
The uncle who was released from prison starring the Japanese film emperor was praised by the famous director of the "Parasite" Gold Award

author:Worldview News Entertainment
The uncle who was released from prison starring the Japanese film emperor was praised by the famous director of the "Parasite" Gold Award

The movie "A Beautiful World", even the famous director of the "Parasite" Gold Award, Bong Joon-ho, couldn't help but praise it. (Photo/Courtesy of CATCHPLAY)

【Worldview News】The latest movie "A Beautiful World" starring Hiroshi Nishikawa and directed by Miwa Nishikawa released the preview Chinese of "A Beautiful World" yesterday, and even the famous director of the "Parasite" Gold Award, Bong Joon-ho, couldn't help but praise it: "Just by relying on facial expressions, eyes, subtle movements and limbs of the hands, you can show the character's past life so far, and I am once again impressed by Hiroshi's convincing acting skills of the service house!" ”

Played by Hiroshi Kosho, who was imprisoned for murder in his youth, and the stranger uncle who only returned to society after 13 years, he deeply interpreted the protagonist's naïve but instinctive and simple personality, as well as the desire to gain a foothold in society but was repeatedly frustrated.

"A Beautiful World" is adapted from the winner of the Naoki Award, an important award in the Japanese literary world; Ryuzo Sagi's original novel "Identity Account", and the well-known talented female director Mikazu Nishikawa is Hirokazu Kore-eda, who uses her works to reflect and care for the disadvantages in society, she said: "After reading this novel, I realized how difficult it is for a person who has deviated from the right track to return to normal life, is this society really willing to give people a second chance? ”

For the performance of Hiroshi Hiroshi, the director praised: "I think he is an actor who will devote himself to the role, he studies the script by himself, injects the character's personality, belief and the smallest details into the performance, I never asked him, but every time he walked into the camera, it must be the result of thousands of practices, and the spirit of his full devotion when making the film also inspired everyone present." ”

The story tells the story of a middle-aged former gang member, Masao Mikami (Hiroshi Mikami), who is imprisoned for murder for 13 years, and after his release, he is troubled by regulating society, finding a job, communicating with others, and getting used to his freedom, while also focusing on finding his mother who was scattered as a child. In the process of searching for his parents, he met people who were willing to help him, and finally found a place in mainstream society, but the process was not smooth....

The movie was officially released on Taiwan on July 30.

The uncle who was released from prison starring the Japanese film emperor was praised by the famous director of the "Parasite" Gold Award

"A Wonderful World" was officially released on July 30. Photo /CATCHPLAY provided

(Editor: Zhang Yijia)

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