Wenbu Township should be locally grown barley.

Mistake after mistake, the mighty Devil's Lake

This day is to truly see the "one mistake after another" - successive encounters with Da Ze wrong, Wu Ru wrong, proper rule wrong, Selin wrong, wrong E, namu wrong.

Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

Da is wrong

From Nyima County, the first person to encounter is Dazecuo, also known as Dakci Lake, Dagzi Lake, Tibetan meaning Huding Lake, located in a fault basin in Nyima County, Nagqu Region, in the northern part of the Changtang Plateau. Dazecuo is the largest deep-saltwater lake north of the Tibet Autonomous Region's Hei'a Highway.

Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

The Changtang National Nature Reserve is distributed in the two prefectures of Nagqu and Ali in Tibet, and is currently the highest and largest nature reserve in China, with an area of 298,000 square kilometers and an average altitude of more than 5,000 meters.

At an altitude of 4,554 meters and an area of nearly 400 square kilometers, Wu Rucuo is shaped from the air or on a map like an eagle swooping down and pecking, so it means "Eagle Lake" in Tibetan.

Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

Far behind Wu Rucuo's body is the Chalazapo Sacred Mountain, which is 5816 meters above sea level.

Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

The area is 120 square kilometers, which is relatively close to the road.

Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

Selin is mistaken, which means "mighty devil's lake" in Tibetan.

There is a long legend in the Changtang grassland: the great devil Selin, who devours thousands of lives every day, makes the locals feel frightened, but is finally surrendered by the powerful Lotus Peanut Master, who expelled the Lotus Forest into a large turbid lake on the northern Tibetan plateau and ordered him never to leave this lake - "Devil Lake" Selin mistakenly got its name.

Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

The forest is on the wrong shore, the stone houses of the locals.

Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

The lake surface is 4562 meters above sea level, the lake area is about 244 square kilometers, the lake water is classified as a brackish freshwater lake according to the degree of mineralization, and the aquatic plants in the lake grow luxuriantly around the bird islands and are rich in fish resources.

Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

It is said that because the lake is as deep blue as emerald, crystal clear, so beautiful that people are caught off guard and stunned, it is called wrong.

Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

After passing through the village of Tongrong, it will pass between Selin cuo and its satellite lake Chou E, and the two are only a few hundred meters away from each other, and they are about to "merge". On the left is the Selin wrong, and on the right is the wrong jaw.

According to the research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, rainfall, glacier melting, and evaporation reduction have different degrees of influence on the expansion of Selincuo, of which increased precipitation is the main factor for Selincuo's growth. As a result of global warming, the rainfall in northern Tibet, which was unusually dry, has increased year by year, and Serincuo has increased its area by more than 40% in the past 40 years, not only replacing Namtso as the largest lake in Tibet, but also likely to continue to surpass Qinghai Lake to become the largest lake in China.

Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

The third encounter with Nami

Known as the lake closest to heaven, Namtso is one of the "Three Holy Lakes" of Tibet and the highest saltwater lake in the world. Namtso east of the Nian Tanggula Mountains, south of the Ganges Mountains, north of the hills of the Northern Tibetan Plateau, there are five islands on the lake, legend is the embodiment of the Five Buddhas, lying quietly on the lake.

Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

Aerial photographs of roads, where the water from the lakeshore flows, form a texture of the earth

※This article "Ali Xiaobei Line" route map: starting from Lhasa, along the red line clockwise

Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

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Tibet Ali, heaven from here turned blue

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