
"Sogo Talks About Movies" "Social Network" - How did high-end players change the world?

author:Sony Movies

The Social Network | 《The Social Network》(2010)

Two days ago, Zhengzhou teachers' rather "grounded" training content was on the hot search:

"Sogo Talks About Movies" "Social Network" - How did high-end players change the world?

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"Sogo Talks About Movies" "Social Network" - How did high-end players change the world?

While playing a string of "hahahahaha" to show respect, Sogo couldn't help but think, is the intergenerational gap between the Internet now large enough to learn each other's language system?

Today, when mobile phones have become an extension of human limbs, social networks have long been an Internet product that everyone can't do without.

The various related discussions that have arisen from this have never stopped, what exactly does social networks bring us? Are people really pulling themselves closer to each other because of social networks?

The movie "Social Network" recommended by Sogo today can probably answer this question, which is hailed as "the most predictable movie in 10 years".

"Sogo Talks About Movies" "Social Network" - How did high-end players change the world?

If there's a list of "must-see movies for the early 21st century," Social Network is no doubt on the list, and this year is also its tenth year of release.

The film tells the story of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's entrepreneurial experience. Now people mention Ma Zong, most of them are the identity of the youngest billionaire in his history, and the expression of the suspected bionic robot...

"Sogo Talks About Movies" "Social Network" - How did high-end players change the world?

In 2003, Mark Zuckerberg, who was still a Harvard student, discovered the idea of a social networking site because of a chance operation, and later developed it into a pioneering social network on the Internet, but he encountered various troubles one after another, and gradually turned against his former friends...

"Sogo Talks About Movies" "Social Network" - How did high-end players change the world?

The film was directed by David Finch , who specializes in suspense films ( not David Lynch ! ) . Instead of taking the traditional inspirational route, the director uses fast-paced, cross-cutting, and non-linear storytelling to increase the tension and suspense of the story.

In addition, there are many elements in this film, so that many small partners think that they have opened 2 times the speed. Even the torch goddess at the beginning has not disappeared, and Ma Zong has begun to rattlle -

"Sogo Talks About Movies" "Social Network" - How did high-end players change the world?

The screenwriter of this film, Alan Sorkin, has written scripts including "Yihai Majestic Wind", "Penalty Into Gold", "Steve Jobs Biography", how to see it is very suitable for writing the story of "high IQ God". He also made a cameo appearance in the film as an advertiser, which is the following one.

"Sogo Talks About Movies" "Social Network" - How did high-end players change the world?

The film's fast pace, smooth editing, dreary tones, tight plot, and wonderful performances of the main actors have made the film known as "the most successful adaptation of celebrity deeds in recent years." And won the 83rd Academy Awards for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Adapted Screenplay and many other nominations, and finally won the "Best Adapted Screenplay" award, and also won the Golden Globe Award for Best Film that year.

As a generation of people who grew up with the Internet, the Internet is as important as breathing, and communication relies almost entirely on online social platforms, as if it can no longer be split. From "there is a step must return", "building a building", "stealing vegetables" to "spelling a single celebrity", "good morning, beating workers", "Versailles literature"...

For 10 years, the discussion of interpersonal relationships and online life has never stopped, when the "huh" issued by elders is understood as ridicule, when young people's sand sculpture emojis are interpreted as improper, and the rapid development of the Internet may really create an information gap between people. And "Social Network" may be the starting point for people to start reflecting on it.

"Sogo Talks About Movies" "Social Network" - How did high-end players change the world?

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