
Interpretation: Why is arrogance the first of the Seven Deadly Sins?


When I was in college, the homeroom teacher once showed us a movie "Seven Deadly Sins" in class, when I was only attracted by the thrilling and suspenseful plot of the film, shocked by the bloody and cruel hunting activities, I could not understand the bloody hatred between people, nor could I understand the crazy point of excluding dissidents under religious doctrines.

Interpretation: Why is arrogance the first of the Seven Deadly Sins?

In Catholic doctrine, there are "seven deadly sins"—lust, gluttony, greed, laziness, rage, jealousy, and arrogance. I don't understand why arrogance is the first of the "Seven Deadly Sins"?

Recently, in frequent work meetings, I witnessed some very interesting things, and I seemed to suddenly understand.

The company is a small and medium-sized production enterprises, operating for more than ten years, there is also some popularity in the industry, at the beginning of the year, the company "heavy money to recruit" brand operators to create brand potential.

Within a month, a group of new "brand people" gathered in the company to discuss the construction and work of the brand. Perhaps, before this, everyone was an "elite" in their respective industries and fields, but there were many meetings before and after this company, but the work has not been able to continue, but the complaints are rampant.

As one of them, in the process of attending the meeting, I found that whenever everyone discussed a certain topic, it seemed that there was a common feature, that is, to blame the loopholes in the other party's words and to be convinced of their own positions.

I remembered another thing, once I went to meet an entrepreneur, her business was very successful, within 2 years to kill the core store of a competitor in a certain industry in Zhengzhou, and opened 4 stores in the core business district.

When we first met, her first impression was arrogance.

Although she spoke and behaved gracefully and politely, and talked to me about her business layout planning, there was always a great swelling between her words, which made me feel very uncomfortable.

In fact, I understand that people are vain animals, hoping to be recognized and praised by others, but when this vanity appears in the guise of self-boasting and self-expansion, it will turn to arrogance.

Arrogance is actually a strong extension of the self, not allowing others to tame, and stopping all communication outside the door, perhaps this is the "original sin" of all "sins".

Lustful people know that they are horny;

Greedy people understand that they are greedy;

And arrogant people never feel arrogant.

I never think that everyone is born of a mother, especially after seeing the evil consequences of sentient beings, I feel more and more that the social morality of Confucianism's "benevolence, righteousness, wisdom and faith" and the personal virtue of "filial piety, loyalty, forgiveness and diligence" are lofty.

No matter how fancy and logical the Western packaging of "utilitarianism" is, it cannot hide the reality of blood.

Yesterday, when I saw who's latest real-time statistics on global outbreak deaths, I shivered and my nose soured.

For 3899172 lives, is the epidemic a biological and chemical weapon planned by the United States to restrict China's development? The truth is too thin.

As for the recently concluded G7 summit, Bai Zhenhua united with the European Union, Australia, Japan, India and other countries to continuously cue China, which is as disgusting as a beam-jumping clown.

Interpretation: Why is arrogance the first of the Seven Deadly Sins?

The United States, which has always regarded itself as a global hegemon, not only did not try its best to lead countries around the world to control the spread of the epidemic during the epidemic, but only wanted to fight a trade war and pass on losses.

Isn't the sacrifice of 600,000 people in the United States ironclad proof of its arrogance, selfishness, and arrogance? When Bai Zhenhua took the oath with the Bible in his hand, didn't he feel ironic?

In the end, ignorance and weakness are not the biggest obstacles to survival, arrogance is!

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