
Garth Stein, I'm Waiting for You in the Rain, a warm, never give up, loving novel

author:Si Xi Qinghe fell in love with reading

"I'm waiting for you in the rain" loves this scene, every time you come back, standing in the drizzle, as far as your eyes can see, it's all you. Overflowing in the heart is peace of mind and steadfastness, warmth and happiness.

From the perspective of dog Enzo, this book tells the story of how professional racing driver Danny overcame difficulties, never gave up, and finally succeeded. The language is concise, the story is plain, and it tells what a dog has seen and heard.

With the dog's perspective and thinking as the main line, it is more objective, calm, rational and informative to narrate a touching and profound story.

The novel is narrated from the perspective of "Enzo", the text is simple, and the plot is direct. Tell us a story about family, pets, racing, but also interpret another interpretation of emotions, life and death and even the soul...

A story with a bleak process and a happy ending, there are thoughts on life, there is a perception of love, there is an exploration of the pursuit of life, there is an interpretation of loyalty, and there is an attachment to family affection!

A book about a dog's short life that transcends emotions. After reading the tear book, I regret that Enzo did not persist until he was reunited with Danny and Zoe and went to Italy to start a new life together; he was relieved that Danny had persevered through dangers and always insisted on the right decision and obtained the right place; he was touched by Enzo's encounter with Danny, a good racing driver, husband, father, and friend; more importantly, it evoked my memories of them...

Garth Stein, I'm Waiting for You in the Rain, a warm, never give up, loving novel

A warm novel full of love and touching, the author created this book from the perspective of Enzo, Enzo accompanied Danny through singleness, through wife, through childbirth, through slander, through lawsuits, through all the hardships and sufferings of life, but also at the most critical moment to save Danny, but also accompanied through the life of Danny racing, to the championship. All this, this feeling, they share with each other.

The scenery on our road is not necessarily beautiful, but since we have chosen to take the current path, we should bravely go on, no matter how many difficulties and obstacles, "as long as there is one percent hope, we will pay one hundred percent of our efforts."

A life leaves because the time has come. It learned what it should have learned, and it fulfilled its mission. As a dog, Enzo's mission is to accompany his master through the most painful period of his life. When the dark days pass, when the warm sun rises again, and its mission is completed, it is time to leave.

Life is very long, tests and setbacks will always come fairly and objectively, there is no need to pay an irreparable price in order to be obsessed with something, the road is still very long, as long as you are willing to climb up and have a backbone, everything will be hopeful.

In the adult world, there is no easy word. The cooler and thicker, the deeper the affection, may everyone be able to live affectionately in the cool and thin world.

Garth Stein, I'm Waiting for You in the Rain, a warm, never give up, loving novel

A very warm story, many years later, Dani has a successful career, Enzo's wish has also been fulfilled, with a dog to die, but also with a human body, in return for better companionship. "Where your eyes look, the car will go, where the heart is, where the warmth is" There will always be light in life, as long as you have light in your heart.

The continuation of love and hope, like a ray of starlight in the dark night, gives a little comfort to the confused people.

We strive to do well what we should do at every stage of our lives, we remain kind, we remain enthusiastic, we maintain the courage to face bad situations. Please believe that everything will be fine, please believe.

Life is an indomitable gesture, even if you have nothing, you have to fight for yourself.

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I'm Waiting for You in the Rain (Hardcover Edition) Book Genuine Photocopy Edition ¥58 Purchase

Very warm book, moved to cry! Please be kind to those around you, including small animals. The soul does not die, in the next life, in this life, any kind of existence is practice.

Garth Stein, I'm Waiting for You in the Rain, a warm, never give up, loving novel

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