
Bruce Willis "appeared" in the premiere of "Tiger Hunt"

author:One day a day

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Premiering in Beijing on September 17, the action crime film "Tiger Guts Pursuit" is directed by Eli Ross, telling the story of "Tiger Guts" hero Bruce Willis who rises up to avenge and punish evil after the violent violence of his family. Bruce Willis, an old friend of Chinese min, said in the VCR that he wanted the audience to enjoy the film from different cultural perspectives. The film will be released nationwide on September 21.

Bruce Willis "appeared" in the premiere of "Tiger Hunt"

Peng Ke, a veteran film and television production director and founder of Paike Media, Wong Chi Ke, a Hong Kong director known for his fierce realistic works, and Jin Meiling, a famous young actor, were invited to attend the premiere and interacted with the audience after watching the film.

Different from the general action crime genre works, the movie "Tiger Courage Pursuit" has created a different revenge film, and the film shows the personality transformation of the family of a victim of a violent case. In the trailer released earlier, Paul's line "The culprits are still at large, I will take them out one by one", which makes people feel the anger and unwillingness of a husband and father. When the "angel" doctor put down the scalpel and changed into a hoodie to become the "god of death" to eliminate violence, Paul was no longer guarding the simple patient, but the victim of the violent case.

The film's line "My daughter is handcuffed, while the person who hurt her is at large and free" is lamentable, and among the works released at the same time in September, the film "Tiger Dare to Pursue the Murderer" is the only theatrical film that focuses on family safety. The male responsibility in the family advocated by the film, as well as the spiritual core of love and reunion, has attracted many fans.

As the lead actor of the film, Bruce Willis was not present in person, but he expressed his expectations to the Chinese audience through a VCR and sincerely thanked the producer, MGM Pictures, which is responsible for global distribution, and the Chinese distribution company. At the same time, he said that the character who continues to fight against the evil forces for his family makes him very curious and moved, and hopes that the audience can enjoy the film from different cultural perspectives.

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