
Liu Wenzhi, a 108-year-old Sichuan female Red Army soldier, died Tomorrow morning, a farewell activity will be held in Chongqing

author:Red Star News

On September 29, Red Star News learned from Chongqing Textile Holdings (Group) Company that Comrade Liu Wenzhi, a retired cadre who enjoyed provincial (ministerial) medical treatment, died at the age of 108 at 18:08 on September 28, 2020, at the age of 108, the former secretary of the party branch of Chongqing Textile Holdings (Group) Company, the former secretary of the party branch of Chongqing Fourth Cotton Textile Factory in Sichuan Province, and the old Red Army.

It is reported that the farewell activity of Liu Wenzhi's body will be held at 9 a.m. on September 30 at the Shiqiaopu Funeral Home in Chongqing.

Liu Wenzhi, a 108-year-old Sichuan female Red Army soldier, died Tomorrow morning, a farewell activity will be held in Chongqing

Liu Wenzhi

Attached: Comrade Liu Wenzhi's resume

Liu Wenzhi, Han ethnicity, Sichuan Tongjiang people, born in September 1912, joined the revolutionary work in August 1933, joined the Communist Party of China in July 1948.

Comrade Liu Wenzhi, from August 1933 to December 1938, platoon leader of the Supply Department of the Red Fourth Army; from December 1938 to January 1945, the leader of the 385th Brigade was the leader of the garment factory; from January 1945 to September 1949, he was a cadre of the Cadre Training Team of the Sichuan Office of Yan'an and the Sichuan Cadre Team of the Southwest Service Regiment; from September 1949 to May 1952, he was the administrator of the Garment Factory of the Logistics Department of the Southwest Military Region and a cadre of the Southwest Textile Administration; from May 1952 to August 1956, From August 1956 to July 1958, he was a student of Chongqing Cultural Cadre School; from July 1958 to October 1980, he was the secretary of the Party Branch of chongqing Fourth Cotton Textile Factory; and in October 1980, he left his post to recuperate. In September 2009, he was approved by the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee to enjoy medical treatment at the level of vice mayor. In June 2011, with the approval of the Central Organization Department, he enjoyed the reimbursement of medical expenses according to the provincial (ministerial) level standards. In October 2019, it was approved by the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee to enjoy provincial (ministerial) medical treatment.

Red Star News reporter Wang Chao

Edited by Yu Manga

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Liu Wenzhi, a 108-year-old Sichuan female Red Army soldier, died Tomorrow morning, a farewell activity will be held in Chongqing

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