
Don't spit unhappily! 7 reasons why "Tiger Guts" is a big disappointment

author:Movie Corner

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Don't spit unhappily! 7 reasons why "Tiger Guts" is a big disappointment

After a six-month low-key release in the United States at the beginning of the year, the remake of "Raptor Freaks" starring Bruce Willis was finally released in domestic cinemas this week. So far, its North American box office has barely exceeded the $30 million cost line, and it can be said without hesitation that basically domestic audiences have little interest in this movie.

This remake of the film tries to make the 1974 Charles Bronson starring the thriller revenge thriller "Raptors Stranger" keep pace with the times and be more in line with the current social trend, but unfortunately foreign film critics and audiences do not buy it, and there is basically no hope of forming a new film series like the original.

Willis's performance this time still makes people nostalgic for his youthful affinity, and the film is completely devoid of any subversive innovations, mixed with quite crowded films of the same type.

In North America, the gun control issues involved in "The Killer" are more controversial, and MGM seems to take pride in pandering to the right-wing crowd that favors gun freedom, but oddly enough, those gun advocates are also indifferent to the film.

If you're still curious about the movie, take advantage of the Mid-Autumn Festival holidays to check it out in the theaters, where veteran action star Bruce Willis is in town. However, if you are disappointed after watching it, it is not surprising. After all, there are too many problems with this movie...

Don't spit unhappily! 7 reasons why "Tiger Guts" is a big disappointment

7. Bruce Willis's dismal performance

Undeniably, Bruce. Willis's career has fallen to the stage of "eating old books", mainly by starring in some low-cost, direct-selling thrillers to make a small profit.

By contrast, his ability to star in the remake of Eli Ross's "Raptors" — a film that would definitely be released in theaters proves that he's not in that bad shape, at least to show that Willis is still invited to appear in high-budget blockbuster films as always.

There are indeed moments of truth in this film where you see the star who became famous for "Die Hard" seems frustrated, but not as a character upset by the murder of his wife (Elizabeth Sue), but as an actor projecting his own painful encounters on the screen.

Apparently he's nowhere near as well matched with the character as the old lead actor Charles Bronson, and the protagonist Paul Casey's career change from architect to an internally traumatized surgeon would do more harm than good for Willis, because from his career, his role is very unconvincing.

Hopefully, M. Knight Shyamalan's "Mr. Glass" next year will help him get out of this gloomy situation, because he's playing it and we're uncomfortable watching it.

Don't spit unhappily! 7 reasons why "Tiger Guts" is a big disappointment

6. Joe Kanahan's unexpectedly clumsy script

If you're not careful, you might think that the screenplay for the film was pieced together by an anonymous writer or a group of screenwriters, but in fact it was done independently by the reputable Joe Kanahan.

Kanahan has written and directed a number of popular films such as "Narcotics Special Police" and "Man-Wolf Wars", not to mention other more stylistic action films such as "Smoke Choker" and "Dragon Strike Force", but unfortunately the scripts he submitted this time are far less than the previous ones.

Some people can't help but wonder if Kanahan didn't rush to complete the script in a short period of time after watching Bronson's original film, in order to quickly receive a salary.

The story routines pile up quickly, and the protagonist Paul Casey's transformation from a mild surgeon to a gun-wielding vengeful grim reaper is not convincing enough, and some self-defeating personality lines make you directly scorn and secretly resist it.

Don't spit unhappily! 7 reasons why "Tiger Guts" is a big disappointment

5. Style chaos

"Tiger Guts" has no idea what kind of movie it wants to be. A serious film that satirizes current events? Or is it a simple and crude B-grade violent film? Or do we really need to take it seriously?

The tone of the film oscillates between the tragic seriousness and the grotesque antics of a whimsical, resulting in a messy emotional atmosphere from beginning to end.

For example, Cauchy visits a gun store several times in the film, which explicitly emphasizes the absurdity of gun proliferation. It seems like the film was used as a joke, but a moment later, something terrible happened and the film returned to a serious banal tone. At least until Cauchy's revenge spree turned into a chaotic internet frenzy, the film was so serious and lacked a sense of humor.

The film goes in several different directions at the same time, but none of them are particularly satisfying or particularly interesting.

Don't spit unhappily! 7 reasons why "Tiger Guts" is a big disappointment

4. Eli Rose's disappointingly tedious directing

Although many people will think of Eli Rose as a weird director who only concocts junk horror films, a remake of a movie like "Raptors" is undoubtedly a more interesting choice than hiring cheap directors who are always assembly line workers and skilled.

Some of his relatively better films (i.e. "Bones Gone," "The Human Skin Inn, and Knock on the Door") are a bit of a bit of a taste, but they all have bright spots to look for, and even have a strange appeal, and honestly, that's what makes it interesting for him to direct this movie.

Sadly, we don't see a trace of Eli Rose's grotesque style in Daredevil, and it's easy to abandon the film without knowing the details, because it's more like a film debut of a second-rate TV director.

The scenes are mostly boring, and apart from some eye-catching gore scenes, Eli Rose's directing is as tiresome as Bruce Willis's performance from start to finish.

Don't spit unhappily! 7 reasons why "Tiger Guts" is a big disappointment

3. Funny and blunt current political commentary

Although the release of "Tiger Hunt" has been heavily criticized after several major shootings in the United States, this does not show that the film itself has any practical significance for the audience.

As a typical revenge thriller, no one expects more value from "TigerBladder", but Joe Kanahan's script clearly doesn't stop there, and "TigerBlade" publishes more eye-catching but not subtle commentary on current affairs than the more restrained original.

In a series of carefully edited montage footages, media personalities squash about the violence in the film, and while the film is not essentially glorifying Cauchy's violence — although it's basically certain that violence is countered, the clips often make you feel like you're watching a current affairs news discussion rather than a real movie.

The film's own marketing selling point is Bruce Willis's indiscriminate slaughter of "bad guys," and the film takes a long time to teach you that it's not right to do so.

Don't spit unhappily! 7 reasons why "Tiger Guts" is a big disappointment

2. Poor rhythm

While the 107-minute length of Daredevil may seem reasonable—only 10 minutes longer than the original—the poor pace may make you feel like the movie is much longer than it actually is. The mainland version was cut for 10 minutes, and to some extent we should be happy.

This remake took too long on the tragic death of Cauchy's wife, and before that used a lot of boring scenes to advance the "character development", while the time left to show the transformation process after Cauchy's widowhood was obviously insufficient.

You'll get impatient when you watch this movie, which highlights how tedious and unintended the film as a whole is.

Don't spit unhappily! 7 reasons why "Tiger Guts" is a big disappointment

1. This is a meaningless remake

Does anyone really want to see a remake of Raptors? And in the current political climate of frequent shootings, starring Bruce Willis, who is at the lowest point of his career!?

Although the film takes a relatively subversive route, it is still a soulless, unoriginal revenge thriller compared to the original bronson, and there have been at least hundreds of such genres in the past 40 years.

It's clear that MGM hopes to rework the long-dormant film series for a quick and easy comeback, but the mediocre box office of Daredevil so far has declared their aspirations completely shattered.

In any case, "Tiger Hunt" is not a good movie, but by listing all these bad flaws, at least two bright spots are revealed - bloody violence and brilliant supporting characters.

What do you think of "Tiger Guts"? Please state your opinion in the comments!

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