
"Open The Heart World": How sad it is to live, so that two girls can become lace edges

author:Muxi Entertainment Club
"Open The Heart World": How sad it is to live, so that two girls can become lace edges

"My heart is like a fallen leaf, pushed into the rock by the rushing current." The delicate emotions of the babbling water are the light of the cold wind, the mutual protection of lonely souls, and the happy city of each other.

The overall style of the film "Open Heart World" is deeply moving, through the introverted expression of lust, no less than the sacrifice of any couple, the times always make these lovers can only become each other's memories.

"Open The Heart World": How sad it is to live, so that two girls can become lace edges

It is a very literary lesbian film, but it seems that only literature and art are left. The director seems to have set up a cage at the beginning, allowing the two to enjoy a moment of love in the cage. Black soil, oil lamps, pastures, blizzards... These scenes constitute a picture of a gray northern working family, where everything is isolated and everything is alienated.

To be honest, I personally don't like this kind of diary narrative very much, and there are too many inner monologues to make me sit still. The lines are as beautiful as reading a poem, but every sentence makes me suffocate, too depressed, how can such a life last?

"Open The Heart World": How sad it is to live, so that two girls can become lace edges

Under the cold and quiet of this external environment, people's hearts are becoming more and more lonely. Like a candle in a room under a snowy night, the fire beats, trying to exhaust itself. But in this solitude of wear and tear, both sides see another candle, and they have similar dilemmas. But love for them can only be a short-lived condiment, and excessive extravagance is the beginning of the end.

Unfortunately, love is a luxury of desire, which surprises people and makes people blind. This blindness makes them forget the external pressure that has always existed. So the story ends with the death of one of the parties, because if the death of one of them is the end, the candles of both sides may not be burned out, and they will be blown out by the wind and snow outside the window.

"Open The Heart World": How sad it is to live, so that two girls can become lace edges

From "Carol" to "Burning Girl" to this one, one is more "pure" than the other, with a pejorative meaning of "pure". The background of the whole society has been diluted, and the director does not want to explore anything profound, he wants to show the "purity" of this emotion, that is, to weave a beautiful illusion, and then let the illusion shatter.

Try to think about it, swapping two female protagonists for a man and a woman, or two males – the protagonists becoming two female protagonists and their husbands, wow, the story hasn't changed anything, isn't that an empty story? Carol and the director of Brokeback Mountain understand that the portrayal of the social background is necessary, and love is to unfold in the social context, but this social background has nothing.

"Open The Heart World": How sad it is to live, so that two girls can become lace edges

Writing love for the sake of writing love, instead turning love into empty love, love without a kernel.

One is sad because his daughter is dead; one is snubbed because he can't get pregnant; the two meet, and the friendship is getting better and better, and slowly develops into love. There is a clip in which a family was burned to death because the eldest daughter overturned the oil lamp, and the heroine really cried with tears in her heart and lungs, just like her own daughter.

"Open The Heart World": How sad it is to live, so that two girls can become lace edges

It may be that gay-related movies have been watched a lot, and the real satisfaction at present is probably "Burning Girl Figure", which also happens to show the story of two repressed women and then come together and then have to separate, to be honest, whether it is the expression of emotions and the grasp of rhythm are not as good as "Burned Girl Figure".

Except for a bit similar to the idea of "Brokeback Mountain", the rest is OK. Especially suitable for girls to see alone, the two heroines are actually not particularly beautiful women, but the director can magically shoot the elegant temperament without dead ends, and the beauty is sublimated and has an aura under the role of rendering.

"Open The Heart World": How sad it is to live, so that two girls can become lace edges

"I'm afraid I'll catch you a cold", "You smell like a cookie" The words are beautiful to death. Sometimes I think about how sad life is, so that the two girls have become lace, how beautiful love is to make two girls fall into a whirlpool of love.

The only thing that is dissatisfied is that the soundtrack is too full, there are too many monologues, is it necessary to explain what can be said through the lens with a large monologue? Snow, burning houses, homosexuality in the 19th century was like death. The same illness lost two of my favorite women, and the music really made me sleepy.

"Open The Heart World": How sad it is to live, so that two girls can become lace edges

The beauty of the two heroines has not been immersed enough, pulling chicken feathers together, washing clothes, basking in the sun, the beauty is always too short and too little. It feels better than burning a portrait of a woman. He resonates with Agai, awe and fear of love, shy and enthusiastic.

The definition of life has since been different, and the scars of pain have been repaired. However, this is only a moment of joy and indulgence brought about by a short dream. Repeated torture will only continue to recognize the truth of reality and the shackles that are difficult to escape.

"Open The Heart World": How sad it is to live, so that two girls can become lace edges

The literary atmosphere is strong, and the lines are like poetry, full of feminine sensitivity and delicacy. In a barren and cold world, they create a love that has no precedent. Naturally it is a good movie, but this subject is too sad and tearful, when can beautiful women have a happy love?

"Open The Heart World": How sad it is to live, so that two girls can become lace edges

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